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'We are not fazed by army threats,' says G40

by Staff reporter
12 Aug 2016 at 09:15hrs | Views

The battle of attrition  within Zanu-PF is getting uglier by day with the ruling party faction against Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa claiming that those rallying behind Mnangagwa were being led like lambs to the slaughter without realizing it.

Minister of state for Manicaland, Mandi Chimene said she and other Zanu-PF bigwigs linked to G40 were unmoved by perceived threatening utterances emanating from the military.

Chimene said the moves by certain elements to silence her sentiments on the former liberation movement's succession ructions would be in vain.

This comes after Zimbabwe Defence Forces commander General  Constantino Chiwenga questioned the war credentials of some Zanu-PF bigwigs and freedom fighters.

Source - Daily News
More on: #G40, #Threats, #Army