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Mujuru, Tsvangirai to lead march as Zimbabwe crisis deepens

by Staff reporter
26 Aug 2016 at 08:32hrs | Views

The opposition vowed that their planned massive demonstration in Harare today, to be led by MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai and former vice president Joyce Mujuru would go ahead despite threats by authorities to stop it.

Their assertion came as after violent demonstrations rocked the capital on Wednesday, as angry protesters fed up with the country's deepening rot burnt vehicles looted shops.

Zimbabwe People First elder and Nera convener Didymus Mutasa called on Zimbabweans to join todays' march to demand electoral reforms ahead of the eagerly anticipated 2018 national elections.

He also pointed out that the march was an indication that a grand coalition of opposition parties to challenge President Robert Mugabe and Zanu-PF's 36 years in power was on the horizon.

Source - dailynews