Opinion / Columnist
Why enlightened Zapu members must endorse Thulani Nkala for Zapu President 2016
08 Nov 2015 at 19:23hrs | Views

Who is perfect to be nominated for any leadership position in any Political Party anywhere around the World? Who is pure and is known by all fifteen million Zimbabweans for doing things in a manner that all fifteen million people call "Correct"?
If no one can point out just one person known for doing things right all the times, then, I Ryton Dzimiri and fourteen point nine nine nine million Zimbabweans, know very well that no one is perfect.
Thulani Nkala has put his name forward for nomination as a Zapu Presidential candidate. If you get right inside Thulani Nkala's private cupboard, you would retrieve private letters of former girlfriends and family members who are not happy about a certain patch of his life where he failed them. This, is testimony that Thulani Nkala is, indeed as he wilfully describes himself, -Just human. The difference here is that Thulani has come out and declared openly and using modern Internationally penetrative media sources to communicate his will eloquently to a wider audience. He has shown the ability to be effective, ability to reach high number of people in this game of numbers.
Thulani is just human just as you and me. Just human as Joshua Nkomo or Nelson Mandela. Just human as Barrack Obama or Vladimir Putin. Thulani is just human as David Cameron or probably even better because, I doubt that Thulani ever did with a dead pig's mouth as David did.
What makes a simple and merely five fingered human being become an international icon is one's willingness to lift up his hand and put himself forward as a sacrificial individual to solve the Nation's problems.
What National problem is there and why just a mare Thulani Nkala?
If we remember the names of Robert Sobukwe, Kwame Nkrumah, Joshua Nkomo, Steve Biko, Robert Mugabe, George Washington, Nelson Mandela, Mzilikazi, Mbuya Nehanda, or Biblical Moses, we will be reminded that there was a problem before a mare name came forward to be indented in the indelible archives of history. If someone is born at the right time, right place and happens to live at a coincidental period that a particular Nation is in dire need of a paradigm shift, then that person, if he is so willing to come forward and do the right thing, will be crowned a Hero.
Zapu was formed in 1957 to counter the National problem of Colonialism that was treating Zimbabweans as criminals in their own country just as Zanu-PF is doing now. It destined one to be a rubble of rubbish in Rhodesia in 1957 if one was not White as much as it destines one to be a rubble of rubbish today if one is not a Mugabe propellant. –This is the problem which coincidentally exists at the same time that Thulani Nkala is in his forties and the Nation needs a Biblical Moses. (Remember Moses was not all Holly, there was a concealed Egyptian's skeleton under his name –none of us is completely clean)
Dirty Moses in the re-incarnation of Thulani Nkala of 2015, like dirty Nelson Mandela of 1962, has, like Nelson Mandela, lifted up his hand to say that he wants to lead and revive the liberation objective of Zapu to its 1957 state.
Mandela was a Xhosa. How could a radical Xhosa, only constituting 6% of South African population, lead all South Africans fairly? –That question was raising the adrenaline levels of the South African Settler Regime into permanent hopes that they would rule South Africa for ever since black minds cant perverse through the strong boundaries of tribe. Settler Media Machinery was quick to call Mandela a radical Xhosa who wanted South Africa to be ruled by Xhosas who hated Zulus and everybody else. National problems of South Africa by 1963 had grown much heavier against the colonially disunited and easily exploitable Blacks such that Xhosa, Zulu, or Venda no longer recognised the artificial barriers. All these easily exploitable Black groups congregated together under common poverty and captivity equally in prisons and in their communities.
Somebody described Thulani Nkala as a radical. –Well, maybe this is the Mandela type of a radical who fits the times under which we are slaving under Zanu. We do not need the services of a Priest when Mugabe, Mnangagwa and Grace Mugabe are clearly and brutally enslaving those eleven million Zimbabweans who do not propel the Zanu thesis.
We are not Zanu. This means we are enemies of the model of Zanu that has come to be. We need a leader, and Zapu has a 1957 track record, of executing a programme that can deliver the results proficiently. We are the mother Engineer and seed of the Anti-Colonial Liberation Struggle in Zimbawe
Zapu, led by Dumiso Dabengwa, withdrew from a faulty Unity Accord which meant that Zimbabweans were to be oppressed and impoverished and forced to propel a Mugabe enriching Zanu thesis, against the Fundamental Vision of Zapu 1957.
