Zimbabwe Needs Action and Prayer

It's difficult to change a revolutionary government among human nature. When M.D.C was formed in 1999 the true values reflected the urgent need to remove Mugabe from power as a sign of surrender against human oppression and starvation amongst the people of Zimbabwe.
If my fellow leader Jongwe was around he would share the same sentiments with me. Our desire from the very begining was to create a Mugabe free Zimbabwe, instead we experienced torture and suffered brutality. We have been tortured from the time we were at college, we know the fool we are dealing with.
Morgan was my president but because of betrayal amongst human kind, he has failed on the agenda on which M.D.C was initially formed. Now our fellow comrades have fallen in the yard of the enemy and are wining and dining with the corrupt and selfish Zanu PF so-called comrades who claim to have fought for their country and have taken; still taking Zimbabwe's resources for their families.
Zanu PF has engaged in an initiation program by the name Zimbabwe Entrepreneurship Youth Action (ZEYA) comprising young flamboyant, big mouthed boys under the control of youth minister saviour kasukuwere, who is assuring mugabe that he has support of the youth. During my recent visit to neighbouring countries i met and liaised with Zimbabweans in the diaspora especially the youth - it's their desire to come back home. Z.E.Y.A constitutes less than 1% of Zimbabwe's youth. For you to be a member there are restrictions which an ordinary Zimbabwean child can not afford. Children who are beneficiaries to this corrupt system. They're getting all kind of support as a sign of loyalty to the big league. When will the ordinary Zimbabwe youth in Glen View benefit because of his birth right.
Our civil servants cant even afford a decent meal, unless you are a Deputy something. Milk deliveries to all households and a powerful and effiecient education system. I met with engineers and executives in the business arena, they are all willing to come back home. So why should we keep quite as if everything is alright.Most have seen their families been killed and tortured, they have run away. What kind of a home is that, it's time for Zimbabwe to rise and ask God for direction. Our time has come, let's resurrect and stand for our freedom. IN THE NAME OF JESUS, AND IN THE BLOOD OF JESUS. IF IT HAS TO BE A HOLY WAR, LET IT BE.