Opinion / Columnist
Politics of the belly and boot-licking not for the suffering masses
10 Mar 2017 at 13:47hrs | Views

My analysis is not going to be based on one political party but basically it's going to be a broad analysis which is inclusive of all parties. It's very painful to write about this because as I look at ordinary Zimbabweans they look up to individuals with hope that change and hope will come along the way only to discover that it's a game of the few and the elite only. In fact in politics most people especially the ordinarily become casualties in the game. Only few politicians benefit from the sweat and effort that others put in. for example a party like MDC T and ZANU PF commands a majority of 2 million supporters each, these people they go to rallies to show solidarity to their leaders, they show loyalty and patriotism but when it comes to specific appointments in the cabinet its only 25 to 30 ministers needed the rest its history. What happens when politicians go for rallies, most people in the rural folk travel for more than 10 kilometres without food, when politicians are done with their speeches, and majority will scramble for the little food available.
To be honest lets analyse the whole statement. Introspectively all top leadership from across the political divide, they are living large, driven in top range vehicles, whilst party workers are languishing in poverty. Go to the grassroots, the cell, ward, provincial people have no food, you use your bus fare for party meetings you are never refunded. You got to rural areas right now, there are meetings taking place right now, all heads man are busy making collections from all households which is very unfair, people are struggling right now than they are asked to contribute again? You will even discover that those people who are in the opposition politics are the same in the ruling party.
You won't be surprised to hear this in future after sometime that the 15 billion benefitted only two (2) people in Zimbabwe. This may even come out to be true. Diamonds were there to benefit the people of Zimbabwe not from Zanu Pf. To our surprise as a nation, we were told that diamonds are finished within a short space of time. We had diamonds that were worth $60 billion and to be honest the only answer we got are that 15 billion went missing. Who evaluated those diamonds? Who benefitted? Who was involved in the mining activities? Who brought those investors? Who signed contracts with those investors? How do sanctions issue come into the issue of diamonds? The truth of the matter is that ZANU PF benefitted from the diamonds loot and they must explain to the nation what exactly happened. Villagers from Marange on a sad reality, they never benefitted from those minerals. Most ministers built mansions and some even bought banks, half of Victoria Falls and Bulawayo notably Obert Mpofu who cannot even explain his loot to the nation.
Politicians don't have time with people on grassroots. If you have an analysis on the parliamentarians we have in Zimbabwe, we have more than 200 MPs in this country, and how many have visited their constituencies since they were elected into office? Most of them they go there towards elections to heap lies. In fact I made this analysis during the Government of National Unity era, were most politicians were untouchable. I remember phoning one minister just to enquire something honestly he had no time for me. They lure people with words but when they are on the top they forget people. When MDC lost 2013 elections that's when they realised that there are people on the ground, but majority of these leaders were enjoying traps of power, they were living in a vacuum and they were untouchable.
If one may ask a simple question, why does an individual join politics it will be interesting to take note of different views. Recently there was an outburst about Tajamuka funds that were meant for protests were looted. If you make a review you will always be thinking that these boys are fighting for change or they are doing it for people only to discover that really it's all about money. One will then ask what if there was no money were they going to risk their lives by going to the streets. Since 2001 our politics have been toxic and there are some people who were casualties and some are now benefitting the sweat of others. Children of the real war veterans are dying of hunger whilst others are enjoying power at any cost. During the GNU you would find most ministers especially from the opposition parties they left the GNU richer and some cannot even explain their wealthy within a short space of five years. The very people who voted for these people are in the streets of Harare and some have resorted to vending, some they have gone for more days without proper meals.
If you look at minerals in Zimbabwe, funds, ZIMDEF funds, farms, company grabs, fertilisers, state companies, who has really benefitted? Most farms were taken by the elite, those who are in power with political influence. You won't even be surprised to hear that there are some real war veterans who went to war who never got the compensation funds and who never got even a single farm. They are some who got compensation funds but they never went to war. There are some imbalances which happen in politics, are you connected? Whom do you know? How do you share the loot? Do you remember others? There is a channel in these things. You look at issues like ZIMDEF funds these funds were looted by ministers and the top elite and funds were diverted for personal enrichment. Who then benefitted? The answer is clear no one benefitted.