Zapu, led by Black Russian and Able and Objective as well as Honest Dumiso Dabengwa, has made its promised resolution –to elect a new leader in 2015. The Soviet Union KGB trained Black Russian Dumiso Dabengwa, made a promise in 2008, that he would form Zapu and later hand it over to a younger blood.
Dumiso, the Intelligence Supremo anointed by Joshua Nkomo, is as honest to the party now as he was in 1961. Zapu is not Zanu! People always confuse the difference, thus why we have reeled under Zanu for so long. All other Zimbabwean parties operate with a culture that was imported by Zanu from Ghana in 1963 into Zimbabwe. A culture of discode, splitting, inter-fighting, disunity, Gamatox and Zvipfukuto, Mujuru-kiss and Mujuru-spit, 1963-Ngomo-Zimundevere, 1976-Ndabaningi-Mutengesi-Tongogara-Mutungamiri. 1977-Tongogara-ZimuKaranga-Mugabe-Mutungamiri.
This culture has created useless unwanted heroes who do nothing to address the original needs of our people. These Quasi-heroes change wives like dresses and with no traditional ethics. We have Heros like Tsvangirai who, if he had refused to inherit a Zanu culture, should have ruled Zimbabwe from 2005.
Zapu, led by Dabengwa is wise, patient and astute as ever. We carry people along with us. We teach people and expect them to reciprocate. If they don't reciprocate, we wait for them to empirically read the consequences of what we would have taught them against.
We taught people to fight Colonialism and some of our people turned Colonists at Independence. We waited for ten years 1980-90 for people to see the evils of Colonial Zanu. Instead of coming back to Zapu after realising Zanu evil intent, some people formed ZUM and MDC. We waited honestly and patiently, the splitting syndrome befell those new parties and our people were abused. Like in Zanu, the womanising focus by opposition leaders destroyed National Objectives. Opposition leaders used the people's mandate to get younger wives, new cars and houses and farms improving nothing for our people.
Dabengwa, softly and intelligently kept Zapu afloat and in a traditional pro-people soft and persuasive mode while on the other side, our people were learning from the mistakes of adopting a Zanu Culture.
At the right time, Dabengwa has called for a Leadership hand-over. He did so as per Zapu Democratic and Honest Tradition. And in that traditional spirit, I, Ryton Dzimiri, raise my right hand to endorse a poor boy who grew up to defy all odds –Thulani Nkala for Zapu President.
A leader is made by people, but he has to raise his hand first. Mandela was made by people after he had raised his hand at the right time. I have no reason to lie and say I know Nkala to be the best of the best. I am nominating him aiming to put him on the same pedestal we put Joshua Nkomo in 1957 to be led by him while on the other hand, teaching him how to lead. We nominated Mandela to lead us and also taught him how to lead.
If Thulani can lean, Thulani can teach and lead. Thulani holds a British University Degree, meaning that he was able to listen and learn and do what he was taught. If he is capable of that, and has lifted his hand in a leadership contest, he is also capable to learn how to lead a diverse Party like Zapu.
I already offer to take him for an induction course to mix and mingle and eat with the poor people of Shurugwi where he has never been. He must eat bwirebwire and vubhudhu in Shurugwi as much as he knows how to eat umxhanxa from Lupane and humble himself to the level of our impoverished diverse people.
If Nkala can't smile, we will teach him how and why to smile to be accepted by our people and solve our problems. If Nkala can't select diplomatic language, just as we taught Joshua Nkomo in 1959 to learn to conduct his oration diplomatically, we will teach Nkala.
If people prefer Nkala to be a tall, slim and light complexioned Zapu leader, we will teach our people to accept that the sun rises from the East and sets to the West, even against our will, but, for a good reason.
We are Zapu,
We are able!
We are Zapu, we have a Diverse track record since 1957 and,
We are able!
We are Zapu, we give birth and raise mare people into leaders and,
We are able!
We are Zapu, we learn and teach and,
We are able!
We are Zapu and we are astute, we know the destructive voice of Divide and Rule and,
We are able!
We are Zapu and we are known for Strategic Delay or PUZA and we are able.
Tread softly and effect a National Paradigm Shift, with our support Thulani Nkala!
