News / National
Inventory of the Chiyangwas' immovable assets
29 Nov 2013 at 02:59hrs | Views

1. Stand 422 Quinnington Township of Lot AD Quinnington measuring 4128 square metres, Salisbury DT 8683/97, DT 7155/2002.
2. Stand 707 being remainder of Subdivision C of the Grange measuring 60, 6869 hectares held under DT8322/2005.3. Stand 2453 Hatfield Township of Subdivision D of Subdivision B of Hatfield held under DT2686/2009 dated 22 May 2009.
4. Property held under DT 1001/2007.
5. Remainder of Stoneridge in Salisbury measuring 586, 7149 hectares held under DT 5428/2001.
6. Lot 1 of stand 223 of Quinnington township of Lot 1A Quinnington measuring 1, 6239 hectares held under DT 5929/1971, DT 3840/1988, DT 5418/2005 dated 23 June 2005.
7. Stand 19682 Harare Township of Stand 19675 Harare Township measuring 6, 1884 hectares held under DT 2037/59 dated 16 April 1959, DT 2688/09 dated 22 May 2009 and DT 5128/09.
8. Lot 1 of Lot 16A of Reitfontein measuring 4164 square metres held under DT 216/2013, DT 1614/58 and DT 1862/87 dated 26 March 1987.
9. Stand 65 Colne Valley Township 5 of Lot 7A Colne Valey measuring 7,5956 hectares held under DT 2037/59 and DT 2888/2009.
10. Stand 19682 Harare Township of Stand 19675 Harare Township measuring 6, 1884 hectares held under DT 2685/2009.
11. Stand 3789 Salisbury Township of stand 4450 Salisbury measuring 9959 square metres held under DT2685/2009.
12. Lot 3 of Delnadamph Estate measuring 5, 105 square metres held under DT 2683/09.
13. Stand 2453 Hatfield Township of Subdivision D of Hatfield measuring 2, 2876 hectares held under DT 2686/2009.
14. Stand 389 Derbyshire Township of Subdivision E of Derbyshire measuring 25, 8304 hectares held under DT8209/99.
15. Lot AD Quinnington measuring 5, 4867 hectares.
16. Stand 426 Quinnington Township of Lot AD Quinnington measuring 4002 square metres held under DT3532/56, DT 2770/83 and DT 8687/97.
17. Stand 402 Quinnington Township of Lot AD Quinnington held under DT 3499/93, DT 2770/83 and DT 750/2002.
18. Stand 3701 Salisbury Township of stand 4450 Salisbury measuring 1190 square metres held under DT 3455/48 and DT 5525/2007.
19. Property known as 26 Fleetwood Road, Alexandra Park.
20. Stand 120 Quinnington Township of Subdivision K of Quinnington of Borrowdale Estate measuring 86223 square metres held under DT3248/48, DT 785/56 and DT 7831/87.
21. Stand 121 Quinnington Township of subdivision K of Quinnington Township of Borrowdale Estate measuring 8135 square metres held under DT 3248/48, DT 3993/78 and DT 6855/85.
22. Stand 311 Quinnington township of lot 1A Quinnington measuring 23632 hectares held under DT 5285/73, DT 5897/85 and DT 2658/2002.
23. Subdivision 1 of Wilbered in Zvimba District of Mashonaland West Province measuring 1331.20 hectares.
24. Remainder of Stoneridge measuring 586, 7149 hectares held under DT1465/75 and DT5428/01.
25. Subdivision A of Subdivision A of Stoneridge measuring 13, 4188 hectares held under DT 25369/30, DT 1465/75 nad DT 5428/01.
26. Subdivision A of Odar measuring 8, 2283 hectares held under DT 25703/30, DT 1465/75 and DT 5428/01.
27. Subdivision 1 OF Sinoia Citrus in Makonde District of Mashonaland West Province measuring 3477 hectares.
28. Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Fern Rock Block C of Hatfield Estate measuring 40952 sqm held under DT 391/58 and DT 392/58.
29. Stand 532 Derbyshire Township of Shortson measuring 7 544 square metres.
30. Piece of land in Salisbury Shortson measuring 72 3652 hectares held under DT 2685/94 and DT 6238/2004.
31. Property in Chinhoyi held under DT 1674/63.
32. Sinoia Drift Farm, Chinhoyi measuring 901, 05 hectares held under DT 5709/85.
33. Sangwe farm, Chinhoyi measuring 845,67 hectares held under DT109/29.
34. Olympus farm, Chinhoyi measuring 2812,86 hectares.
35. Old citrus farm, Chinhoyi measuring 1416, 124 hectares held under DT 1674/63.
36. Strathcona farm, Chinhoyi measuring 1416,124 hectares held under DT 3924/94.
37. North Umzari farm Chinhoyi measuring 600, 217 hectares.
38. Remainder of subdivision A of Stoneridge measuring 589,5874 hectares held under DT 1567/46, DT 3634/03, DT 5021/07 and DT 5631/07.
