Opinion / Columnist
Tsvangirai - Moving Zimbabwe from Ordinary to EXTRA-ORDINARY
14 Jan 2015 at 23:40hrs | Views

Picture courtesy of Tendai Khaliphile Bandezi
Because of His unmerited favor we, live to tell the tale. Unfortunately the tale that Zimbabwe tells is that she is the land of milk and honey; problem is that the honey is only shared amongst a specific group of renegades in Zanu Pf of course. Infact on a point of correction there has been far too many bees on the honey. The production of milk and honey has long dried up and thanks to king-bee Roberry Mugabe and queen-bee Dr. DisGrace-marufu-gorereza-gono-pamire-gono-Mugabe.
God is absolutely technologically advanced in communication. He has an Ipad, he Has a landline, an email address, a twitter account, my space and a facebook account! He Has a twitter account for he said "Follow me" – Matthew 4:19; He has cellphones and landlines for He said "Call me and I will answer you and show you great mighty things and the problematic matter at hand - Jeremiah 33:3 read with Daniel 2:22-23. We need to call God and tell him all our joys and sorrows and he will show us the way. Nothing is hidden from Him for He is the light that darkness shies away from.
It doesn't matter where you are in life. It doesn't matter where you start in life. What matters most is where you come to an end. Prior to reaching the finishing line, we need to scuttle the race with a distinction in excellence, empowered by His grace. His grace is sufficient. The Lord proclaimed and declares that His grace, the unmerited favor and loving kindness and mercy is enough for you and I. It is sufficient against any danger and it enables us to bear any troubles manfully – 2 Corinthians 12:9. Oh, eulogize the Lord for He is worthy to be praised!
Zimbabwe is at a stage where she is being altered from Ordinary to EXTRA-ORDINARY. There is a calamitous requirement for a transformation. We adore and feel affection for, and serve a God who is perfect in each and every way, and in more ways than one. The Lord is perennially, everlastingly and without ceasing inviting us into His perfection.
He desires us to desire what he desires! Powerful indeed! God wants us to synchronize our diaries and everything in us to line up with His perfect order and peace and love and strength. This right here is His divine design.
God calls people who are readily agreeable to pressing on, working hard to get closer to Him. He knows that if you can take it, you can make it. God knows everything about us from our residential address; our wealth; the number of hair particles in our heads; our thoughts and so forth. He knew us before we were formed. Our today, our present is actually history to God. He knew us before we were formed in secret and intricately and curiously embroidered in the depths of the earth (womb) – Job 1 read in conjunction with Psalms 139:15.
As we draw closer to Him, He dishes out more grace as we proceed. He transforms us from ordinary to EXTRA-ORDINARY.
The paramount diversion from ordinary to EXTRA-ORDINARY is the five EXTRA words which come with their own divine meaning.
E – is for being equipped and capacitated to rise up to the level of excellence with the armor of the Spirit. Besides being clued up with communication gadgets, God is also a fashion designer with His own clothes label. He encourages us to wear his fashion label. With this revelation, I asked my patient mentor in Christ Asanda from church what she was wearing and with frustration and embarrassment, she shyly described her outfit that included nude-pums and all sorts that might not be ideal for public consumption. I asked the question in spirit and she responded in flesh. The two have no relationship, they are like darkness and light; unevenly yoked – John 1:5 read alongside 2 Corinthians 6:14.
What I indeed wanted from Asanda was an affirmation that we are by divine default designed to wear God's fashion label; the belt of truth; the breastplate of righteousness; the shoes of the gospel of peace; the shield of faith; the helmet of salvation; and the sword of the spirit. We have to repose and slumber with them on; we need to drive in our pot-holed roads with them on. We have to be so familiar with the Godly fashion label and wear it instinctively.
If we are not equipped for the battle, we will remain ordinary and we would be used as bait for satan's attacks (satan is correctly written in small caps)!
X – represents the Godly excitement which is thrice as contagious as the Ebola virus. Excitement about God is easily spread. I don't know about you, but I seek to be always in the midst of people who are excited about God's unmerited favor in their lives and the world at large. In the God Act which was never amended, we are advised that iron sharpens iron.
It thus is advisable to be surrounded by folk who intimidate you to greatness- folk who are more excited than you are, who has more faith than you do, folk who knows the Bible more than you do. That is why in the sports arena friendly games are always played against a better team so that the team would learn. I am a die-hard-completely-sold-out-fan of Highlanders-Bosso and I aspired to don the striped black and white jersey and return it to the glory days, but unfortunately I chose to play for Malombo's Central Brothers United FC in the Castle league in Pietermaritzburg. As it stands, I have consulted my coach over having our B-team play Bosso so that the latter will learn a few lessons from us, and this leads to the next letter…
T – is for training. The more teaching and training a person receives, the more one can turn around and give to others. It is just contagious.
