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Mat North police arrest attempted murder suspect

by Stephen Jakes
23 Jan 2024 at 07:41hrs | Views
POLICE in Matabeleland North have arrested a Hwange man for allegedly attempting to kill a local businessman using a wooden chair.

Matabeleland North police spokesperson Inspector Glory Banda confirmed the arrest of  a man he only identified as Simbi of Lukhosi business centre in Hwange for attempted murder.  

He said Simbi with no further particulars to support his identity has been on the run after he struck a local businessman with a wooden chair on the head over an unknown issue.

"On January 9, at 3pm, Sebastian Kwidini (63) was sitting alone in his shop at Lukhozi Business Centre in Hwange, when the accused person entered the shop and hit the complainant on the head with a wooden chair over unknown issues," Banda said.

"He left the scene quickly to avoid being seen by other people, later on, information came to the attention of the police through an informant who had been made aware of what had happened by the complainant, the police attended the scene."

He said Kwidini sustained injuries on the forehead and was referred to Colliery Hospital where he received treatment.

Indications are that this was not the first time in which Kwidini was assaulted by the same person  as he did the same in 2016.

Kwidini was referred to Mpilo Hospital for neurological treatment.

Police are appealing to the members of the public to value the sanctity of life. Banda aged people to always engage third parties when they are in dispute over some issues.

Source - Byo24News