39. Remainder of subdivision A of Stoneridge measuring 586,8960 hectares held under DT 5021/07 in favour of Pinnacle Holdings (Pvt)Ltd.
40. Lot 11 of Lot AB Quinnington measuring 8902 square metres held under DT4011/2002.
41. Lot 1 of stand 223 of Quinnington township of Lot 1A Quinnington measuring 1, 6239 hectares held under DT 5418/05 and DT 1247/12.
42. Property held under DT 5021/2007.
43. Remainder of Thornicroft park of Galway Estate measuring 17, 3104 hectares held under DT1965/45, DT 1540/2010, DT 1539/10 and DT 2193/86.
44. Stand 424 Quinnington township of Lot AD Quinnington measuring 4002 square metres held under DT 8685/97 and DT 7158/2002.
45. Property otherwise known as No. 11 Crowhill Road, Borrowdale.
46. Stand 420 Quinnington of Lot AD measuring 4003 square metres held under DT 8681/97 and DT 7153/2002.
47. Stand 419 Quinnington of Lot AD measuring 4002 square metres held under DT 8680/97 and DT 7152/02.
48. Stand 427 Quinnington of Lot AD measuring 4002 square metres held under DT 8688/97 and DT 7161/02.
49. Stand 421 Quinnington of Lot AD measuring 5281 square metres held under DT8682/97 and DT 7154/02.
50. Stand 418 Quinnington measuring 4056 square metres held under DT 8679/97 and DT 7151/02.
51. Stand 423 Quinnington measuring 5933 square metres held under DT 8684/97 and DT 7157/02.
52. Stand 425 Quinnington measuring 4002 square metres held under DT 8686/97 and DT 7159/02.
53. Stand 426 Quinnington measuring 4002 square metres held under DT 2770/83, 8687/97 and DT 7160/02.
54. Stand 422 Quinnington measuring 4128 square metres held under DT 8683/97 and DT 7155/02.
55. Stand 428 Quinnington measuring 4048 square metres held under DT 8689/97 and DT 7156/02.
56. STAND 3052 Bluffhill Township of Lot 13 of Bluffhill measuring 3, 7919 hectares held under DT4940/2006.
57. Remainder of Lot H Borrowdale Estates situated in the district of Salisbury held under DT2844/90.
58. Remainder of stand 24 of Lot C of Borrowdale Estate measuring 1, 0959 hectares held under DT 11252/2003.
59. Remainder of Lot 1 of stand 24 of lot C Borrowdale estate measuring 4067 square metres held under DT 3212/2003.
60. Properties under Brighthouse Investment P/L.
61. Stand 3523 Chinhoyi Township measuring 850 square metres in district Lomagundi held under DT 6952/2006.
62. Stand 418 Quinnington measuring 4056 square metres held under DT 8679/97 and DT 8656/05.
63. Property held under DT3840/1988.
64. Property held under DT 5418/2005.
65. Stand 7753 Salisbury Township of stand 4839 Salisbury Township measuring 2, 1194 hectares held under DT 9423/2000 and DT 1771/2003, Phillip Chiyangwa Trust.
66. Stand 625 Mandara Township 16 of Lot 7A Mandara measuring 6, 6867 hectares held under DT 1592/75 and DT 3432/2009. Pinnacle Property P/L.
