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MDC-T members pushing for a no vote of confidence against Ian and Theresa Makone

by Staff reporter
05 Dec 2011 at 08:48hrs | Views
Standard says daggers are out for Home Affairs co-minister Theresa Makone and her husband Ian, with some senior members of the MDC-T party pushing for a vote of no confidence against the 2 over their alleged involvement in PM Morgan Tsvangirai's marriage debacle.

Sources in the party said senior MDC-T officials are urging the party's provincial structures to pass a vote of no confidence against the 2 at the party's national council meeting to be held in 2 week's time.

Party insiders want Theresa, the MDC-T Women's Assembly chairperson and Ian, Tsvangirai's personal advisor, chucked out of the party for allegedly facilitating the PM's "marriage" with Locadia Karimatsenga Tembo.

The sources said all the MDC-T provinces, except Mash East, had provisionally agreed to push for a vote no confidence against the Makone family, which for the past few years controlled both the party's political strings and Tsvangirai's personal life.
Sources in the party said the Youth Assembly and Women's Assembly members had planned a protest against the Makonese yesterday at Dingumuzi Stadium in Plumtree, where Tsvangirai addressed a rally.

"It was stopped because that (protest) would have given the party's detractors an opportunity to attack the party," said another source.

Asked why Ian was also a target, the MDC-T sources accused him of failing to properly advise Tsvangirai, whose personal and political life largely depended on his counsel

Meanwhile, NewsDay says security has been heightened at PM Morgan Tsvangirai's homestead in Buhera with MDC-T youths cordoning the area.

Source - standard
More on: #Makone, #MDC-T