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What's the farce about Tsvangirai UK trip

24 Jul 2014 at 17:22hrs | Views
Quite puzzling is the excitement and talk about Morgan Tsvangirai and his group travelling to the United Kingdom as if he is doing it for a national cause yet he is going there to fundraise.

We have it on good authority that Mr Tsvangirai is going to the United Kingdom to mislead the new British ambassador who has been picked by the British authorities to succeed Deborah Bronnet whose term of office is coming to an end.

We understand that a number of newspaper editors have been paid to promote Morgan Tsvangirai's United Kingdom trip.

A delegation list in our possession indicate that the major purpose of this

trip is to fund raising for the bankrupt political party.

The Tsvangirai era is coming to an end and he no longer holds the future for the people of Zimbabwe.

The Welshman Ncube and Tendai Biti's renewal team are the only two parties that will deliver a better future for Zimbabweans.

We have read and heard about a one hundred dollar dinner with Morgan Tsvangirai being organized by some political criminals who ran away from trial in Zimbabwe.

The planned demonization of other parties by the bed hopping specialist Morgan will not be taken lightly.

We are closely monitoring the lies being peddled by the Pro Tsvangirai media and supporters.

Morgan Tsvangirai has never said the truth about the mdc split in 2005 when he walked out of the national council meeting.

The fragmentation of his party has something to do with poor leadership qualities or lack of them.

Morgan Tsvangirai is not a good unifier to take us forward as a country and in our view as a country Morgan Tsvangirai is no llonger in our plans though some British and American organisations are trying by all means possible to revive his political fortunes.

Our hope is in the rejuvenated Welshman Ncube's green team that has what it takes to take Zimbabwe forward.

There is nothing unique in the $100 sadza or Vasco Da Gama or Marcopollo trips by Morgan Richard Tsvangirai.

We have confidence in the leadership and administration of Professor Welshman Ncube not the Morgan Tsvangirai of this world.

I personally find the inclusion of journalists from some independent stables on Tsvangirai's delegation shocking in terms of journalism ethics.

Deborah Broonert did not do anything wrong in as far as the Zimbabwean crisis is concerned.

Deborah understands the Zimbabwean crisis in the same way other diplomats have understood the Zimbabwean crisis.

Broonert believes in an open door policy for everyone but the former inclusive government ceremonial Prime Minister thinks he must be a god father of Zimbabwe's opposition politics.

Broonert was right to abandon the chase for a wild goose a long time ago after realising that she was chasing and pumping money into an empty vessel.

The recent statement by the mdc leader Prof Welshman Ncube that his party has tied the loose ends to overwhelmingly win the 2018 elections has boosted the morale in the green team camp.

There is more life and hope in Welshman Ncube for now than in Morgan Tsvangirai who has been misfiring since the year he was elected president of the mdc.

The concerns of every member and supporter are being addressed and the mdc party is now back on track.

The party has strategies and plans that have attracted a number of new political friends because of the practical solutions the party has tabled.

Welshman Ncube's democratic approach to issues has drawn sympathy and respect from supporters in and outside other political parties.

The move taken by the Renewal team of moving away from Tsvangirai is good for them instead of staying where there is no happiness.

I am pleased as a general member of the mdc led by Professor Welshman Ncube to learn about the exciting events currently taking shape and the political programme that has been put in place.

We are now certain that a new Zimbabwe under Welshman Ncube is now beckoning.

Welshman Ncube will never walk alone some of us in Masvingo the home of the Karanga people would rather entrust Prof Ncube ahead of Morgan Tsvangirai and Robert Mugabe.

Team Mathonsi 2018 is now here for some serious business and nothing will stop us from winning the 2018 elections.

We all understand that we are all in a marathon and only the physically and mentally fit will survive.

We are happy that Welshman Ncube successfully negotiated for the reopening of Ziscosteel now called Zimsteel when he was Minister of Industry and commerce in the inclusive government.

Over 3000 workers are now guaranteed of their jobs and better remuneration in Redclif.

Prof Ncube is one of the great leaders Zimbabwe has for now as compared to the other junk in Zanu pf and Mdct.

The mdct and Zanu pf internet journalists should stop the lies about non existant tribalism in Welshman Ncube and learn to base their arguments on facts not falsewoods.

Source - Gugugu Magorira
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