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Mnangagwa mourns of ill-treatment by way of sanctions at the UN

26 Sep 2020 at 08:06hrs | Views
Mnangagwa says Sanctions against Zimbabwe are in breach of international law. May I remind this illegitimate President that it is actually his poor governance and policies also his refusal of all forms to reform. When dealing with corruption in his government they catch and release when his looting, corrupt Ministers are caught pants down.

Mnangagwa needs to address reforms quickly and stop human rights abuses in Zimbabwe. Using sanctions as a scapegoat for his government failures is ridiculous. Harsher sanctions must be imposed on all ZANU PF members and should be extended to their offshore accounts. It is really simple Mr Mnangagwa respect human rights and respect the rule of law, release our judiciary system from your grip, the violent land grabbing must immediately seize, end abduction and torture. Release all political prisoners and human rights activists filling your jails.

Human rights and political activist
Bigboy Sibanda

Source - Bigboy Sibanda
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