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MDC-T deadlocked over polls

by Staff reporter
05 Aug 2016 at 11:29hrs | Views

The MDC-T national council that met on Wednesday was deadlocked on whether to lift its election boycott stance which has seen the opposition party surrendering to Zanu-PF parliamentary and council seats that it had won in the July 31, 2013 harmonised elections.

Some of the national council members felt that it was high time the election boycott was lifted ahead of the 2018 harmonised polls while others felt that the conditions were still not yet ripe, according to sources that attended the meeting.

The opposition party deliberated on elections with some saying it was time to go for future election races while others maintained that the conditions had not changed.

Another bone of contention was whether the election boycott was an effective tool.

The issue of whether to lift the boycott stance was eventually deferred to allow for further deliberations.

MDC-T spokesperson Obert Gutu confirmed that the issue of elections was discussed, but declined to divulge details.

Source - Herald
More on: #MDC-T, #Polls, #Elections