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Tsvangirai resort to violence, senior party member says

by Thobekile Zhou
03 Aug 2016 at 07:43hrs | Views
MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai is expected to preside over an explosive national council set to be dominated by recent appointments of two more vice presidents.

Last week, a standing committee meeting only lasted for mere 20 minutes as it was abandoned after vice president Thokozani Khupe openly objected to Mudzuri and Chamisa's attendance.

According to a senior member of the party, the ailing Tsvangirai has resorted to his trusted vionent stance.

"Tsvangirai has resorted to his default mode: violence. The national council will be used to rubber-stamp his scorched-earth position and those who are against it will either have to toe the line or face the wrath of hired thugs and youths as happened to (Elton) Mangoma, (Tendai) Biti, (Welshman) Ncube and others before," a senior member is quoted saying by NewsDay.

"There is massive mobilisation of youths to converge at Harvest House and that is a recipe for violence. There is no need for such people to come because they do not sit in the national council."

According to the Herald, if the meeting is not properly handled, it could lead to another split of the already fragile party.

"Mr Tsvangirai is expected to justify why he appointed the two vice presidents and how such an elevation can be regarded as in compliance with the party's constitution considering that such posts should be elected directly from congress. What precedence are we setting if we allow the party president to tear the constitution willy-nilly like that," said a member of the national executive.

Source - NewsDay / Herald