During campaigns you see many politicians promising heavens when they enter into office. During Zambian elections I spend time talking to my friends and others scholars sharing views and I gained a lot of experience. I took time to read one of the few things that was listed on the manifesto of PF Government and I told many people that when this Government enters into power definitely there is going to be a lot of changes. They promised that there is going to be cheap fuel from Saud Arabia and to my surprise when PF Government got into power, fuel went up by more than 40%. People now believe that those campaign messages are lies to gain political mileage. Coming closer home, in 2013 ZANU PF made a lot of promises that when they return power they will provide 2 million jobs and people voted in numbers. As we speak the economy is on its knees not even a single job has been created except the one from Air Zimbabwe and the Second Vice President. MDC T did the same time and again since 1999 they have promising people heavens that when they enter into power they are going to do a lot, but only for a short while from 2009 to 2013 most of these MDC T officials were driving fancy cars, living in mansions. What about the followers and masses? Honestly in 2018 I foresee a voter apathy because people are tired of voting and they have seen it to shelve this business of politics and votes.
Norton was all over in the news with the newly elected legislator Temba Mliswa claiming that his victory was a combination of hard working and a component of ZANU PF and war veterans. This is so interesting to note. Notably Mliswa previously he heaped praises on Tsvangirai that he was the solely candidate who could make him win the seat and grab it from ZANU PF. Poor Tsvangirai instructed Chamisa to go and convince the masses in Norton, and Mliswa was very humble during that time not knowing that he was up to something. The moment he grabbed the seat from the jaws of PF, he started bragging that it was his sweat. In fact let me state it clearly that Mliswa was right because that's his game and it's not a surprise because Jonathan Moyo did in Tsholotsho after that he went back to Zanu Pf. That's politics. MDC T will never take anyone s advice and will never listen to anyone. Way back Welshman Ncube claimed that Tsvangirai listens to the last person he has talked to. He should have listened to the voice of the masses. The embattled MDC leader is being savaged by little boys such as Mliswa. The truth of the matter is Mliswa has never changed his stance. The reason why MDC always loose elections it's because they make pre mature decisions, and they get excited with little and petty things. Let Tsvangirai and his team test their own medicine.
The reason why people vote leaders in office it's because they look forward to development. Most of these politicians they go with the aim of self-enrichment and self-centred looting. Not everyone go into state house or parliament or get ministerial positions but it's wise that we encourage our politicians to work hard for the benefit of the whole nation. If you look at development we have a long gap and it will be difficult to close it because most resources were diverted for personal use. We look forward to infrastructure, tourism sector, transport sector, energy, manufacturing sector, production sector, exports and imports rising, our GDP- Gross Domestic Product rising, even our human development index rising above board. If you look at the vending in our streets it means a lot and this is very frightening. We need leaders who are humble, who can spare their time and sacrifice for others, leaders who are anointed by GOD to minister unto people faithfully. We need improvement in all sectors of the economy, where ever you are, let's work hard for the benefit of our nation.
Tinashe Eric Muzamhindo writes in his personal opinion as the Director of Mentorship Institute of National Development and Sustainability. MINDS is a civic society organization responsible for policy research, gender and development studies, public finance, sustainable development through Agriculture and rural development. He is also a consultant in Development and Capacity Development and Institutional Building. He can be contacted at greatorminds@gmail.com
To be honest lets analyse the whole statement. Introspectively all top leadership from across the political divide, they are living large, driven in top range vehicles, whilst party workers are languishing in poverty. Go to the grassroots, the cell, ward, provincial people have no food, you use your bus fare for party meetings you are never refunded. You got to rural areas right now, there are meetings taking place right now, all heads man are busy making collections from all households which is very unfair, people are struggling right now than they are asked to contribute again? You will even discover that those people who are in the opposition politics are the same in the ruling party.
You won't be surprised to hear this in future after sometime that the 15 billion benefitted only two (2) people in Zimbabwe. This may even come out to be true. Diamonds were there to benefit the people of Zimbabwe not from Zanu Pf. To our surprise as a nation, we were told that diamonds are finished within a short space of time. We had diamonds that were worth $60 billion and to be honest the only answer we got are that 15 billion went missing. Who evaluated those diamonds? Who benefitted? Who was involved in the mining activities? Who brought those investors? Who signed contracts with those investors? How do sanctions issue come into the issue of diamonds? The truth of the matter is that ZANU PF benefitted from the diamonds loot and they must explain to the nation what exactly happened. Villagers from Marange on a sad reality, they never benefitted from those minerals. Most ministers built mansions and some even bought banks, half of Victoria Falls and Bulawayo notably Obert Mpofu who cannot even explain his loot to the nation.
Politicians don't have time with people on grassroots. If you have an analysis on the parliamentarians we have in Zimbabwe, we have more than 200 MPs in this country, and how many have visited their constituencies since they were elected into office? Most of them they go there towards elections to heap lies. In fact I made this analysis during the Government of National Unity era, were most politicians were untouchable. I remember phoning one minister just to enquire something honestly he had no time for me. They lure people with words but when they are on the top they forget people. When MDC lost 2013 elections that's when they realised that there are people on the ground, but majority of these leaders were enjoying traps of power, they were living in a vacuum and they were untouchable.
