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Conflict between Mnangagwa, Mphoko wishful thinking
16 Jul 2015 at 11:30hrs | Views

The recent claim by a local weekly newspaper that there are conflicts between the two Vice Presidents (VP) Emmerson Mnangagwa and Phelekezela Mphoko should be dismissed as untrue and baseless.
Ibbo Mandaza's nonsensical argument that President Mugabe is behind the alleged VPs' conflicts should be flatly rejected. When President appointed the two VPs he rightly noted that they were at par, meaning that by the time they took oath of office they would perform their duties at the same level. President Mugabe never mentioned that one VP will be senior to the other. No!
It is true to say that the alleged fissures between VP Mphoko and VP Mnangagwa are just machinations of the private media. The private media has been creating a wrong impression with too many inaccuracies and groundless assertions that there are clashes between the two VPs. Also, the private media together with political commentators have always been trying hard to set a wrong agenda by misinforming the general populace that there is tension between the VPs.
Nevertheless, if the truth be told the two VPs work hand in glove. It cannot be disputed that the two Comrades once worked together in the Ministry of State Security; hence the two understands each other better than anyone else. VP Mphoko once held Ambassadorial posts which are almost similar to a Ministerial post which VP Mnangagwa previously held. Hence, Mandaza's argument that VP Mphoko was once junior to VP Mnangagwa should be shrugged off.
At one point VP Mphoko clarified that there was neither first nor second Vice President in the new structure. This depicts the fact that the two Comrades operate at same rank.
According to the Sixth Schedule of the current Constitution, the two Vice Presidents are appointed by President in terms of section of 14(2) which says that, "Without any delay the person elected as President in any election must appoint not more than two Vice-Presidents, who will hold office at his or her pleasure".
Further to that section 14(3) says, "Where two Vice Presidents are appointed in terms of subparagraph 2 President may from time to time nominate one of them to act as President whenever he is absent from Zimbabwe…"
According to the Constitution, it is therefore correct to say President Mugabe can nominate either of the two VPs to act on his behalf when he is outside country. Recently, VP Mphoko was the acting President when President Mugabe was in New York for a United Nations International Ebola Recovery Conference. VP Mnangagwa has also held the post several times. Therefore, the battle of seniority between VP Mphoko and VP Mnangagwa is untrue as being said and published by the private media.
The private media is trying to set an agenda on the succession issue. Contrary to the machinations of private press on the matter of succession, President Mugabe noted that when time comes, the electorate will choose a person of their choice. Hence, the two VPs are equal at law.
Early this year, while talking to ZANU-PF youths, President Mugabe said the two VPs were at par; hence people should stop generating factions.
"If you are choosing between my two Vice-Presidents, you are beginning your own Gamatox".
"They occupy equal sphere. If you say you want this one to succeed, you are already bringing division within the people...." said President Mugabe.
Despite all the allegations thrown at President Mugabe and the two Vice Presidents, it is heartening that our leaders concentrate more on the economy resuscitation issues rather than political issues as pointed out by Mandaza and other illogical political analysts.
As it stands, there have never been any misunderstandings between the two VPs. From Mandaza's sentiments, it would appear as if VP Mphoko and VP Mnangagwa are always at each other's throat, which is nothing but just a fallacy.
Source - Peacemaker Zano