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No information about NUST on the internet

by Anideas
29 Oct 2011 at 13:11hrs | Views
I have tried to find out information about the National University of Science and Technology, NUST, on the internet and have failed.

The website is not operational and there is no relevant information or contact details that come up on any internet search.

This is very worrying for anyone trying to promote NUST as a Zimbabwean university because to any students or lecturers searching for it, NUST may not even exist.

All good universities have a bare minimum of things, and one of these is useful information about it for prospective students and others.

Please could Bulawayo24 or any connected reader please ask the people at NUST to put up their website and contact details, because I could not find the people to tell this to.

Needless to say, I am worried about the lack of information about Zimbabwean universities such as NUST, because the universities will not grow or climb the rank of African and international universities if they remain "hidden".

AnideasA worried Bulawayo24 member

Source - Anideas
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