Opinion / Columnist
Muzamhindo Presents a 10 point Plan as Zim Implode !!!
05 Jun 2019 at 07:26hrs | Views

We have a very unfortunate situation on the ground, and it requires urgent attention to curb the crisis. This is where Political leadership must show it's sincerity and diligence on Zim situation. We have a deep deep crisis emanating from legitimacy and Political ecology. Prices are skyrocketing on the market as a result of lack of confidence and shortage of foreign Currency.
Muzamhindo's 10 Point plan:
1. Policy Direction
Conflicting statements regarding key policies have scared potential investors away from Zimbabwe. Why is it that it takes 2 months to process an investor agreement or one stop over business? Today you fly to Zambia, you will open a company and come back the same day. There is too much deep rooted corruption in the system. Potential investors are moved from one office to another, with majority of these senior Government officials soliciting for bribes. How then do we improve our situation as a nation? Zimbabwe Government must come up with a Second ( 2nd) National Development plan which will run concurrently with the term of office. The middle class economy plan must be suspended with immediate effect. What Zimbabwe needs are short term measures to curb the crisis. There is lack of Policy clarity in all critical sectors of the economy. There is need for clarity in
(1) Mining (2) Agriculture (3) Infrastructure Development (4) Tourism (5) Property Rights/ Investment Policy
NB - Government must urgently call key stakeholders, Academics, business community, Policy Makers, Political leadership across Political Divide, churches, civic society and present a template on the way forward.
2. Debt Plan
Government has over-borrowed and exhausted the foreign reserves. Gold reserves are dry. Central bank has been playing a key pivotal role on fiscal imbalances and this has created conflict of interest between the central bank and the finance ministry. Creditors want their money and Government coffers are dry. Government has been borrowing money without Parliament approval. The consolidated Revenue Fund (CRF), this requires parliament approval. There are a lot of financial imbalances which has created a deep hole which is difficult to close. My proposal is Government through the administering of Finance Minister must disclose the nature of our debts, particularly the Foreign and local debt. It won't be surprise to hear that our debts have ballooned between 18-20 billion. Government has been surviving on debts which have not been serviced. If you remember very well, we have not been honoring our previous obligations on debt management. There is need for a clear debt plan which must be presented before Parliament and cabinet. The nature of our debts must be disclosed to the public.
3. National Dialogue Forum
Dialogue is key on our current stake. Political leadership must read between the lines and come to the conclusion of impending matters. These problems are arising from disputed polls which emanated from legitimacy problems. Our current problems are not economic but political. We have a political question which remain unanswered. To resolve this impasse, there is need for Emmerson Mnangagwa and Nelson Chamisa to meet and come up with a proper National Dialogue Forum framework to end this political crisis
4. Investment Laws / Property Rights
If you look at our investment laws they are in shambles. No investor will put his money on such a document! Never. Our one stop over business concept is an embarrassment within the region. How do we commercialize the Zimbabwe brand with such documents? Are we really serious about taking this country forward? How many farm invasions are taking place in this country? Mines have been invaded country wide with the latest casualties being potential development partners who can bid for bigger deals? It's so pathetic. This is a result of corruption, when majority of Zimbabweans are languishing in poverty!!!
5' Re - Engagement Plan
we must come up with a proper Re-engagement plan. The plan must be inclusive. It must portray sincerity, honesty, transparency and diligence. We must engage proper potential development partners, creditors whom we owe and present a proper framework which addresses human rights obligations, debt plan, economic framework, development plan, Political transitional plan, foreign policy and other concern. We must show leadership. It was going to be ideal for President Mnangagwa to include Nelson Chamisa, key business community, Political leadership, stakeholders and civic leaders in his re-engagement plan and this was going to open floodgates of credit lines and huge investment ideas.
6. Corruption
After the 2017, episode, Mnangagwa was given the opportunity to redeem himself and transform his leadership from activism into Statesmanship. What has destroyed this country is simple, corruption. Every sector of the economy is cultivating corruption. How can the whole country depend on a single fuel dealer? Is that normal? Why can't fuel deals and the economy be liberalized? This promotes state capture. Where is command agriculture? Where is command livestock? Where is command economy? Where is devolution? Where is the 2% tax threshold going? The 5% tax cut from senior Government, where is it going? 500 million was poured in the command Agriculture concept, and our grain reserves are dry?? Does this makes sense? We are left with grain that can last for seven months. We are facing severe shortages. Someone walks away with 7 million from ZESA holdings and today he is walking scot free. That's Zimbabwe for you. We have to be honest to ourselves. Let's spare the sanctions propaganda, we have destroyed our country within a short space of time. There is rampant corruption which is toxic to the investor community. Investors are scared to put their money, with this deep rooted corruption.
