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Security forces to impose order in post Mugabe era

by Staff Reporter
30 Jan 2014 at 15:35hrs | Views
The security sector will "impose" order in the country in the event that serious divisions emerge within Zanu-PF following the departure of the ailing President Robert Mugabe, a party official has hinted.

Herald columnist Amai Jukwa, widely believed to be Zanu-PF deputy director for information Psychology Maziwisa hinted on the military take over discussion on micro blogging site Twitter.

Commenting on a story about the chaos rocking, Morgan Tsvangirai's MDC-T party, Conor Walsh posted, "...A house divided cannot stand. When Gushungo (Mugabe's totem) goes I know you know Zanu-PF will fall also."

Amai Jukwa did not deny the possibility of a Zanu-PF collapse in the post Mugabe era.

"Possibly but it's not a given. There is a very strong security apparatus that will possibly impose order," Amai Jukwa tweeted in response.

The MDC formations are on record calling for security sector reforms in Zimbabwe arguing that the security forces were aligned to Zanu-PF yet they were meant to be apolitical.

Police Commissioner General Augustine Chihuri, Zimbabwe Defence Forces commander Constantine Chiwenga and Prison Services boss Paradzai Zimondi have on different occasions publicly declared their allegiance to Zanu-PF.

In apparent reference to MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai in the run up to the 2008 harmonised elections, the three said they would not salute anyone without liberation war credentials.

Last year, Chiwenga and Chihuri publicly attacked Tsvangirai, dismissing reports that they had held secret meetings with emissaries from the MDC-T leader.

Source - Byo24News
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