News / Regional
Gwanda runs dry (disposes off land)
20 Nov 2013 at 01:17hrs | Views

Gwanda's water woes look far from being over with some residents now in their second week with no running water prompting desperate measures from the cash strained council.
The Gwanda water woes started a month ago when the Zimbabwe National Water Authority (ZINWA) cut off water supplies to the Council over a $5 million unpaid debt. Council and ZINWA then agreed to a 12 hour water cut off schedule meant to reduce the ever increasing council water debt and at the same time afford ZINWA capacity to process the water with limited available chemicals. Reports however indicate that since the agreement the Municipality has been able to pay ZINWA only $2000 of the $5m debt which has forced ZINWA to further tighten water restrictions as purification chemicals run low. In the process residents in high lying areas have had to go for as long as 2 weeks with out water.
Reports emanating from council are that the situation in the council is now so desperate that council is having to resort to disposing off some of its prime stands in the industrial and commercial areas at prices below market value to raise funds. Reports from council indicate that council has approached Transport and Energy Minister Obert Mpofu to purchase some of council's prime industrial land at 25% less than its market value in a bid to raise at least $50 000 that ZINWA needs to start treating enough water for the town and give a temporary relief to the situation. It is also reported from Council that local business man Mgcini Nkolomi has also been offered to take some prime land so is the newly opened Ridan Filling Station.
The Council recently wrote off debts amounting to $3 million as per government instruction in the run up to the July 31 elections. Since the debts were written off the residents appear to have developed a non commitment to paying attitude as some who were traditionally paying they bills well felt short changed by the cancellation of the debts. The council's revenue collection is said to have dropped to around 20% since the debt cancellation from a previous 58% average monthly collection. At that collection rate Council was at least able to continue servicing its operational expenses including keeping ZINWA able to provide water.
Residents spoken to in a snap survey in the town yesterday expressed disappointment with the sudden change of fortunes for the town since elections. Some residents are suspecting political sabotage from ZINWA and Council administration since council is now dominated by ZANU PF councillors. "I don't understand why this ZINWA suddenly cuts off water supply when its ZANU PF that has taken over council, its sabotage nothing else." Said an angry resident identified as Tinotenda Moyo.
Reports coming from the townships of Spitzkop, Pakama and Ultra Garikai where water woes are felt most indicate that residents are now using the bushy areas behind the townships to relieve themselves. Residents and business people in the area say they are living in fear of another cholera outbreak if the situation is not sorted quickly. Some are suggesting that Council should consider sinking boreholes and construction of blair toilets to be used in such emergency situations. This reporter actually had a chance to see some residents disappear into the bush to relieve themselves and also saw some stained tissue paper being blown by the wind from the bushy area back to people's house or up some trees.
Efforts to get comments from council officials or councillors failed yesterday as they were all said to have been in a meeting the whole day.
Source - Byo24News