7. Institutional Reforms
The wage bill has ballooned. Ghost workers are still on payroll and have not yet been flushed. We have several incompetent people in the civil service and some do not even have the basic five O levels and yet they are on Government payroll. We have politicians occupying strategic positions which are supposed to be occupied by competent people. You look at most Government officials, they are there on political cards not on merit. There is need for overhaul on the whole system, the judiciary system, parliament, civil service, state companies etc. I would suggest, most state companies which are milking the state and dysfunctional must be closed or privatized. Privatization must be properly handled to curb corruption, find proper development partners.
8. Clear National Development plan
We are operating from guess work. How is the Government functioning? Does the Government have any National Development plan? What are their short term measures? What mechanisms have been put in place? There is need for proper legal, economic, development plan to address and achieve economic gains in this country.
9. Cutting Expenditure
Do we need any deputy ministers?? For what? Is it necessary? Look at South Africa, Ramaphosa has trimmed his new cabinet because of economic sense, so why do we need deputy ministers? The number of foreign missions (embassies), have burdened our fiscus and have caused fiscal imbalances. Imagine in each and every country, we have a embassy and do we need that? Let's remain with embassies that are strategic to our country. The 5% salary cut to top Government officials, of how much? This was never disclosed. How much are top executives getting? Allowances must be cut. Globetrotting and hiring of private jets must be dealt with. If Ramaphosa and other regional leaders can use economy class why can't we practice the same? MPs, Ministers and executive must get local assembled vehicles. This promotes local talent. Senate must be removed. We don't need a senate. We have a small economy and we don't need it. Proportional representation must be removed. MPs for specific constituencies are enough to cater for every constituency. This is causing fiscal imbalances and burdening the fiscal position.
10. Human Rights Issues
To be honest Mnangagwa's Government is losing key development partners because of human rights concerns. The Re-engagement plan after the 2017 episode was good, but as it stands, he has perfected the art of oppression which Mugabe left. You need to understand one thing, for one to engage investors they look at Human Rights concerns. Development partners have raised the red flag over human rights abuses subjected to the on-going trumped up charges on several politicians and civic leaders. Government must deal with this area as a matter of urgency and engage politicians across Political Divide.
Good suggestion
Our country has liquidity crunch. We are dry in terms of hard currency. My suggestion is let's sell 20 mines, pegged at 1 billion each or 500 million each. Our target should be 20 billion. We get the money and pour it in the industry. Our industry is literary dead. For us to talk about economy, we need capital injection. So we target 20 mines only. Off course we have to come up with proper economic, legal, development and well researched plan to address this proposal. We must not get raw deals as a result of desperation. This must be well planned, we must engage proper lawyers, economists, development practitioners, business community and Policy makers on this critical idea.
Tinashe Eric Muzamhindo is an Academic, Policy Maker, Development Practitioner and leading Consultant in Project Management and He is Studying Doctor of Philosophy at Women's University of Africa and he can be contacted at tinamuzala@gmail.com
Muzamhindo's 10 Point plan:
1. Policy Direction
Conflicting statements regarding key policies have scared potential investors away from Zimbabwe. Why is it that it takes 2 months to process an investor agreement or one stop over business? Today you fly to Zambia, you will open a company and come back the same day. There is too much deep rooted corruption in the system. Potential investors are moved from one office to another, with majority of these senior Government officials soliciting for bribes. How then do we improve our situation as a nation? Zimbabwe Government must come up with a Second ( 2nd) National Development plan which will run concurrently with the term of office. The middle class economy plan must be suspended with immediate effect. What Zimbabwe needs are short term measures to curb the crisis. There is lack of Policy clarity in all critical sectors of the economy. There is need for clarity in
(1) Mining (2) Agriculture (3) Infrastructure Development (4) Tourism (5) Property Rights/ Investment Policy
NB - Government must urgently call key stakeholders, Academics, business community, Policy Makers, Political leadership across Political Divide, churches, civic society and present a template on the way forward.
2. Debt Plan
Government has over-borrowed and exhausted the foreign reserves. Gold reserves are dry. Central bank has been playing a key pivotal role on fiscal imbalances and this has created conflict of interest between the central bank and the finance ministry. Creditors want their money and Government coffers are dry. Government has been borrowing money without Parliament approval. The consolidated Revenue Fund (CRF), this requires parliament approval. There are a lot of financial imbalances which has created a deep hole which is difficult to close. My proposal is Government through the administering of Finance Minister must disclose the nature of our debts, particularly the Foreign and local debt. It won't be surprise to hear that our debts have ballooned between 18-20 billion. Government has been surviving on debts which have not been serviced. If you remember very well, we have not been honoring our previous obligations on debt management. There is need for a clear debt plan which must be presented before Parliament and cabinet. The nature of our debts must be disclosed to the public.
3. National Dialogue Forum
Dialogue is key on our current stake. Political leadership must read between the lines and come to the conclusion of impending matters. These problems are arising from disputed polls which emanated from legitimacy problems. Our current problems are not economic but political. We have a political question which remain unanswered. To resolve this impasse, there is need for Emmerson Mnangagwa and Nelson Chamisa to meet and come up with a proper National Dialogue Forum framework to end this political crisis
4. Investment Laws / Property Rights
If you look at our investment laws they are in shambles. No investor will put his money on such a document! Never. Our one stop over business concept is an embarrassment within the region. How do we commercialize the Zimbabwe brand with such documents? Are we really serious about taking this country forward? How many farm invasions are taking place in this country? Mines have been invaded country wide with the latest casualties being potential development partners who can bid for bigger deals? It's so pathetic. This is a result of corruption, when majority of Zimbabweans are languishing in poverty!!!
