Opinion / Columnist
Current Zimbabwean Women-Politicians seriously compromised: Dear Zebb Chakawa
23 Mar 2017 at 12:53hrs | Views

I will never belittle the contributions some of our women have done in Zimbabwean politics: be it before independence and after independence. Women sacrificed everything: they were the abused niche during the struggle. Curiously even today women do sacrifice for the country a lot. They are a very important element in the economy and domestically at homes. Zimbabwe women keep the economy afloat. What is worrying all of us is that our women do not recognise their importance and their nation's contributions. Women did not need to sell their bodies to get into politics. They did not need to sell their souls to get into politics. They did not need to speak language of masculinity to get recognition of political astuteness. Women of Zimbabwe needed to be told that they did not need to sink so low as to use their bodies to get political position: that is wholly not sustainable, it gives a sad precedence to the coming generation that you can use your body to get anything you want. Do we wonder then we have lost so many minors: are in the red lights trying to survive the day.
Some of them and not all of them women politicians are short of what it takes to be a civil servant. I wonder if some of them really know their job descriptions well. At best they can as well stay home than to abuse public funds calling themselves leaders of the people. Politics in Zimbabwe is all about self interest be it men or women: there is no difference between the two genders. We Povo on the aside: we really do not give a thought who is going to be the next President: female or male. The current crops of women politicians we have out there are politically not attractive enough to call them candidates for the high post of civil service.
To be fair, lets remove Ms. Marcellina Chikasha and Ms. Barbara Nyagomo from the rest they still have to prove themselves if they are worth of what it takes to be top civil servant. To paint them with the same brush will not be fair at all.
Let look at the CVs of some of our current politicians block by block: Amai Mujuru is seriously tainted from her past Zanu PF failure politics of 34 years. Her excuses why she was complacent in her past Zanu PF association do not buy at all. At best we can say that she has blood in her hands: she was part of the government that perpetrated genocide of the 1980s and crimes against humanity in 2005 and 2008. If she was not removed she could still be part of the notorious Zanu Regime. She has nothing to offer whatsoever in the coming dispensation. It does not matter how the media tries to polish her CV it does not help her anyhow. Why can't this heroin just quit politics once and for all and stay home and look after her grand children? She has done her part: she can no longer invent herself anyhow. She should also have known that Zimbabweans are a forgiving people, she should take their forgiveness for all the atrocities done to the people of Zimbabwe of all ethnic groups and races and stay away from politics: she is a spent force.
Margaret Dongo is a vibrant Politian full of vigour: politically astute; however she has no political home. With good resources on her side she could deliver, I am sure about this. Ms. Sithembiso Nyoni: her contributions to her constituency are traceable. For her to be elected she really worked hard, I was told by the people of her constituency how she put up a fight to get a parliamentary seat by merit. Her connections to Zanu PF are a deep concern to all democratic minded people. Madam Thokozani Khuphe: we really do not know how she landed in that VP post? We do not want to speculate what really transpired? She beat Wleshman Ncube in Makhokhoba Township yes: hands down. Beyond winning the seat there is no trace whatsoever what projects she undertook to develop her constituency. If one talks to the residents of Makhokhoba they do not have positive experience of her at all. After getting the vote she disappeared into Harare August House to "Legislate" and never about improving the lives of those who put her up there to be the "Honourable Member of Parliament" the colonial titles they hold on to dearly than service to the people.
Madam Priscilla Misihairabwi-Mushonga is a classical example of politician without any vector analysis. She was a member of parliament in Harare Glen-Lorne: a seat she won under MDC-T ticket. When her party split and was part of MDC-N she never got voted: she lost dismally to MDC-T. The power of connections: "French connections" saw her in the government of national unity: the so-called GNU. She was packaged and became Minister in the unholy marriage with Zanu PF. Realizing then that she is heading for another humiliating defeat in 2013 general elections: she absconded her Glen-Lorne constituency in Harare AND LANDED IN Mathebeleland south: a place she and her party thought she had a chance of winning. The rest of dirty politics MDC-N that transpired is history: she was then handpicked to be Member of Parliament: a seat she got through "Proportional Representation" how did she get it where there were many in MDC-N who deserved that seat better than her: we do not need to speculate too much because all is in the "fine print disclaimer". If she is full of it, then it's a pathetic situation! She should find project to do to uplift the living conditions of her electorate than to "Legislate in Parliament". What message is she sending if she gives Minister Chinamasa a bouquet of flowers in Parliament, goes with him to foreign trips? She comes back and tells us how much she is fighting Zanu PF on the ground? Madam Honourable Mushonga is heavily compromised!
Now about Amai Sekai Holland: she was here in Europe briefly, last week. We talked in detail for about an hour and half on Skype Conference - Zim-Eye. Our discussion was about the need for women to come together and see if we can get a woman President to stand for the coming 2018 general elections. Mrs. Holland said something that is still ringing in my mind to date. She said: Look Nomazulu, my time is up, now I want to groom the coming generation of women politicians. It is rare to hear such noble words: such wisdom nowadays: I may have last heard of such wisdom coming from President Nelson Mandela. Here is a politician who knows that her time is up and she wants to see younger generation coming up to take public offices and she will advise as such as she has seen it all: in liberation struggle and in the opposition politics. With those same set of values that Mrs. Holland holds I wish that to myself and no less. To go for office just to feed my stomach and never about service to the people is to me a travesty of justice.