If one may ask a simple question, why does an individual join politics it will be interesting to take note of different views. Recently there was an outburst about Tajamuka funds that were meant for protests were looted. If you make a review you will always be thinking that these boys are fighting for change or they are doing it for people only to discover that really it's all about money. One will then ask what if there was no money were they going to risk their lives by going to the streets. Since 2001 our politics have been toxic and there are some people who were casualties and some are now benefitting the sweat of others. Children of the real war veterans are dying of hunger whilst others are enjoying power at any cost. During the GNU you would find most ministers especially from the opposition parties they left the GNU richer and some cannot even explain their wealthy within a short space of five years. The very people who voted for these people are in the streets of Harare and some have resorted to vending, some they have gone for more days without proper meals.
If you look at minerals in Zimbabwe, funds, ZIMDEF funds, farms, company grabs, fertilisers, state companies, who has really benefitted? Most farms were taken by the elite, those who are in power with political influence. You won't even be surprised to hear that there are some real war veterans who went to war who never got the compensation funds and who never got even a single farm. They are some who got compensation funds but they never went to war. There are some imbalances which happen in politics, are you connected? Whom do you know? How do you share the loot? Do you remember others? There is a channel in these things. You look at issues like ZIMDEF funds these funds were looted by ministers and the top elite and funds were diverted for personal enrichment. Who then benefitted? The answer is clear no one benefitted.
During campaigns you see many politicians promising heavens when they enter into office. During Zambian elections I spend time talking to my friends and others scholars sharing views and I gained a lot of experience. I took time to read one of the few things that was listed on the manifesto of PF Government and I told many people that when this Government enters into power definitely there is going to be a lot of changes. They promised that there is going to be cheap fuel from Saud Arabia and to my surprise when PF Government got into power, fuel went up by more than 40%. People now believe that those campaign messages are lies to gain political mileage. Coming closer home, in 2013 ZANU PF made a lot of promises that when they return power they will provide 2 million jobs and people voted in numbers. As we speak the economy is on its knees not even a single job has been created except the one from Air Zimbabwe and the Second Vice President. MDC T did the same time and again since 1999 they have promising people heavens that when they enter into power they are going to do a lot, but only for a short while from 2009 to 2013 most of these MDC T officials were driving fancy cars, living in mansions. What about the followers and masses? Honestly in 2018 I foresee a voter apathy because people are tired of voting and they have seen it to shelve this business of politics and votes.
Norton was all over in the news with the newly elected legislator Temba Mliswa claiming that his victory was a combination of hard working and a component of ZANU PF and war veterans. This is so interesting to note. Notably Mliswa previously he heaped praises on Tsvangirai that he was the solely candidate who could make him win the seat and grab it from ZANU PF. Poor Tsvangirai instructed Chamisa to go and convince the masses in Norton, and Mliswa was very humble during that time not knowing that he was up to something. The moment he grabbed the seat from the jaws of PF, he started bragging that it was his sweat. In fact let me state it clearly that Mliswa was right because that's his game and it's not a surprise because Jonathan Moyo did in Tsholotsho after that he went back to Zanu Pf. That's politics. MDC T will never take anyone s advice and will never listen to anyone. Way back Welshman Ncube claimed that Tsvangirai listens to the last person he has talked to. He should have listened to the voice of the masses. The embattled MDC leader is being savaged by little boys such as Mliswa. The truth of the matter is Mliswa has never changed his stance. The reason why MDC always loose elections it's because they make pre mature decisions, and they get excited with little and petty things. Let Tsvangirai and his team test their own medicine.
The reason why people vote leaders in office it's because they look forward to development. Most of these politicians they go with the aim of self-enrichment and self-centred looting. Not everyone go into state house or parliament or get ministerial positions but it's wise that we encourage our politicians to work hard for the benefit of the whole nation. If you look at development we have a long gap and it will be difficult to close it because most resources were diverted for personal use. We look forward to infrastructure, tourism sector, transport sector, energy, manufacturing sector, production sector, exports and imports rising, our GDP- Gross Domestic Product rising, even our human development index rising above board. If you look at the vending in our streets it means a lot and this is very frightening. We need leaders who are humble, who can spare their time and sacrifice for others, leaders who are anointed by GOD to minister unto people faithfully. We need improvement in all sectors of the economy, where ever you are, let's work hard for the benefit of our nation.
Tinashe Eric Muzamhindo writes in his personal opinion as the Director of Mentorship Institute of National Development and Sustainability. MINDS is a civic society organization responsible for policy research, gender and development studies, public finance, sustainable development through Agriculture and rural development. He is also a consultant in Development and Capacity Development and Institutional Building. He can be contacted at greatorminds@gmail.com
Source - Tinashe Eric Muzamhindo
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