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Mugabe exposes Mujuru's sangomas and rituals
01 Mar 2015 at 11:47hrs | Views

President Mugabe yesterday revealed that former Vice-President Joice Mujuru approached traditional healers and performed wicked rituals in a bid to install herself as the country's leader.
At celebrations to mark the 29th anniversary of the 21st February Movement here, President Mugabe said at one point, Dr Mujuru roped in two Nigerian sangomas in her rabid pursuit of Zimbabwe's most powerful post.
The President said it was imperative to seek God over superstition.
"We managed to know what Mai Mujuru was doing at her house, even consulting n'angas. Pamwe zvatinomboitwa! (laughs) Pakambobatwa nyungururwi. Ndakange ndisingazive kuti dzinosiyana parudzi; kuita macolours akasiyana.
"Imwe yainzi itsvuku, imwe yaive nerumwe rudzi. Nyungururwi munodziziva? Dzinomhanya maningi dziya idzi. Ndokuiswa muchirongo chine mvura. Imwe ndoyainzi Mugabe, imwe Mujuru, dzichirovana ipapo. Kubva ndamboitwa nyungururwi ini? Zvatinomboitwa kuseri kwatisiri uko!"
He continued: "Recently, she invited two Nigerian sangomas. We heard that they were specialists in the field of witchcraft. They were specialists, yes, but specialists in robbing people, foolish people.
"Vakauya zvikanzi zvatinoita, zvinoita netsika yedu. Tsvagai huku gumi. Zvakare ndaitwa huku ipapo. Iyi Mugabe, iyi Mai (Grace) Mugabe, iyi (Emmerson) Mnangagwa - akaiswawo ipapo - nana(Ignatius) Chombo futi, aive neyake, kudakara tasvika gumi vainzi ava ndivo vanondidzivisa. Zvikanzi tinovabvisa nemaNigerian iwayo.
"Zvakanzi chekai musoro, Mugabe ndobva achekwa, Mai Mugabe guu. Chakangosara changove chimutumbi chehuku chachekwa musoro chave kungoti puu puu. Mnangagwawo nekwake puu, puu. MaNigerians iwayo. Ropa iroro rakazunzwa hameno zvakaitwa ipapo zveun'anga zvacho zvichinzi havararame kusvika pazuva ratinaro nhasi iri."
President Mugabe said the rituals were weird as they were conducted while Dr Mujuru was semi-nude.
"Izvozvo zvange zvichiitwa ivo vanzi bisai hembe. Bisai hembe; mazamu pachena, ugonzi unosara uku chete. Zvatinoitiswa vakomana! Mai vatakaenda navo kuChimurenga?"
The President said another round of rituals aimed at engineering his and the First Lady's death took place at Dr Mujuru's farm in Beatrice.
"Uko ndiko kwakanourayiwa shanu (hwai). Hameno kuti Mugabe wafa kare apa pashanu apa wange achazomuka ave hwai futi? Asi akanzi akamuka kubva apfupfurirwazve ipapa. Imwe yangu, imwe yemudzimai. Apa handina kunzwa kuti VaMnangagwa kuti vakadii.
"But dzakava shanu (hwai) dzakaurawa kupurazi ikoko zvikanzi pisai. Huku dzese dzaiurawa dzainzi hadzidyiwe. Takapfupfudzirwazve zvikanzi muchaona. I said to myself: 'Where do these Nigerians get the powers to entrap the soul of a human being into a chicken or sheep and then kill him?'
"God is for us all. I also go to church; I do not believe in superstition. Takafundiswa dzidzo yekwaMwari."
President Mugabe said sacked Minister of State (Presidential Affairs) Didymus Mutasa was also at the centre of the plot to unseat him unconstitutionally.
He said one should not be power-hungry, adding that at no point had he dreamt of becoming President and was chosen by others to lead.
"I worked alongside my peers. I was never ambitious. I never said I will become a President, really. I just did my work as was given me"?
"Not a single I worked with will ever say I complained about the job I had been given, I expressed the desire to get another job at the top. Never, ever. I thought what I have been given was sufficient to make me busy, contributing what I could towards the growth and development of the party and towards growth and development of our struggle.
"But others thought I could lead. I accepted that leadership and I want to say I have done my best and I have never worked in a manner that I was the only one who can do things. No.