R – is for righteousness. EXTRA-ORDINARY excellence demands a righteous walk with the Lord. It is thus a command that purify yourself, you who carry the vessels of the Lord – Isaiah 52:11. No one really wants to jeopardize and compromise her walk with a God of perfect love.
A – encourages for action. Indeed all the equipping and teaching and excitement and righteousness in the world don't count for much if there is no action. Faith without action is dead – James 2:20. We are obliged to do something positive with all the blessings we have attained from God.
E-X-T-R-A: Extra determination, extra commitment, extra faith, extra everything. It automatically makes us be able to be EXTRA-ORDINARY in everything under the sun. Once we are EXTRA-ORDINARY, we persue excellence which is a direct result of painstaking conscientiousness. Excellence is hardwork, but it's so worthwhile.
If you want to live a happy life, then you should seek to find more of God. Finding more of God leads to an assailable position where you will reflect Him to people around you. This is a benchmark for excellence in everything you will do, and of course asking for His perfect grace every step of the way.
If as a person you feel weak, little and powerless, inexperienced and least in many things, FEAR not for the Lord really wants to use you in whatever form you are in. everyone has a potential of living a life of excellence. God chooses the least – Luke 9:48. Gideon was the weakest man in a minute tribe. David was the youngest and least significant of his brothers. Paul was the least of his apostles but he said 'When I am weak, I am strong' – 2 Corinthians 12:10.
The Lord, the God who is inside you is greater than the whole world put together. One little word breathed from Him destroys all the darkness and turns ON all the lights.
For the nation to move from ordinary to EXTRA-ORDINARY everyone needs to take part in the personal initiative based on faith in action. A renewal of the mind and a focus on God will result in a sudden turnaround of the nation. Neither baby miracle nor driving an expensive car nor having overflows of people will make people turn to God voluntarily. Only preaching the truth will set people free. The truth shall set us free.
Robert Mugabe has ruined Zimbabwe, and this averment is held as an open secret. Let the love of the Lord take precedence.
Judy Jacobs, you inspire me, what a read; thank you, I will never miss my moments with God in life!
To my son Prince Tendai, thank you for your love and happy birthday; Daddy and mummy loves you. We are the best tag team!
Zimbabwe has reached a point where those in spirit have used discernment to interpret these end times of the oppressor's grip on Zimbabwe.
President Morgan Tsvangirai's invitations to The Big Tent and for an economic Indaba are bold remarks from a God send person whose intention is to bring all Zimbabweans across board into a dialogue that is going to benefit the nation.
Viva Morgan Tsvangirai Viva!
Free Zimbabwe. Free the nation from the devil incarnation.
Robbery Mungabe must go!
is a political analyst and also the director of Information and
Publicity in the South African Youth Assembly of the Morgan Tsvangirai
led Movement for Democratic Change. Chadya who describes himself as a
devout Christian, read law the University of KwaZulu Natal and lives is
in the Natal Midlands. He can be contacted by email at diamondtapiwa@gmail.com
God is absolutely technologically advanced in communication. He has an Ipad, he Has a landline, an email address, a twitter account, my space and a facebook account! He Has a twitter account for he said "Follow me" – Matthew 4:19; He has cellphones and landlines for He said "Call me and I will answer you and show you great mighty things and the problematic matter at hand - Jeremiah 33:3 read with Daniel 2:22-23. We need to call God and tell him all our joys and sorrows and he will show us the way. Nothing is hidden from Him for He is the light that darkness shies away from.
It doesn't matter where you are in life. It doesn't matter where you start in life. What matters most is where you come to an end. Prior to reaching the finishing line, we need to scuttle the race with a distinction in excellence, empowered by His grace. His grace is sufficient. The Lord proclaimed and declares that His grace, the unmerited favor and loving kindness and mercy is enough for you and I. It is sufficient against any danger and it enables us to bear any troubles manfully – 2 Corinthians 12:9. Oh, eulogize the Lord for He is worthy to be praised!
Zimbabwe is at a stage where she is being altered from Ordinary to EXTRA-ORDINARY. There is a calamitous requirement for a transformation. We adore and feel affection for, and serve a God who is perfect in each and every way, and in more ways than one. The Lord is perennially, everlastingly and without ceasing inviting us into His perfection.
He desires us to desire what he desires! Powerful indeed! God wants us to synchronize our diaries and everything in us to line up with His perfect order and peace and love and strength. This right here is His divine design.
God calls people who are readily agreeable to pressing on, working hard to get closer to Him. He knows that if you can take it, you can make it. God knows everything about us from our residential address; our wealth; the number of hair particles in our heads; our thoughts and so forth. He knew us before we were formed. Our today, our present is actually history to God. He knew us before we were formed in secret and intricately and curiously embroidered in the depths of the earth (womb) – Job 1 read in conjunction with Psalms 139:15.