67. Stand 2453 Hatfield Township of Subdivision B of Hatfield held under DT 2686/2009 and DT 2688/2009.
68. Stand 19682 Harare Township of stand 19675 measuring 6, 1184 hectares held under DT 2614/2009.
69. Stand 3789 Salisbury Township of stand 4450 Salisbury measuring 9959 square metres held under DT 2685/09.
70. Remainder of Lot 3 of Delnadamph Estate measuring 5105 square metres held under DT2683/2009.
71. Stand 65 Colne Valley Township 5 of Lot 7A Colne Valley measuring 7, 5956 hectares held under DT 2037/59.
72. STAND 19682 Harare Township of stand 19675 Harare Township measuring 6, 1884 hectares held under DT2614/2009.
73. Stand 3789 Salisbury township of stand 4450 Salisbury township measuring 9959 square metres held under DT 2685/2009.
74. Remainder of Lot 3 Delmadamph estate measuring 5105 square metres held under DT 2683/2009.
75. Stand 2453 Hatfield Township of subdivision b Hatfield measuring 2, 2876 hectares held under DT 2686/2009.
76. STAND 389 Derbyshire township of subdivision E of Derbyshire measuring 25 8304 hectares held under DT 8209/99.
77. Property held under DT 2888/2009.
78. Property held under DT 2688/2009.
79. Stand No. 7753 Salisbury Township of portion of stand 4839 Salisbury Township of Salisbury Township Lands held under DT 2246/47 and DT 9423/2000.
80. Lot 57 of Meyrick Park of Mabelreign in Salisbury measuring 1, 0553 hectares held under DT 2460/96 and DT 8442/90.
81. Stand 3507-3544 Chinhoyi township of Chinhoyi being residential Park medium density housing development of 38 units residential stands measuring 6, 0505 hectares valued at $675 000.00 as at 31 May 2008.
82. Lot 11 of Bluffhill, corner Northolt Drive and Lavenham Drive , East Bluffhill. A cluster of 120 units of residential stands with water supply and sewer connected and borehole drilled measuring 1, 0065 hectares and valued at $5 940 000.00 as at 31 May 2008.
83. Stand 3051 of Bluffhill, corner Northolt Drive and Lavenham Drive East Bluffhill being a cluster development of 57 units with water and sewer connected and borehole drilled measuring 1, 7385 hectares valued at $10 260 000.00 as at 31 May 2008.
84. Stand 3052 of Bluffhill, corner Northolt Drive and Lavenham Drive East Bluffhill being a primary school built on a stand measuring 3, 7919 hectares and valued at $6 300 000.00 as at 31 May 2008.
85. Remainder of Lot 13 Bluffhill, Corner Northolt drive and Lavenham Drive East, Bluffhill being a secondary school with 23 cluster houses and 36 Duplex Flats built on a stand measuring 7, 5291 hectares and valued at $19 300 000.00 as at 31 May 2008.
86. Stand 3341 Kadoma Township (stand 2620-3340 Blue Ranges) Kadoma being a residential development with 693 stands/units measuring 20,7900 hectares and valued at $1 600 000.00 as at 31 May 2008.
87. Stand 1-504 Eyecourt Township of Nyarungu estate being a development with a shopping centre, hotel/motel, and industrial stands measuring 46, 1270 hectares valued at $7 320 000.00 as at 31 May 2008.
88. Stand 389 of Derbyshire Township being a development with a shopping centre and industrial site measuring 7,2287 hectares valued at $1 210 000.00 as at 31 May 2008.
89. Stand 19345 harare township beong a development with residential stands measuring 10, 000 hectares and valued at $5 000 000.00 as at 31 May 2008.
90. Stand 913 Mandara Township being a cluster development of 26 units measuring 3, 1634 hectares valued at $7 840 000.00 as at 31 May 2008.
91. Subdivision C of The Grange (stands 566-712 the Grange Township) off Beeston avenue, a development with a five star hotel, 496 cluster homestead properties and 43 low density residential stands in total measuring 307, 957 hectares and valued at $12 010 000.00 as at 31 May 2008.
92. The remainder of Stoneridge a mixed use development with a shopping centre, institutions and residential developments measuring 586,7145 hectares and valued at $36 150 000.00 as at 31 May 2008.
93. Subdivision A of Stoneridge an agric-residental development measuring 8, 2283 hectares and valued at $1 340 000.00 as at 31 May 2008.
94. Subdivision A of Arda an agri-residental development measuring 8, 2283 hectares and valued at $820 000.00 as at 31 May 2008.
95. Stand 289 Willowvale Township, an industrial stand with 14 units measuring 0.9752 hectares and valued at $200 000.00 as at 31 May 2008.
96. STAND 10050 Chinhoyi Township being a hotel site measuring 1.4430 hectares and valued at $220 000.00 as at 31 May 2008.
97. Lot 8 of Hunyani, a hotel site IN Chinhoyi measuring 29.9077 hectares and valued at $4 490 000.00 as at 31 May 2008.
98. Stand 7538 Gweru Township in Gweru, a hotel site measuring 4.9534 hectares and valued at $920 000.00 as at 31 May 2008.
99. Stand 8432 Gweru Township in Gweru, a hotel site measuring 4.5934 hectares and valued at $390 000.00 as at 31 May 2008.