"What I have always refused to do is to work outside principle, outside what we would have determined as the programmes within the orbit of definite principles."
At celebrations to mark the 29th anniversary of the 21st February Movement here, President Mugabe said at one point, Dr Mujuru roped in two Nigerian sangomas in her rabid pursuit of Zimbabwe's most powerful post.
The President said it was imperative to seek God over superstition.
"We managed to know what Mai Mujuru was doing at her house, even consulting n'angas. Pamwe zvatinomboitwa! (laughs) Pakambobatwa nyungururwi. Ndakange ndisingazive kuti dzinosiyana parudzi; kuita macolours akasiyana.
"Imwe yainzi itsvuku, imwe yaive nerumwe rudzi. Nyungururwi munodziziva? Dzinomhanya maningi dziya idzi. Ndokuiswa muchirongo chine mvura. Imwe ndoyainzi Mugabe, imwe Mujuru, dzichirovana ipapo. Kubva ndamboitwa nyungururwi ini? Zvatinomboitwa kuseri kwatisiri uko!"
He continued: "Recently, she invited two Nigerian sangomas. We heard that they were specialists in the field of witchcraft. They were specialists, yes, but specialists in robbing people, foolish people.
"Vakauya zvikanzi zvatinoita, zvinoita netsika yedu. Tsvagai huku gumi. Zvakare ndaitwa huku ipapo. Iyi Mugabe, iyi Mai (Grace) Mugabe, iyi (Emmerson) Mnangagwa - akaiswawo ipapo - nana(Ignatius) Chombo futi, aive neyake, kudakara tasvika gumi vainzi ava ndivo vanondidzivisa. Zvikanzi tinovabvisa nemaNigerian iwayo.
"Zvakanzi chekai musoro, Mugabe ndobva achekwa, Mai Mugabe guu. Chakangosara changove chimutumbi chehuku chachekwa musoro chave kungoti puu puu. Mnangagwawo nekwake puu, puu. MaNigerians iwayo. Ropa iroro rakazunzwa hameno zvakaitwa ipapo zveun'anga zvacho zvichinzi havararame kusvika pazuva ratinaro nhasi iri."
President Mugabe said the rituals were weird as they were conducted while Dr Mujuru was semi-nude.
"Izvozvo zvange zvichiitwa ivo vanzi bisai hembe. Bisai hembe; mazamu pachena, ugonzi unosara uku chete. Zvatinoitiswa vakomana! Mai vatakaenda navo kuChimurenga?"
The President said another round of rituals aimed at engineering his and the First Lady's death took place at Dr Mujuru's farm in Beatrice.
"Uko ndiko kwakanourayiwa shanu (hwai). Hameno kuti Mugabe wafa kare apa pashanu apa wange achazomuka ave hwai futi? Asi akanzi akamuka kubva apfupfurirwazve ipapa. Imwe yangu, imwe yemudzimai. Apa handina kunzwa kuti VaMnangagwa kuti vakadii.
"But dzakava shanu (hwai) dzakaurawa kupurazi ikoko zvikanzi pisai. Huku dzese dzaiurawa dzainzi hadzidyiwe. Takapfupfudzirwazve zvikanzi muchaona. I said to myself: 'Where do these Nigerians get the powers to entrap the soul of a human being into a chicken or sheep and then kill him?'
"God is for us all. I also go to church; I do not believe in superstition. Takafundiswa dzidzo yekwaMwari."
President Mugabe said sacked Minister of State (Presidential Affairs) Didymus Mutasa was also at the centre of the plot to unseat him unconstitutionally.
He said one should not be power-hungry, adding that at no point had he dreamt of becoming President and was chosen by others to lead.
"I worked alongside my peers. I was never ambitious. I never said I will become a President, really. I just did my work as was given me"?
"Not a single I worked with will ever say I complained about the job I had been given, I expressed the desire to get another job at the top. Never, ever. I thought what I have been given was sufficient to make me busy, contributing what I could towards the growth and development of the party and towards growth and development of our struggle.
"But others thought I could lead. I accepted that leadership and I want to say I have done my best and I have never worked in a manner that I was the only one who can do things. No.
"What I have always refused to do is to work outside principle, outside what we would have determined as the programmes within the orbit of definite principles."
Source - sundaymail