As we draw closer to Him, He dishes out more grace as we proceed. He transforms us from ordinary to EXTRA-ORDINARY.
The paramount diversion from ordinary to EXTRA-ORDINARY is the five EXTRA words which come with their own divine meaning.
E – is for being equipped and capacitated to rise up to the level of excellence with the armor of the Spirit. Besides being clued up with communication gadgets, God is also a fashion designer with His own clothes label. He encourages us to wear his fashion label. With this revelation, I asked my patient mentor in Christ Asanda from church what she was wearing and with frustration and embarrassment, she shyly described her outfit that included nude-pums and all sorts that might not be ideal for public consumption. I asked the question in spirit and she responded in flesh. The two have no relationship, they are like darkness and light; unevenly yoked – John 1:5 read alongside 2 Corinthians 6:14.
What I indeed wanted from Asanda was an affirmation that we are by divine default designed to wear God's fashion label; the belt of truth; the breastplate of righteousness; the shoes of the gospel of peace; the shield of faith; the helmet of salvation; and the sword of the spirit. We have to repose and slumber with them on; we need to drive in our pot-holed roads with them on. We have to be so familiar with the Godly fashion label and wear it instinctively.
If we are not equipped for the battle, we will remain ordinary and we would be used as bait for satan's attacks (satan is correctly written in small caps)!
X – represents the Godly excitement which is thrice as contagious as the Ebola virus. Excitement about God is easily spread. I don't know about you, but I seek to be always in the midst of people who are excited about God's unmerited favor in their lives and the world at large. In the God Act which was never amended, we are advised that iron sharpens iron.
It thus is advisable to be surrounded by folk who intimidate you to greatness- folk who are more excited than you are, who has more faith than you do, folk who knows the Bible more than you do. That is why in the sports arena friendly games are always played against a better team so that the team would learn. I am a die-hard-completely-sold-out-fan of Highlanders-Bosso and I aspired to don the striped black and white jersey and return it to the glory days, but unfortunately I chose to play for Malombo's Central Brothers United FC in the Castle league in Pietermaritzburg. As it stands, I have consulted my coach over having our B-team play Bosso so that the latter will learn a few lessons from us, and this leads to the next letter…
T – is for training. The more teaching and training a person receives, the more one can turn around and give to others. It is just contagious.
R – is for righteousness. EXTRA-ORDINARY excellence demands a righteous walk with the Lord. It is thus a command that purify yourself, you who carry the vessels of the Lord – Isaiah 52:11. No one really wants to jeopardize and compromise her walk with a God of perfect love.
E-X-T-R-A: Extra determination, extra commitment, extra faith, extra everything. It automatically makes us be able to be EXTRA-ORDINARY in everything under the sun. Once we are EXTRA-ORDINARY, we persue excellence which is a direct result of painstaking conscientiousness. Excellence is hardwork, but it's so worthwhile.
If you want to live a happy life, then you should seek to find more of God. Finding more of God leads to an assailable position where you will reflect Him to people around you. This is a benchmark for excellence in everything you will do, and of course asking for His perfect grace every step of the way.
If as a person you feel weak, little and powerless, inexperienced and least in many things, FEAR not for the Lord really wants to use you in whatever form you are in. everyone has a potential of living a life of excellence. God chooses the least – Luke 9:48. Gideon was the weakest man in a minute tribe. David was the youngest and least significant of his brothers. Paul was the least of his apostles but he said 'When I am weak, I am strong' – 2 Corinthians 12:10.
The Lord, the God who is inside you is greater than the whole world put together. One little word breathed from Him destroys all the darkness and turns ON all the lights.
For the nation to move from ordinary to EXTRA-ORDINARY everyone needs to take part in the personal initiative based on faith in action. A renewal of the mind and a focus on God will result in a sudden turnaround of the nation. Neither baby miracle nor driving an expensive car nor having overflows of people will make people turn to God voluntarily. Only preaching the truth will set people free. The truth shall set us free.
Robert Mugabe has ruined Zimbabwe, and this averment is held as an open secret. Let the love of the Lord take precedence.
Judy Jacobs, you inspire me, what a read; thank you, I will never miss my moments with God in life!
To my son Prince Tendai, thank you for your love and happy birthday; Daddy and mummy loves you. We are the best tag team!
Zimbabwe has reached a point where those in spirit have used discernment to interpret these end times of the oppressor's grip on Zimbabwe.
President Morgan Tsvangirai's invitations to The Big Tent and for an economic Indaba are bold remarks from a God send person whose intention is to bring all Zimbabweans across board into a dialogue that is going to benefit the nation.
Viva Morgan Tsvangirai Viva!
Free Zimbabwe. Free the nation from the devil incarnation.
Robbery Mungabe must go!

Source - Chadya Tapiwa Diamond
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