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A cause for MDC-T leadership renewal - Elton Mangoma

26 Jan 2014 at 16:47hrs | Views
Below is a position paper titled Restoration of hope and confidence: A cause for leadership renewal written by MDC-T deputy treasurer-general Elton Mangoma on the need for party president Morgan Tsvangirai to step down. The paper was reportedly tabled at the party's national standing committee meeting on Friday. 
ContextOn the onset, I wish to put it on the record that I am loyal to you (Tsvangirai) and the movement. I remain cognisant and cherish the role you have played and shall continue to play going forward. I, therefore, respectively, submit these views and proposals in the name of transparency and honesty for preservation of our collective integrity and my love for this party and this country, as well as my utmost respect for the leadership of the party. 
I also respectively submit that my views are meant to build this party and its leadership for us to remain relevant on the Zimbabwean menu of politics and for the party to be able to challenge for highest political office in the next election. They are not meant to be personal attacks or to be misconstrued as a form of character assassination on anyone, but a genuine well-thought out expression of my desire to see a strong MDC emerging out of the incumbent crisis.
IntroductionIt is common cause that the MDC suffered an electoral loss of catastrophic proportions, what we in the party are convinced is an electoral theft by Zanu-PF, on July 31 2013. It is common cause that this election did not meet the standards expected of a democratic free and fair election. It is also common cause that regardless of the electoral fraud, on our part as leadership, we should be responsible and shoulder some blame for allowing that electoral fraud to take place.
The aftermath of the July 31 electionThe aftermath of the election has been a state of confusion, consternation and apprehension on the part of the movement. The party is grieving from a crisis of leadership legitimacy, crisis of expectation and above all a crisis of confidence, externally and internally.
My reading is that the manner in which councillors voted on September 16 2013 during the election of mayors, is manifest of the crisis of leadership and the crisis of legitimacy that is engrossing the party.
The repercussion of the election has also been met with personal and private issues of the party's highest office, being drawn into the public, further calling into question the leadership credentials of the party leaving the brand of the party in disrepute.
This has culminated in appeals, internally and externally, for leadership renewal in the party.
The call for leadership renewalLeadership renewal is an inexorable truth that the party will have to confront, lest it is plagued by the same succession conundrum affecting Zanu-PF. Since the outcome of the election, calls for leadership renewal have been made in different quotas and at different platforms.
It is my unbending resolve that leadership renewal, at this juncture, could be the only avenue to restoring the credibility of the party lest it risks being confined to history. At a time when confidence of the party is plummeting(sic), there is need for the MDC to freshen up, create fresh impetus and rally its troops to remain united and focused. However, this impetus cannot and will not be created if the leadership status quo is preserved.
As Zimbabwe seems to plunge deeper into crisis following the July 31 election, the relevance of the MDC cannot be overstressed. The MDC still has a significant role to play in the democratisation process of Zimbabwe, but cannot do so in its current state. With 2018 approaching, it is apparent that campaigning for the same commences promptly under a renewed leadership.
The Position of the PresidentThere is no denial that Morgan Tsvangirai has embossed his name into the history books of this country. There is also no denial that he has played a pivotal role in Zimbabwe's quest for democracy and socio-economic transformation.
However, it is my humble submission that, at this juncture, it is time you consider leaving the office of the president of the movement. 2014 marks 15 years of Morgan Tsvangirai as president of the party. You have done the best that you could and continuing would result in diminishing returns and eating into your legacy. The party is in dire need for new ideas, new thinking, a new trajectory and new stimulus.
Way ForwardThe creation of a new trajectory for the party cannot and will not be achieved by acrimony and contestation, but by amicably resolving and putting finality and closure to this issue of leadership renewal.
However, the MDC needs resurgence underwritten by a strong cohesive party leadership, reviewed adaptive party policies and reinvigorated connection with the base and the broad alliance. The best way that you, as president of the party can support this process is to step aside and allow progress by the democratic forces.
There are three possible pathways, with the first being highly undesirable for the party.
Firstly, you remain in questioned leadership, which brings back the ghost of 2005-2006, leading to a nasty war of attrition in the party, which will reach a peak either before, or in 2016. Some of the questions, that are part of general talk, that you will then need to answer are as follows:
How will you be able to undertake the reform agenda that we failed to do when we were in government and you had executive power?
How will you answer the questions that we failed to care enough for our people and that we used our time in government for personal aggrandisement, personal wealth accumulation as symbolised by the current impasse on the Highlands residence?
How will you put closure to the issue of women in your life and ensure that these will not continue to erode your and the party's brand?
How will we put closure to the question of misuse of funds, and ensure that our friends regain confidence that donations will be channeled to the people's project going forward?
How will we make sure that trust, team spirit and mutual confidence, currently eroded through the misconduct of the primary elections, violence visited on staff and myself, lack of constitutionalism and failure to follow procedure on appointment of officers to the national executive and key public offices including diplomatic posts, is restored?
Secondly, the president could declare his intention to step aside necessitating for the conducting of an extra-ordinary congress, while he is in charge.
Thirdly, the president could declare his intention to leave office forthwith and an interim leadership, under vice president Thokozai Khupe, takes over. This to me, is the most ideal approach that will strengthen the party towards the next election.
Under option two and three above, I envisage amending the constitution to create the position of founding president. It will give the effect that you will continue to be closely associated with the party and the people's project, preserve your legacy as a democrat and a brave fighter against dictatorship and one-man-rule.
This also enables establishing an institute for governance and social development, which the party will assist in fundraising for the establishment of the same. This is my honest assessment of the party and my submissions on how the party can be transformed to achieve its objective of; -
Acquiring state power following an electoral win in the next election.
Governing democratically and bringing about real transformation in Zimbabwe.
ConclusionI sincerely believe any of the last two approaches, if adopted, could enable  president Morgan Tsvangirai to maintain his legacy as a person who has fought a just cause for democracy and the upliftment of the conditions of life for ordinary Zimbabweans. It will also enable the movement to make progress towards securing state power.
I hope you will render my submissions the due consideration that they deserve.
I thank you,
Elton Mangoma Deputy Treasurer-General

Source - zimmail
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