Opinion / Columnist
'You are Black', a four year old Zimbabwean told in UK
22 Nov 2013 at 08:22hrs | Views

Zimbabweans have been re-cultured over the last 130 years and they are now a super-cultured Nation ready to execute their destiny by working together with the rest of the World to advance Civilisation. There is just one political word that Zimbabweans will not take and it's the word "Compliance".
Britain accelerated civilisation in Zimbabwe during the Colonial era and Zimbabweans give credit to Britain for that and we have become better citizens of the World who demand nothing less than equality in everything. It is very correct to say Britain accelerated civilisation in Zimbabwe but it's very wrong to say Britain Civilised Zimbabwe. When the British landed on our land in 1889 looking for greener pastures which our land provides, they found a civilised Nation with Governance systems, a King, the Law, courts, Medical practitioners, Judges, Police, councillors, midwives, craftsmen, farmers, International traders and all the tools of civilisation.
The British brutally took over the Governance of our country and introduced undeniably better systems than we had. It is therefore only correct to say they improved but not introduced civilisation.
If Zimbabweans and the British learn to understand each other, both countries would do better economically. The existing problems now are that the generation that exists today lacks the ability to accept that human beings may be different in colour but they are equal and same in everything else. The British, for some reason, believe that Zimbabweans can't do things on their own without a British man, and Zimbabweans see the British as being too arrogant and selfish. The truth is that the life aspirations of the British are exactly the same as the aspirations of Zimbabweans.
Over the armed years of repressive Colonialism (1894-1979), the British misjudged Zimbabweans as people of low value who should be confined to low wage labourers. In 1896 during the Indaba meetings between the Zimbabweans and the British at the Matopo hills, one Ndebele warrior stood up to make a comment, he was holding his spears and he was told to put his spears down. The warrior said the British would not listen to his comment unless they saw the potential threat on his hand.
Although the warrior was classified as uncivilised by British standards, his political statement was correct and civilised and is recognised by all Nations of the Civilised World. The British only respect someone who can display more power than the British expect. Anyone who tries to tell them anything and has not proven his power is regarded as someone worth ridicule.
In 1957, all Black Zimbabweans sat down and agreed that the Colonial British needed proof that Black Zimbabweans were worth listening to. Many lives were lost on both sides when Blacks took up arms. Trade and business suffered in Zimbabwe as it did in Britain. Humble and malleable Zimbabweans were exported across the globe to Russia, China, Cuba and in some Independent African countries to learn military ways to prove a point to the arrogant British. After the war in 1979, Zimbabweans had been corrupted to see the World not as a loving home but an open ground to prove supremacy over another. This was another cultural shift but to the wrong direction away from the ideal purpose of life where humanity must strive to live together in peace.
If the Queen in 1923 had introduced and enforced the culture of equality before the Law in Zimbabwe in that year, up to this day the British would be enjoying a second Country and striving and living and doing business there. Zimbabwe would be ruled by both the Black and White people and people would not have died and lost opportunity.
Arrogance is a British curse which is somehow part of the British DNA and they have taught the rest of the World to be arrogant so that they also may be recognised. Any Nation that feels more superior than humanity in doomed to harvest less as more Nations refuse to be dictated to. I was listening to the Srilancan president telling the British Prime minister that Srilanka does not want to be dictated to by the British. This is the same language that Mugabe uses in Zimbabwe. South Africans also see the British as pompous people who are prone to the superiority syndrome.
The Chinese, Indians, Russians, Pakistani, Africans, French, German and Spanish all privately see the British as arrogant and refusing to accept that the successes of the World is a collective effort by all and not a British effort.
The British claim to be the originators and custodians of Civilisation and Order.
Since the humiliation at the Suez Canal, Britain now acknowledges that America is a superpower. This acknowledgement is a confirmation of the words of an uneducated Zimbabwean warrior who, in 1896, said you have to display your spear in order to gain respect from the British.
Why does one not need to show their spears when they interact with Chinese, Africans, Russians, Indians or Arabs? An ideal World is one where people can be allowed to recognise each other and celebrate humanity together without one of them claiming superiority over the other.
Living in Britain for 13 years now after failing to live enjoyable life in a colonially destroyed Zimbabwe, most Zimbabweans now see Britain as an arrogant but homely Nation. Britain offers security, opportunity, freedom, education, and a good healthcare and Governmental system which will take many years to come by in Zimbabwe after the ravages of British Colonialism. But Zimbabweans are British. We were born and raised under the British Governance and most of us were delivered at the hands of a British midwife in Rhodesia. We were fed Lactogen and Nestle British products and were taught in English and how is that different from being born in England?
