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'Mujuru cabal, MDC-T in a bid to render Zimbabwe ungovernable'

by Tichaona Zindoga
18 Mar 2015 at 06:39hrs | Views
MDC-T, the Mujuru putchist cabal and some right-wing forces in the United States are working together in a bid to render Zimbabwe ungovernable and create conditions for the creation of another inclusive Government, The Herald revealed.

Impeccable sources point out that the scheme involves illegal demonstrations meant to provoke police to overreact while last week's Chikurubi Maximum Prison "food riot" and the alleged disappearance of journalist-cum-MDC-activist Itai Dzamara were meant to kindle the country into a conflagration of protests.

At the weekend, MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai travelled to the US where he is expected to meet his right wing financiers and brief them on the strategy.

Yesterday, MDC-T spokesperson Obert Gutu confirmed his boss had embarked "on a diplomatic offensive that is primarily aimed at sensitising the United Nations secretary general's office about "the deteriorating political and economic situation in Zimbabwe" and engage Zimbabweans on "the role that they can and should play in bringing about peaceful democratic change in their homeland".

Sources yesterday exposed the nefarious plans of the "Gamatox" faction and its newly-found allies.

"Something is afoot in the country," said one source.

"The Gamatox faction in conjunction with the MDC and some right wing in the US are working with Tsvangirai to create a conditions similar to what prevailed in 2007 which led to the creation of the inclusive Government.

"They want to create instability and lawlessness in the hope that the State security agents will overreact like they did in Highfield when Tsvangirai was beaten. That incident became a rallying point for international intervention in Zimbabwe and Tsvangirai says as much in his book, At The Deep End."

In his biography, Tsvangirai states that the incident in Highfield did "whip up further international condemnation (against President Mugabe) and finally, at long last, spur African leaders to a concerted effort to find a solution".

He also boasts that, "Publicity had its outcome. The torture brought its rewards. For the first time, Sadc convened an extraordinary meeting in Tanzania. A few days later, Sadc forced Mugabe to talk to us and that was when the negotiations began . . (p475)''

See Analysis on Page 8

Another source charged that Tsvangirai and his conspirators were looking for a "Lazarus moment" in which focus would be taken away from Parliament where Zanu-PF has a crushing majority, to the streets.

"That way the Zanu-PF majority will be neutralised, just like in 2007 when Zanu-PF had the majority, but was forced into the inclusive government," said the source.

It was also indicated that the Chikurubi Maximum Prison riot that occurred on Friday and has since claimed a reported five lives, was the handiwork of an inmate who was serving time over treason, but left after putting up opposition structures among inmates.

Yesterday, analysts noted that the visit to the US by Tsvangirai and the recent activities by his party which until recently looked down and out after its crushing defeat in July 2013 elections and its subsequent split, confirmed something fishy was brewing.

Political analyst Godwine Mureriwa said insurrection had become a handy option for Tsvangirai.

"It is clear that Tsvangirai is a creation of the British and on January 24, 1999 during a meeting at Chatham House in London, four options were proffered to cause regime change in Zimbabwe.

"The first was the creation and funding of a political party; second, a military coup; third, subverting and infiltrating Zanu-PF and lastly insurrection and this is what he tried to do in 2003 with the Final Push," he explained.

Further, Mr Mureriwa pointed out, the alleged disappearance of MDC-T activist Itai Dzamara, the recent chaos in Parliament, the talk about a march to State House by former war veterans leader and the recent prison riot all fell in place with the idea of insurrection.

"One can obviously see the connection not only of the MDC getting the impetus, but also the portraying of Government acting ruthlessly. It is all suspicious."

Another analyst, Mr Alexander Rusero, said Tsvangirai sought to "seize the moment".

"I think what is happening is that in terms of strategy, intelligence and mobilisation, Tsvangirai wants to capitalise on the alleged disappearance of Dzamara and rejuvenate his fortunes," explained Mr Rusero.

He also noted that Tsvangirai continued to do the bidding of Western countries and donors.

"To him salvation comes after the US, Britain and Europe intervene," he said.

Lawyer and political commentator Mr Terrence Hussein said the "unorthodox" means by the opposition to get to power were curious.

"I always find it strange when people start to use unorthodox methods when they have orthodox means for example they have Parliamentary representation and they can use it. They also have the right to contest in elections, but we hear they do not want to participate in elections.

"Therefore one draw the conclusion as to why they would carry out these demonstrations," explained Mr Hussein.

A security source close to developments said, "We are closely monitoring the situation. There are some things that are not adding up but in such cases, everything tends to fall into place sooner rather than later.''

Economist Tendai Chirapa expressed disappointing that when everyone else is making efforts to get the economy working, and when there are growing signs of real success in the turnaround of the economy, there are some people concetrating on destruction or seeking the destruction of the national interests.

Political analyst Sylvester Mukeredzi: "Many Zimbabweans now understand that there are some political parties and media circles that would be irrelevant in the market if they did not peddle negative stories about the country or if they did not promote tensions but most people have moved on, they are no longer swayed by these tactics,'' Mr Mukeredzi said.

Source - herald
More on: #Mujuru, #Tsvangirai