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Zimbabwe police clash with protestors

by Byo24News
09 Apr 2011 at 19:48hrs | Views
Dozens of people were injured after riot police disrupted the praying for peace for Zimbabwe church service in Glen Norah. Police had earlier sealed the initial venue at St Peters Kubatana in Highfield.

The meeting that was organised by the civil society to pray for the nation had been moved to a Glen Norah church following a police blockade of the initial venue. Police threw more than thirty teargas canisters to disperse the people, assaulted some people who attended the prayer service including children and made Glen Norah impassable with the chaos.

Meanwhile, in the ensuing pandemonium, Shakespeare Mukoyi, the MDC Harare Province Vice Chairperson was kidnapped by Zanu PF thugs at the prayer meeting.  He was kidnapped just a few kilometres from Chitubu shops, in Glen Norah A, following a long chase by a mob of Zanu PF terror group √¢‚Ǩ‚Äú the same gang that tried to disrupt the Heal Zimbabwe memorialisation programme for five slain MDC activists on Wednesday.

The MDC is concerned and worried about his safety.

Source - Byo24News
More on: #Police, #MDC-T, #Violence