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Morgan Tsvangirai, Robert Mugabe hate Ndebele people

14 Oct 2015 at 09:27hrs | Views
Morgan Tsvangirai's failure to attend Mahlangu burial has nothing to do with the venues and characters that were claiming ownership of his body.

It has a lot to do with tribalism and poor reading of politics on the part of the tired and clueless MDC-T president.

His absence at the funeral of one of the party's great sons raises our eyebrows as sincere and honest observers.

The split of the mdc in 2012 was as a result of Tsvangirai's hatred of the Ndebele people.

He is one person who does not value knowledge and advice,someone who fears intelligent people around him.

People like Lovemore Moyo will be thown into the dust bin the same way he did to Chamisa.

Gibson Sibanda and Welshman Ncube were very right to part ways with this shona tribalist.

Morgan Tsvangirai, Simba Makoni, Joice Mujuru and Robert Mugabe are birds of the same feather that cannot be separated.

The 1987 unity accord is now in the dust bin and people like Simon Khaya Moyo are on the knife edge without any security or guarantee of a long stay in Zanu-PF.

Robert Mugabe is going to kill and boot out all intelligent Ndebele people who voted for his party.

The CIO is on the ground rewriting the 1987 unity accord.

How can a whole vice president like Phelekezela Mpoko be whipped and silenced by Mugabe's former secretary cum bedroom partner Grace Mugabe.

I always laugh my lungs out whenever Morgan Tsvangirai talks about an alliance with Joice Mujuru who is a clear Zanu-PF member who has made her  position regarding Mugabe known.

Simba Makoni and Joice Mujuru are pure Zanu-PF projects thrown into the fray to delay the required political change.

Some of us are not too deeperate for political coalitions or so called reunifications with pridefull institutions like People first or Pdp.

Things are firing up in the mdc led by Professor Welshman Ncube and anyone thinking that he or she is bigger than our party should be medically examined.

Professor Welshman Ncube should not waste time begging for partners especially those in the mould of Joice Mujuru, Simba Makoni or Morgan Tsangirai.

I will personally quit politics if any of those useless and tribal people come anywhere close.

I will never associate myself with a tribalist even the rich and so called intelligent ones.

Professor Welshman Ncube has always stated that tribalists have no space in the MDC.

Source - Gugugu Magorira Zvishavane
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