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ZANU PF to replace Jacob Mudenda with Rugeje?

by Mandla Ndlovu
27 Aug 2019 at 12:54hrs | Views
A faction of ZANU PF is pushing for the removal of Speaker of Parliament Jacob Mudenda from his office over allegations of being corrupt, a ZANU PF Youth League source from Midlands has said.

Speaking to this reporter on Tuesday the Youth League member said, "As the League we made a resolution that certain individuals were being inconsistent with the values expected from deployed party officials and that they were going contradicting the President's fight against corruption.

"You will recall that when we made a press conference some of the names that we mentioned were Obert Mpofu and Jacob Mudenda. We are happy that Mupfumira is being dealt with through the courts now we want Mudenda to be recalled. He is the one who delayed the publishing of the NSSA report as we said in the press conference. We want all those officials who are being investigated by ZACC and the party Commission to recuse themselves from their offices while there are being subjected to the investigations."

Other party hardliners said the former National Political Commissar  Engelbert Rugeje was being touted as the person to replace Mudenda.

They said Rugeje was relieved of his duties and is waiting an appointment that the Politiburo said will be done in September and the position of speaker is most suited for him because he is a respected person who will carry his duties without fear or favour and carries with him the military weight.

The constitution of Zimbabwe in Section 126  says a speaker can be removed  if a resolution for the  removal from office  is passed by at least two-thirds of the total membership of the national Assembly.

Section 126 also says whenever there is a vacancy in the Office of the Speaker the National Assembly must without delay elect a person to fill the vacancy.

Efforts to get a comment from ZANU PF Spokesperson Ambassador Simon Khaya Moyo were fruitless at the time of writing.

Source - Byo24News