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'Mugabe inflating his liberation war role,' says Mujuru

by Staff reporter
08 Aug 2016 at 07:14hrs | Views
FORMER Vice-President Joice Mujuru has poured cold water on President Robert Mugabe, accusing him of exaggerating his role during the liberation struggle leading to the country's independence in 1980.

Mujuru, who now leads the opposition Zimbabwe People First (ZimFirst) dropped the bombshell during a campaign rally in Chinhoyi at the weekend, where she challenged Mugabe to give his nom de guerre, if he had any, to prove his liberation credentials.

She fired the salvo while responding to Mugabe's recent crackdown on the leadership of the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans' Association (ZNLWVA) following a damning communique that branded the 92-year-old leader a ruthless and manipulative dictator.

"War vets are not stupid, don't mistake their silence for foolishness. Mugabe is deliberately turning holding cells and prisons into war vets' houses, while their places of leisure are now the courts," Mujuru said.

Zanu-PF has purged ZNLWVA chairperson Christopher Mutsvangwa, vice-chairperson Headman Moyo, secretary-general Victor Matemandanda, spokesperson Douglas Mahiya and political commissar Francis Nhando from its ranks, accusing them of indiscipline.

Mutsvangwa was expelled for indiscipline two months ago, while the other members of his executive were sacked last week as part of a State-sponsored witch hunt on suspected authors of the stinging communiqué issued on July 21.

Mahiya, Matemadanda, Moyo and Nhando are currently on bail, having been charged with insulting Mugabe via the communiqué.

The offending communiqué, was a stinging rebuke for Mugabe and included a rejection of his candidature in the 2018 presidential elections.

Mujuru's spokesperson, Gift Nyandoro, said the former VP's comments were meant to bring Mugabe to order.

"Mujuru is just calling Mugabe to order. Mugabe is behaving like a super liberation war Rambo when we all know he joined towards the twilight years of the war. The fact that Mugabe does not have a war-time name, then used to disguise one's identity, means his participation was minimal or at best was not a threat to his family back home," Nyandoro said.

"The liberation war was a collective effort. But the issue of nom de guerres was very important. It had an attachment to the intensity of one's participation and contribution. Mugabe is a war veteran on the intellectual leadership side, but many including those who did not make it back home provided leadership at the front."

Nyandoro added: "The fact that Mugabe does not have a war name is a clear indication that his contribution was just but one of those. Mujuru is saying it is wrong for one man to try and expropriate the struggle under his name. Mugabe should not be allowed to abuse war veterans. He is exaggerating his role during the war."

Source - newsday
More on: #Mugabe, #Mujuru, #War