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Prophet Makandiwa announces Judgement Night 2
29 Mar 2014 at 14:33hrs | Views

UNITED Family International Church (UFIC) founder Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa said his church will be doing a mass digital campaign of the Judgement Night 2 conference slated for April 19 at the National Sports Stadium.
UFIC will use its newly launched website and Facebook page to interact and disseminate information about what the church claims is its biggest event of the year.
Both the Facebook page - titled Judgement Night 2 and already has over 5,000 likes -and the website are being managed by the church's online team.
Speaking about the event during one of his sermons, Makandiwa said: "The whole nation is going to know that Jesus reigns. It has never happened anywhere. God is going to be blessing His people just begin to pray from now, from today from this night."
In 2012, UFIC announced that its Inaugural Judgement Night attracted more than a 100,000 local and international visitors. Among those present, were Minister, Webster Shamu, Zanu PF central committee member Nyasha Chikwinya, Tourism minister Walter Mzembi and Shurugwi South MP Anastasia Ndlovu. Businessman Philip Chiyangwa was also among the congregants.
Makandiwa cancelled the 2013 edition of his annual Easter programme dubbed Judgment Night, citing the lack of a suitable venue.
"The authorities of our usual venue, the National Sports Stadium, have refused us permission to use our chairs on the track around the pitch as we did last year. Last year, we had more than 45 000,chairs there which were all occupied and where do we sit all those people if we are refused permission? We have to see the potential chaos which will erupt as those outside try to force their way into the stadium and because of that, it is safe to call off this year's programme. I know most of you were now in the advanced stages of your departmental preparations and a lot of resources had already been put into the preparations, but we have no other option" he said while announcing the cancellation of the event last year.
When he launched Judgment Night two years ago, the youthful leader created furore among some sections of the Christian community who said his prophecies were "a misrepresentation of biblical facts". He also said God had told him that his followers' enemies were going to die during the Judgment Night - a claim which didn't go down too well with other Christians.
"As I was praying for this great night, God gave me a word. Gather my people this particular night (6 April) from every corner and on that night, I want you to tell them that I'm going to kill their enemy before morning. If poverty, sickness, bareness and lack are your enemy, you shall bury your enemy in the morning. This is going to be a night of judgement," Makandiwa said.
UFIC will use its newly launched website and Facebook page to interact and disseminate information about what the church claims is its biggest event of the year.
Both the Facebook page - titled Judgement Night 2 and already has over 5,000 likes -and the website are being managed by the church's online team.
Speaking about the event during one of his sermons, Makandiwa said: "The whole nation is going to know that Jesus reigns. It has never happened anywhere. God is going to be blessing His people just begin to pray from now, from today from this night."
In 2012, UFIC announced that its Inaugural Judgement Night attracted more than a 100,000 local and international visitors. Among those present, were Minister, Webster Shamu, Zanu PF central committee member Nyasha Chikwinya, Tourism minister Walter Mzembi and Shurugwi South MP Anastasia Ndlovu. Businessman Philip Chiyangwa was also among the congregants.
Makandiwa cancelled the 2013 edition of his annual Easter programme dubbed Judgment Night, citing the lack of a suitable venue.
"The authorities of our usual venue, the National Sports Stadium, have refused us permission to use our chairs on the track around the pitch as we did last year. Last year, we had more than 45 000,chairs there which were all occupied and where do we sit all those people if we are refused permission? We have to see the potential chaos which will erupt as those outside try to force their way into the stadium and because of that, it is safe to call off this year's programme. I know most of you were now in the advanced stages of your departmental preparations and a lot of resources had already been put into the preparations, but we have no other option" he said while announcing the cancellation of the event last year.
When he launched Judgment Night two years ago, the youthful leader created furore among some sections of the Christian community who said his prophecies were "a misrepresentation of biblical facts". He also said God had told him that his followers' enemies were going to die during the Judgment Night - a claim which didn't go down too well with other Christians.
"As I was praying for this great night, God gave me a word. Gather my people this particular night (6 April) from every corner and on that night, I want you to tell them that I'm going to kill their enemy before morning. If poverty, sickness, bareness and lack are your enemy, you shall bury your enemy in the morning. This is going to be a night of judgement," Makandiwa said.
Source - online