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#MyZimbabwe Youths clash with police

by Sparkleford Masiyambiri
24 Aug 2016 at 13:34hrs | Views
#MyZimbabwe, an MDC-T youth appendage, clashed with riot police this afternoon in Harare over an illegal demonstration in which the youths intended to deliver a petition to the Ministry of Home Affairs, at Mukwati Building, over what they were calling 'end police brutality now.'

The youths participating in the demonstration were singing derogatory songs which ridicule the police force. Some songs labelled the police as state's official terror group used to stifle freedoms in the country.

The protestors provoked the police force that responded by tear-gassing and hitting the demonstrators to disperse them at the corner of Causeway and Fifth Street. Speaking after they were dispersed by riot police, one of the My-Zimbabwe organising team member said they had recorded maximum success by merely staging the demonstration since a message was sent.

"My friend, nowadays you either belong to the opposition political parties or the ruling ZANU-PF. This thing about being non-aligned and participating in demonstrations which are spontaneous is a myth. We congregated at Harvest House where we were getting strategic instructions and proceeded to march to hand over the petition to the ZRP ministry at Mukwati. Why should lie to you? The prime intention was full-filled; to provoke the state into action which they did by harshly dispersing us. Then what will the world say at the United Nations General assembly where Mugabe is going soon," thundered the official.

Police responded to the youth protests immediately as a way of restoring law and order in the capital city where they blocked traffic and disrupted business.

"The state could not watch helplessly rogue citizens engaged into illegal protests which put the state security organ to test. Civilians are urged not to challenge the forces as they will face the wrath of the state in the process," police officials said.

Peaceful demonstrations are a constitutional right for all citizens. The My-Zimbabwe youth protestors lost it when they accompanied their demonstrations with songs which provoke the police. In the process of exercising one's rights, no-one is allowed to provoke or interfere with the rights of others.

Source - Sparkleford Masiyambiri