Ryton Dzimiri <rytondzimiri@gmail.com
Hamba phambili Bafoza, Famba Famba Shamwari!!!!
If no one can point out just one person known for doing things right all the times, then, I Ryton Dzimiri and fourteen point nine nine nine million Zimbabweans, know very well that no one is perfect.
Thulani Nkala has put his name forward for nomination as a Zapu Presidential candidate. If you get right inside Thulani Nkala's private cupboard, you would retrieve private letters of former girlfriends and family members who are not happy about a certain patch of his life where he failed them. This, is testimony that Thulani Nkala is, indeed as he wilfully describes himself, -Just human. The difference here is that Thulani has come out and declared openly and using modern Internationally penetrative media sources to communicate his will eloquently to a wider audience. He has shown the ability to be effective, ability to reach high number of people in this game of numbers.
Thulani is just human just as you and me. Just human as Joshua Nkomo or Nelson Mandela. Just human as Barrack Obama or Vladimir Putin. Thulani is just human as David Cameron or probably even better because, I doubt that Thulani ever did with a dead pig's mouth as David did.
What makes a simple and merely five fingered human being become an international icon is one's willingness to lift up his hand and put himself forward as a sacrificial individual to solve the Nation's problems.
What National problem is there and why just a mare Thulani Nkala?
If we remember the names of Robert Sobukwe, Kwame Nkrumah, Joshua Nkomo, Steve Biko, Robert Mugabe, George Washington, Nelson Mandela, Mzilikazi, Mbuya Nehanda, or Biblical Moses, we will be reminded that there was a problem before a mare name came forward to be indented in the indelible archives of history. If someone is born at the right time, right place and happens to live at a coincidental period that a particular Nation is in dire need of a paradigm shift, then that person, if he is so willing to come forward and do the right thing, will be crowned a Hero.
Zapu was formed in 1957 to counter the National problem of Colonialism that was treating Zimbabweans as criminals in their own country just as Zanu-PF is doing now. It destined one to be a rubble of rubbish in Rhodesia in 1957 if one was not White as much as it destines one to be a rubble of rubbish today if one is not a Mugabe propellant. –This is the problem which coincidentally exists at the same time that Thulani Nkala is in his forties and the Nation needs a Biblical Moses. (Remember Moses was not all Holly, there was a concealed Egyptian's skeleton under his name –none of us is completely clean)
Dirty Moses in the re-incarnation of Thulani Nkala of 2015, like dirty Nelson Mandela of 1962, has, like Nelson Mandela, lifted up his hand to say that he wants to lead and revive the liberation objective of Zapu to its 1957 state.
Mandela was a Xhosa. How could a radical Xhosa, only constituting 6% of South African population, lead all South Africans fairly? –That question was raising the adrenaline levels of the South African Settler Regime into permanent hopes that they would rule South Africa for ever since black minds cant perverse through the strong boundaries of tribe. Settler Media Machinery was quick to call Mandela a radical Xhosa who wanted South Africa to be ruled by Xhosas who hated Zulus and everybody else. National problems of South Africa by 1963 had grown much heavier against the colonially disunited and easily exploitable Blacks such that Xhosa, Zulu, or Venda no longer recognised the artificial barriers. All these easily exploitable Black groups congregated together under common poverty and captivity equally in prisons and in their communities.
Somebody described Thulani Nkala as a radical. –Well, maybe this is the Mandela type of a radical who fits the times under which we are slaving under Zanu. We do not need the services of a Priest when Mugabe, Mnangagwa and Grace Mugabe are clearly and brutally enslaving those eleven million Zimbabweans who do not propel the Zanu thesis.
We are not Zanu. This means we are enemies of the model of Zanu that has come to be. We need a leader, and Zapu has a 1957 track record, of executing a programme that can deliver the results proficiently. We are the mother Engineer and seed of the Anti-Colonial Liberation Struggle in Zimbawe
Zapu, led by Dumiso Dabengwa, withdrew from a faulty Unity Accord which meant that Zimbabweans were to be oppressed and impoverished and forced to propel a Mugabe enriching Zanu thesis, against the Fundamental Vision of Zapu 1957.