The British forced their culture on us in Zimbabwe at gunpoint and we were made British. Zimbabweans think British. We respond to problems the British way after being forced to be British for 90 years. It is easy to change clothes but to change a culture is impossible. It is English culture to refuse to be bullied. It is an English culture to refuse to be given less. English culture to refuse to be made last on the queue but strive to be first. And indeed, this is the culture that the British forced on Zimbabweans from 1888 and we have no choice to throw that away.
As we live in Britain, we just do not have the expected nature to shrink like a foreigner. We don't see ourselves as such but as equals with the British who expect us to be apologetic and to shrink. We are as British as the British borns' if not more. More because we were trained by extreme British Colonialists who did more to make us shrink and we did more to prove otherwise. Amazingly even our little children born here face hard questions to answer as a result of their Black skin colour.
As much as I do not want my children to judge people by the colour of their skin, there is very little I can do because that ideality does not and will never happen in arrogant Britain. All that Zimbabweans who live in Britain should do is to let their children grow up and face brunt of inevitable and false superiority feeling that resides in the DNA of the British people.
Last week I collected my four year old from her school reception, she joined her White friends running happily and playing with them. All of a sudden my daughter's face turned red and she froze at the gate, she had withdrawn suddenly from a group of about six White kids aged between three and four. I quickly noticed that something had gone horribly wrong. I rushed to my little daughter and she looked straight into my iris and asked, "Dad! Am I Black?" I closed my eyes and asked God in a little prayer to guide me to give a correct answer that would make my daughter comfortable to live harmoniously without dip-sited hate in this World. Quickly I asked why she was asking. She replied that so and so had said she is Black. I asked her calmly and fatherly while trying to maintain a usual smile," Why did he say that", and she replied that he said her face is Black and she is not White.
Truly these are children so young and one wouldn't want to sound a trumpet but keep calm. I drove her home and decided to record the incident from her own words in the car. While I was asking her again and recording, she told the story and went on to pull the driver's rear view mirror to judge for herself if she is Black. Please see the video and judge for yourself. I feel that unless the British Government evolves to the level where it can educate its' Nation that the British people are not a unique species of the World at all, their children will find it difficult to pursue opportunities in other countries and the British will be a confined country where its people will not be accepted in many parts of the World where opportunity could arise. They will be left one step behind civilisation a few years to come in this changing World.
Opportunities are rising rapidly and the unfortunate truth is that Zimbabwe is one of the countries that are offering opportunity with all the mineral wealth. It's a matter of time that the Mugabe era will pass and the World, Britain included, will race to grab that opportunity. This little four year old White boy who grew up being shown Black people and heard how low they are may end up looking for an Engineering job in Zimbabwe or South Africa where people are Black.
Britain needs to do more to remove the old notion of classifying Black people as a problem. Most Black people like the Srilankans, Chinese or Indians do not take lightly when someone or when some Nations want to impose themselves upon others.
Civilisation is when Laws are tightened to stop people from ever degrading other people. The little boy is just a minor and small example of how deeply the British Nation is biased against Blacks. Wider in the Government, they are not shy to practise what we call apartheid. They have a law that says it must be made too hard for non-Europeans to be allowed entry into Britain. This is not a little four year old boy but the British Government. The little boy learns from parents who learn from Government.
If you look at the number of the British people who have interest in South Africa or Zimbabwe, you always wonder why something does not tell them that they came to our countries first. If they thought we are so un-clever that they would come and live and die in our countries and we would never access theirs, then they must go back to the books.
We do not apologise to live in Britain no matter how much noise they want to make. They also will never leave our countries no matter how much noise we want to make. Country boarders are not natural but were created by men. Those who created boarders also created one way apartheid Laws where permission to get to other countries is allowed to other races and restricted to other races. My son now aged 16 was refused entry in UK because of one way apartheid Black Filtering British Laws. Civilised Britain sees that refusal as civilisation. They are more interested in street politics rather than think of a family that is torn apart by racist Laws. When Teressa May the British Home Secretary talks about foreigners, she has hate in the face which can't be hidden. But here I am, being Zimbabwean having been born in Zimbabwe under the British leadership of Ian Smith, the more she hates, the more I become hard. As for the way to respond to a hateful situation, I was trained by the British in Rhodesia, I was forced to think and do things the British way. I feel British and it is British to refuse to be bullied or refuse to be made the last on the queue. The British in Rhodesia taught me to strive to be the first and not the last on the queue. Where Teressa May and her hateful and sophistication lacking department of hate press hard, I press harder.
Zimbabweans must refuse to be made to apologise for living in this country when the British went, lived and died in Zimbabwe long before we could come to Britain. The fantasy thought that Blacks must shrink is the stupidity of yesteryear which will never happen again. I am just worried that hate is being implanted into my little kids that I aspired to raise in a civilised hate free society.
Source - Ryton Dzimiri
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