I was with Tracy Mutihniri in Zambia during the struggle in Zambia and I have read a lot about Ms. Lucia Matibenga. I can say with equal truth that I do have great respect for these two ladies. We should equally applaud the coming in to the political playing field of Ms. Marcellina Chikasha and Ms. Barbara Nyagomo. Zimbabwean political landscape seriously needs new names and new blood in its politic: its inevitably coming dispensation. We are sick and tired of the recycled politicians and failed one for that matter. It should never be about gender, we want a competent person who will give all of us hope and we relocate from the Diaspora and do that little for the nation before we say we end. I will continue to SCREAM WHEN I TALK until I get the freedom and not for me alone but for all of us women who are the silent and suffering majority.
Some of them and not all of them women politicians are short of what it takes to be a civil servant. I wonder if some of them really know their job descriptions well. At best they can as well stay home than to abuse public funds calling themselves leaders of the people. Politics in Zimbabwe is all about self interest be it men or women: there is no difference between the two genders. We Povo on the aside: we really do not give a thought who is going to be the next President: female or male. The current crops of women politicians we have out there are politically not attractive enough to call them candidates for the high post of civil service.
To be fair, lets remove Ms. Marcellina Chikasha and Ms. Barbara Nyagomo from the rest they still have to prove themselves if they are worth of what it takes to be top civil servant. To paint them with the same brush will not be fair at all.
Let look at the CVs of some of our current politicians block by block: Amai Mujuru is seriously tainted from her past Zanu PF failure politics of 34 years. Her excuses why she was complacent in her past Zanu PF association do not buy at all. At best we can say that she has blood in her hands: she was part of the government that perpetrated genocide of the 1980s and crimes against humanity in 2005 and 2008. If she was not removed she could still be part of the notorious Zanu Regime. She has nothing to offer whatsoever in the coming dispensation. It does not matter how the media tries to polish her CV it does not help her anyhow. Why can't this heroin just quit politics once and for all and stay home and look after her grand children? She has done her part: she can no longer invent herself anyhow. She should also have known that Zimbabweans are a forgiving people, she should take their forgiveness for all the atrocities done to the people of Zimbabwe of all ethnic groups and races and stay away from politics: she is a spent force.
Madam Priscilla Misihairabwi-Mushonga is a classical example of politician without any vector analysis. She was a member of parliament in Harare Glen-Lorne: a seat she won under MDC-T ticket. When her party split and was part of MDC-N she never got voted: she lost dismally to MDC-T. The power of connections: "French connections" saw her in the government of national unity: the so-called GNU. She was packaged and became Minister in the unholy marriage with Zanu PF. Realizing then that she is heading for another humiliating defeat in 2013 general elections: she absconded her Glen-Lorne constituency in Harare AND LANDED IN Mathebeleland south: a place she and her party thought she had a chance of winning. The rest of dirty politics MDC-N that transpired is history: she was then handpicked to be Member of Parliament: a seat she got through "Proportional Representation" how did she get it where there were many in MDC-N who deserved that seat better than her: we do not need to speculate too much because all is in the "fine print disclaimer". If she is full of it, then it's a pathetic situation! She should find project to do to uplift the living conditions of her electorate than to "Legislate in Parliament". What message is she sending if she gives Minister Chinamasa a bouquet of flowers in Parliament, goes with him to foreign trips? She comes back and tells us how much she is fighting Zanu PF on the ground? Madam Honourable Mushonga is heavily compromised!
Now about Amai Sekai Holland: she was here in Europe briefly, last week. We talked in detail for about an hour and half on Skype Conference - Zim-Eye. Our discussion was about the need for women to come together and see if we can get a woman President to stand for the coming 2018 general elections. Mrs. Holland said something that is still ringing in my mind to date. She said: Look Nomazulu, my time is up, now I want to groom the coming generation of women politicians. It is rare to hear such noble words: such wisdom nowadays: I may have last heard of such wisdom coming from President Nelson Mandela. Here is a politician who knows that her time is up and she wants to see younger generation coming up to take public offices and she will advise as such as she has seen it all: in liberation struggle and in the opposition politics. With those same set of values that Mrs. Holland holds I wish that to myself and no less. To go for office just to feed my stomach and never about service to the people is to me a travesty of justice.
I was with Tracy Mutihniri in Zambia during the struggle in Zambia and I have read a lot about Ms. Lucia Matibenga. I can say with equal truth that I do have great respect for these two ladies. We should equally applaud the coming in to the political playing field of Ms. Marcellina Chikasha and Ms. Barbara Nyagomo. Zimbabwean political landscape seriously needs new names and new blood in its politic: its inevitably coming dispensation. We are sick and tired of the recycled politicians and failed one for that matter. It should never be about gender, we want a competent person who will give all of us hope and we relocate from the Diaspora and do that little for the nation before we say we end. I will continue to SCREAM WHEN I TALK until I get the freedom and not for me alone but for all of us women who are the silent and suffering majority.
Source - Nomazulu Thata
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