5' Re - Engagement Plan
we must come up with a proper Re-engagement plan. The plan must be inclusive. It must portray sincerity, honesty, transparency and diligence. We must engage proper potential development partners, creditors whom we owe and present a proper framework which addresses human rights obligations, debt plan, economic framework, development plan, Political transitional plan, foreign policy and other concern. We must show leadership. It was going to be ideal for President Mnangagwa to include Nelson Chamisa, key business community, Political leadership, stakeholders and civic leaders in his re-engagement plan and this was going to open floodgates of credit lines and huge investment ideas.
6. Corruption
After the 2017, episode, Mnangagwa was given the opportunity to redeem himself and transform his leadership from activism into Statesmanship. What has destroyed this country is simple, corruption. Every sector of the economy is cultivating corruption. How can the whole country depend on a single fuel dealer? Is that normal? Why can't fuel deals and the economy be liberalized? This promotes state capture. Where is command agriculture? Where is command livestock? Where is command economy? Where is devolution? Where is the 2% tax threshold going? The 5% tax cut from senior Government, where is it going? 500 million was poured in the command Agriculture concept, and our grain reserves are dry?? Does this makes sense? We are left with grain that can last for seven months. We are facing severe shortages. Someone walks away with 7 million from ZESA holdings and today he is walking scot free. That's Zimbabwe for you. We have to be honest to ourselves. Let's spare the sanctions propaganda, we have destroyed our country within a short space of time. There is rampant corruption which is toxic to the investor community. Investors are scared to put their money, with this deep rooted corruption.
7. Institutional Reforms
The wage bill has ballooned. Ghost workers are still on payroll and have not yet been flushed. We have several incompetent people in the civil service and some do not even have the basic five O levels and yet they are on Government payroll. We have politicians occupying strategic positions which are supposed to be occupied by competent people. You look at most Government officials, they are there on political cards not on merit. There is need for overhaul on the whole system, the judiciary system, parliament, civil service, state companies etc. I would suggest, most state companies which are milking the state and dysfunctional must be closed or privatized. Privatization must be properly handled to curb corruption, find proper development partners.
8. Clear National Development plan
We are operating from guess work. How is the Government functioning? Does the Government have any National Development plan? What are their short term measures? What mechanisms have been put in place? There is need for proper legal, economic, development plan to address and achieve economic gains in this country.
9. Cutting Expenditure
Do we need any deputy ministers?? For what? Is it necessary? Look at South Africa, Ramaphosa has trimmed his new cabinet because of economic sense, so why do we need deputy ministers? The number of foreign missions (embassies), have burdened our fiscus and have caused fiscal imbalances. Imagine in each and every country, we have a embassy and do we need that? Let's remain with embassies that are strategic to our country. The 5% salary cut to top Government officials, of how much? This was never disclosed. How much are top executives getting? Allowances must be cut. Globetrotting and hiring of private jets must be dealt with. If Ramaphosa and other regional leaders can use economy class why can't we practice the same? MPs, Ministers and executive must get local assembled vehicles. This promotes local talent. Senate must be removed. We don't need a senate. We have a small economy and we don't need it. Proportional representation must be removed. MPs for specific constituencies are enough to cater for every constituency. This is causing fiscal imbalances and burdening the fiscal position.
10. Human Rights Issues
To be honest Mnangagwa's Government is losing key development partners because of human rights concerns. The Re-engagement plan after the 2017 episode was good, but as it stands, he has perfected the art of oppression which Mugabe left. You need to understand one thing, for one to engage investors they look at Human Rights concerns. Development partners have raised the red flag over human rights abuses subjected to the on-going trumped up charges on several politicians and civic leaders. Government must deal with this area as a matter of urgency and engage politicians across Political Divide.
Good suggestion
Our country has liquidity crunch. We are dry in terms of hard currency. My suggestion is let's sell 20 mines, pegged at 1 billion each or 500 million each. Our target should be 20 billion. We get the money and pour it in the industry. Our industry is literary dead. For us to talk about economy, we need capital injection. So we target 20 mines only. Off course we have to come up with proper economic, legal, development and well researched plan to address this proposal. We must not get raw deals as a result of desperation. This must be well planned, we must engage proper lawyers, economists, development practitioners, business community and Policy makers on this critical idea.
Tinashe Eric Muzamhindo is an Academic, Policy Maker, Development Practitioner and leading Consultant in Project Management and He is Studying Doctor of Philosophy at Women's University of Africa and he can be contacted at tinamuzala@gmail.com
Source - Tinashe Eric Muzamhindo
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