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RTG supervisor to perform 210 hours of community service

by Staff Reporter
22 Jan 2014 at 18:25hrs | Views
A Rainbow Tourism Group projects supervisor will perform 210 hours of community service after he was convicted of inflating a quotation to swindle the company of US$7 700.

Makiel Pikire (44), of No. 11145 Cold Comfort in Harare, was sentenced to 12 months in prison by Harare magistrate Ndaba Tsa-tsawani.

However, six months were set aside on condition he does not commit a similar offence in the next five years.

The remaining six months were suspended on condition he performs 210 hours of community service at Warren Park police station.

Pikire was facing fraud charges after he inflated a quotation for the acquisition of equipment for hotel rooms. The RTG was represented by its facilities manager, Mrs Renica Mapfunde.

Prosecutor Mr Desire Chidanire told the court that Pikire's duties at RTG included sourcing quotations from suppliers.

The court heard that in August last year RTG resolved to upgrade facilities in Rainbow Hotel rooms on the 10th floor of its South Wing.
Pikire was tasked to source for quotations for the acquisition of telephones and CCTV cameras.

The court heard that Pikire went to one of RTG's regular suppliers, Ristar Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd, and was given a quotation of US$6 302 for the equipment. He reportedly hatched a plan to defraud his employer. He influenced Ristar Zimbabwe management to inflate the quotation to US$14 032. Ristar Zimbabwe management pretended to agree and recorded their conversation with him.

They later reported Pikire to his employer. Pikire unknowingly took the inflated quotation to his superiors who challenged the price but he maintained that Ristar Zimbabwe was the only available supplier.

Subsequently RTG transferred US$14 032 to a Ristar Zimbabwe bank account.

On September 9, Ristar Zimbabwe approached RTG management and produced video footage of the discussion to inflate the price.
The matter was reported to police leading to Pikire's arrest.

Source - Herald