100. The remainder of subdivision A of stoneridge a mixed use development with a shopping centre, instituions and residential developments measuring 586,8960 hectares and valued at $63 480 000.00 AS AT 31 May 2008.
101. The remainder of Arda Farm being a mixed use development with a shopping centre, institutions and residential developments measuring 605,8092 hectares and valued at $75 730 000.00 as at 31 May 2008.
102. The remainder of A of the rest being a mixed use development with a shopping centre, institutions and residential developments measuring 1456,1440 hectares and valued at $36 400 000.00 AS AT 31 May 2008.
103. Stand 625 Mandara Township being a mixed use development with a shopping centre, institutions and residential developments measuring 6,6860 hectares abd valued at $3 340 000.00 as at 31 May 2008.
104. Stand 27406 Masvingo Township being a hotel on a stand measuring 1.9879 hectares and valued at $280 000.00 as at 31 May 2008.
105. A mixed use development with a shopping centre, institutions and residential developments in Kasese Township of Kariba measuring 65, 5325 hectares and valued at $7 910 000.00 as at 31 May 2008.
106. A lodge called Victoria Falls lodge in Victoria Falls built on a stand measuring 0.8000 hectares and valued at $320 000.00 as at 31 May 2008.
107. Stands 418-428 Quinnington Township of Lot AD Quinnington Borrowdale, Harare a development with 12 units of residential stands serviced with 7 boreholes and 3 reservoirs of water
108. Stand 288 Willowvale Township an industrial property measuring 0.6792 hectares and valued at $140 000.00 as at 31 May 2008.
109. Block D Avondale Township being an office complex in Broadlands with 1400 square metres with lettable office space on a stand measuring 0.1980 hectares and valued at $2 800 000.00 as at 31 May 2008.
1 Linchen Dale Village (Pvt) Ltd
2 Padley Investments (Pvt) Ltd
3 Magnet Metal & MFRS (Pvt) Ltd
4 Native Investments Africa Group (Pvt) Ltd
5 Pinnacle Property Holdings (Pvt) Ltd
6 Rectitude Investments (Pvt) Ltd
7 Rural & Urban Investments (Pvt) Ltd
8 Total Communications (Pvt) Ltd
9 Tainbos Investments (Pvt) Ltd
10 Phillip Chiyangwa Family Trust (Pvt) Ltd
11 Bovine Hides & Sign Procurement @ Export (Pvt) Ltd
12 Sensene Investments (Pvt) Ltd
13 Dispark Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd
14 Raulgrade Investments (Pvt) Ltd
15 Kiliman Investments (Pvt) Ltd
16 Brighthouse Investments (Pvt) Ltd
17 Kenwood Investments (Pvt) Ltd
18 Gabroc Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd
19 Jetmaster (Pvt) Ltd
20 Ripley (Pvt) Ltd
21 G.A. Investments (Pvt) Ltd
22 Shawdene (Pvt) Ltd
23 Ukubambana-Kubatana Investments (Pvt) Ltd
24 Building Suppliers (Pvt) Ltd
25 Stoneridge Estate
26 Pledgwick (Pvt) Ltd
27 Clear Horizon Creations (Pvt) Ltd
28 Halgor Estates (Pvt) Ltd
29 Finwood Investments (Pvt) Ltd
30 Value Quest Investments (Pvt) Ltd
31 Carey Farm (Pvt) Ltd
32 Ndarama Assets Management (Pvt) Ltd
33 Silkwood Engineering (Pvt) Ltd
34 Worldwide Investments (Pvt) Ltd
35 Ecofin Asset Management (Pvt) Ltd
36 Smasvalve Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd
37 Kufela Investments (Pvt) Ltd
38 Critall Hope Limited (Pvt) Ltd
40 Glory Car Hire (Pvt) Ltd
1. Chrysler Cross Fire motor vehicle valued at approximately $50 000-00
2. Range Rover Vogue motor vehicle valued at approximately $60 000-00
3. A Jeep motor vehicle valued at approximately $120 000-00
4. Chrysler Sebrin motor vehicle valued at approximately $60 000-00
5. Ford Ranger motor vehicle valued at approximately $70 000-00
6. Mercedes GL6 motor vehicle valued at approximately $300 000-00
7. A Bentley motor vehicle valued at approximately $350 000-00
8. A Rolls Royce Phantom motor vehicle valued at approximately $475 000-00
9. A fleet of Mercedes.
10. Substantial household goods and effects valued approximately $200 000-00
Source - chronicle