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Interview with Mothusi Bashimane Ndlovu

20 Jan 2014 at 19:53hrs | Views
Mothusi Bashimane Ndlovu is a versatile and multi-talented upcoming artist, the last time we interviewed him he was telling us about his music, today he is telling us about his newly released movie called The Chronicle of Madlela. Mr Ndlovu exudes charisma and confidence the qualities needed for success in his new terrain. Thulani Nkala (Thulani) and Mothusi Bashimane Ndlovu (Bashimane)

Thulani: Mr Ndlovu i welcome you back on our programme, the last time I spoke to you our focus was more on yourself and your music, today I would like us to zoom our focus on to your new endeavours, but before that could you briefly tell us about the progress you have made in the music front?

Bashimane: Thank you so much Nkala. I should think we have made great strides to the right direction in regard to our music. The vision with the first album was to get ourselves out there ebantwini bakithi around the globe and kancane kancane kuyalunga.The challenge we are facing as Matebeleland  artists is the proper platform to propel us so that we reach out to every one of our people scattered all over the world.

Thulani: We understand that you were supposed to launch your new movie called The Chronicles of Madlela on the 2nd November 2013, did the launch go ahead and if it did how did it go?

Bashimane: Siyabonga.Yes the launch was held on the set date and we want to say thank you to our people who came out in big numbers to give us massive support ngesakithi sithi reaboka..realeboga. But having said that it is always difficult in Jozi to bring our people together; we don't have the media to support such information dissemination. Kodwa  social media has managed to helps us reach out to them.

Thulani: The film industry in Matebeleland is not that well developed like the Theatre and music industry, why did you decide to venture into the uncharted territory and what do you expect to achieve?

Bashimane: Nkala ayikho into ehlukumeza umuntu njengephupho. I always say a dream never dies. God gave me this talent and I do not want to disappoint my creator by failing to work towards his dream through my life. Angifuni ukufika ezulwini athi uMdali wami; I gave you a talent and you failed me. You see I am not just a musician or composer but am a full package, God blessed me with that and am grateful. I am a story teller; director; poet all in one hence the big step to film as well. I refuse Nkala to die with this talent despite the challenges we face as artists from Matebeleland. I have an option to sit behind a desk for the rest of my life and die an angry old madala. Kodwa liyangihlupha leli phupho khehlalakithi. liyangilimaza ngaphakathi. It's not easy, it's an industry that is dead kithi kodwa sizoyilwa lendlela koze kulunge. UMalume u Conti wathi umkhulu lo msebenzi and indeed it's bigger than us but we not giving up we shall keep moving.

Thulani: Who produced the Chronicles of Madlela movie for you and how long did it take you to produce the final product?

Bashimane: We did everything on our own. We got tired at knocking at different doors and then decided ukuthi sizenzele thina. It took us about 4-5 months to get the whole project done.

Thulani: Were there any specific problems you encountered in this industry?

Bashimane: Eish too many. From discouragement to piracy. From lack of resources to a market that is so obsessed with anything American and in the process failing to give local talent a chance. There were just too many challenges but as a visionary you try to change that into opportunities and I am glad to say we shall not tire until we see the dream seeing the light of the day. God said impossible is nothing.

Thulani: In your first music video you depicted the gruesome scenarios of xenophobia, is Madlela the extension of that view that immigrants suffer in silence in South Africa or it is completely different?

Bashimane: Madlela is a rib cracking comedy that tries to show the life of our people in the flats of Jozi in a humorous way. Our life is pain; our everyday life is torment but we at times need to distress and laugh at ourselves. We need to tell these stories so that the coming generations will be proud of us. As we seek to entertain we also hope to educate our children on the importance of our history, language and culture. We refuse to be extinct.

Thulani: Tell us more about your movie, the message, the actors and where it was shot?

Bashimane: Philemon Madlela is a man in his 30s who comes all the way from Skhobokhobo in Nkayi to a flat in Jozi to cause havoc. He had his expectations when he came to visit his nephew uMazinyane but could not believe the living conditions in Jozi. We basically are trying to reveal our life in the flats of Jozi.We trying to expose harsh realities of life in Hillbrow by exploring impilo yalabantu abazibiza  Njiva. kunzima ema khethenini Nkala.

Thulani: Do you have a favourite scene in the movie?

Bashimane: Lol eish ya I do. My favourite scene is when uMadlela speaks with his nephew on his journey to Jozi, what he saw, who they meet. Ukhuluma ngabo Malayitsha lama Gumaguma labo mpisi. He has a funny way of speaking and you can't help it but crack.

Thulani: What is the feedback you are getting from the people regarding the quality of your work in this movie?

Bashimane: Our people have come back to us with mature and encouraging feedback. They cannot wait for Madlela 2.Though it is a first project the concept and the level of acting is very impressive. We can only improve going forward.

Thulani: Are people buying it?
Bashimane: I believe our people are so hungry for such a project hence the high demand. We have received great support. We need to find ways of reaching out to our people across the globe. But we are satisfied with the support we are receiving.

Thulani: What are future aspirations and goals in terms of your film industry work?

Bashimane: The beauty is we have made the first step. Nothing will stop us now. We will also in the near future be working with TV channels that can accommodate our works khonapha eGoli. We hope to keep telling stories that will portray the true identity of our people. I am also working on my second music album to be released soon. This year we taking it to another level and I believe the light of God shall shine on us.

Thulani: How can people support your work? Where can they get hold of the film?

Bashimane: We are still trying to get the DVD to our brothers overseas khonangapho emqandweni Nkala to help us with distribution. People in South Africa, Zim and Botswana can get in touch with us and we will be able to deliver to them. We have a facebook page for the project Madlela-Skhobokhobo power they can inbox us there.They can also write us an email kumbe they can phone or whatsup us on +27 837735099.

Thulani: It was a pleasure talking to you Mr Ndlovu, I wish you the best in all your endeavours.

Bashimane: Thina siyabonga kakhulu Nkala; our responsibility is to unleash this talent and God will do the rest.

Source - Thulani Nkala
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