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It's time for people to take the struggle

29 Dec 2020 at 09:38hrs | Views
The sun does not go down twice in a day. The current political , economic and social settings in Zimbabwe are in dire straits and leave a lot to be desired.

The country is stuck in between two horns of a dilemma. Its high time the people should unite and break this political log jam and solve this equation once and for all.

Trusting elections to solve Zimbabwean problems have proved  to be a mammoth task and a shear waste of time and resources as the ruling party has always declared itself the winner but still failing to solve the economic jig saw. It also has no any intentions to surrendering power on a silver platter at all costs to the opposition.

The truth remains that people have lost trust in Zimbabwe's elections.

Patrick Chinamasa already declared that Zanu PF has bagged the 2023 election and its a deal done. So what will be the purpose of going for elections?  Will Zanu PF surrender power in the event that it has lost to MDC-Alliance?

Looking through my political lenses the opposition must be reminded that
Zanu PF without the army is like a shell. Zimbabwe is a military state and nearly 90% of state and public institutions are staffed by military intelligence. The question we should be asking is on how to dismantle and break apart the system and the military chains holding back the people's success and freedom so that it becomes user friendly.

I strongly believe that if no action is taken it might take us another forty years or more to have a second government as this one masquerading as the new dispensation has dismally failed. Progressive people should sit down and talk about poor governance, state capture, corruption and unemployed citizens in the country.

We must build a  Zimbabwe which we want, where everyone will enjoy the fruits of the country not like the only a few individuals are benefitting from the status quo. Majority of Zimbabweans want a decent life and food on their table.

Zimbabweans must stop waiting for a saviour to liberate themselves but should wake up, stop criticising and take action. Zimbabweans have a mountain to climb that needs more than a prayer to overcome.

Zimbabweans across the globe are tired of living in foreign lands where they face all sorts of human abuses and ill treatment.

They are tired of sending their hard earned money from diaspora to buy food, pay rent, medical bills for their relatives. How can a country rely solely on remittances instead of producing and exporting?

Whatever Nelson Chamisa does, it will have a stiff resistance from the army. As long as we still have the military state in power, it will be hard for him to lead the country. Our army is still too partisan and is 90% involved in domestic politics. Opposition leaders have been frustrated left, right and centre.

Josiah Hungwe said President Emmerson Mnangangwa will shoot to power, he did it in 2018 and what will stop him to continue doing that in 2023?

There is a mountain to climb for the opposition which needs a vicious approach starting from 2021 to push for electoral reforms.

We all want to be free from the jaws of the military. Fighting a military dictatorship which has been at the helm of power for more than forty years needs wisdom and courage. We all need to carry our cross assisting each other.  
During the Chimurenga Zanu and Zapu, traditional leaders, war collaboraters and the masses were fighting from different angles They did not wait for Robert Mugabe to do the job.

A political struggle is not a ready mix which is ready to be used. Its a process.


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Source - Leonard Koni
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