Zapu, led by Black Russian and Able and Objective as well as Honest Dumiso Dabengwa, has made its promised resolution –to elect a new leader in 2015. The Soviet Union KGB trained Black Russian Dumiso Dabengwa, made a promise in 2008, that he would form Zapu and later hand it over to a younger blood.
Dumiso, the Intelligence Supremo anointed by Joshua Nkomo, is as honest to the party now as he was in 1961. Zapu is not Zanu! People always confuse the difference, thus why we have reeled under Zanu for so long. All other Zimbabwean parties operate with a culture that was imported by Zanu from Ghana in 1963 into Zimbabwe. A culture of discode, splitting, inter-fighting, disunity, Gamatox and Zvipfukuto, Mujuru-kiss and Mujuru-spit, 1963-Ngomo-Zimundevere, 1976-Ndabaningi-Mutengesi-Tongogara-Mutungamiri. 1977-Tongogara-ZimuKaranga-Mugabe-Mutungamiri.
This culture has created useless unwanted heroes who do nothing to address the original needs of our people. These Quasi-heroes change wives like dresses and with no traditional ethics. We have Heros like Tsvangirai who, if he had refused to inherit a Zanu culture, should have ruled Zimbabwe from 2005.
Zapu, led by Dabengwa is wise, patient and astute as ever. We carry people along with us. We teach people and expect them to reciprocate. If they don't reciprocate, we wait for them to empirically read the consequences of what we would have taught them against.
We taught people to fight Colonialism and some of our people turned Colonists at Independence. We waited for ten years 1980-90 for people to see the evils of Colonial Zanu. Instead of coming back to Zapu after realising Zanu evil intent, some people formed ZUM and MDC. We waited honestly and patiently, the splitting syndrome befell those new parties and our people were abused. Like in Zanu, the womanising focus by opposition leaders destroyed National Objectives. Opposition leaders used the people's mandate to get younger wives, new cars and houses and farms improving nothing for our people.
Dabengwa, softly and intelligently kept Zapu afloat and in a traditional pro-people soft and persuasive mode while on the other side, our people were learning from the mistakes of adopting a Zanu Culture.
At the right time, Dabengwa has called for a Leadership hand-over. He did so as per Zapu Democratic and Honest Tradition. And in that traditional spirit, I, Ryton Dzimiri, raise my right hand to endorse a poor boy who grew up to defy all odds –Thulani Nkala for Zapu President.
A leader is made by people, but he has to raise his hand first. Mandela was made by people after he had raised his hand at the right time. I have no reason to lie and say I know Nkala to be the best of the best. I am nominating him aiming to put him on the same pedestal we put Joshua Nkomo in 1957 to be led by him while on the other hand, teaching him how to lead. We nominated Mandela to lead us and also taught him how to lead.
If Thulani can lean, Thulani can teach and lead. Thulani holds a British University Degree, meaning that he was able to listen and learn and do what he was taught. If he is capable of that, and has lifted his hand in a leadership contest, he is also capable to learn how to lead a diverse Party like Zapu.
I already offer to take him for an induction course to mix and mingle and eat with the poor people of Shurugwi where he has never been. He must eat bwirebwire and vubhudhu in Shurugwi as much as he knows how to eat umxhanxa from Lupane and humble himself to the level of our impoverished diverse people.
If Nkala can't smile, we will teach him how and why to smile to be accepted by our people and solve our problems. If Nkala can't select diplomatic language, just as we taught Joshua Nkomo in 1959 to learn to conduct his oration diplomatically, we will teach Nkala.
If people prefer Nkala to be a tall, slim and light complexioned Zapu leader, we will teach our people to accept that the sun rises from the East and sets to the West, even against our will, but, for a good reason.
We are Zapu,
We are able!
We are Zapu, we have a Diverse track record since 1957 and,
We are able!
We are Zapu, we give birth and raise mare people into leaders and,
We are able!
We are Zapu, we learn and teach and,
We are able!
We are Zapu and we are astute, we know the destructive voice of Divide and Rule and,
We are able!
We are Zapu and we are known for Strategic Delay or PUZA and we are able.
Tread softly and effect a National Paradigm Shift, with our support Thulani Nkala!
Ryton Dzimiri <rytondzimiri@gmail.com
Hamba phambili Bafoza, Famba Famba Shamwari!!!!
Source - Ryton Dzimiri
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