My Story, My Life: Prophet Austin Mark Moses
#000000">About Prophet Austin Mark Moses [JP]
#000000">There are many people who are going through different challenges in
their life.
#000000">Some have concluded that there can never be a way out for them.
#000000">I don't know the kind of challenge that you are going through in life. But
I would like you to take some few minutes to read the short story about some of
my life experiences and I hope my story will encourage you and give you hope.
#000000" size="3">I was born into a Catholic family in Uromi,
#000000">When I was twenty years old my father kicked me out from our home
because I wasn't doing well at school. Because of this action that my father
took against me for being unable to produce good results in my academics, I
went through many tough times during my youth days.
#000000">I went through many tough years as a youth and I had to take up all
sorts of dirty jobs to survive. Among the jobs I did was shoe shiner on the
street, a bus conductor and a labourer in building construction sites.
#000000">At a point I was begging for money from people on the streets in order
for me to be able to feed myself.
#000000">I became an object of ridicule in my community because I had just only
one shirt, one trouser and a pair of bathroom slippers.
#000000">I was labelled a useless and hopeless young man with no future. I could vividly remember the day a man looked at me and said the following words to me "Look at me very well. You will never be able to achieve half of the things that I have achieved so far in your entire life". I looked at him and the only thing that I could do then was to weep. I wept bitterly. Not because of what the man said to me but because of the condition he was living in at that time.
#000000">The man was living in a rented three bedroom flat. He had an old car
that would not start by itself unless it is pushed and he was working as an
office clerk in a clinic.
#000000">I lost my father in 1995 when I was twenty eight years old. You could
say that I was old enough to take care of myself by then. You are right if you
say so. But that was not my case. Before my father died I was practically
nobody. I had no money and when you have no money you are counted to be no body
especially in the community where I was living in at that time.
#000000">I am the first of a family of nine. One of us passed to rest in the
bosom of the Lord in 1977, remaining eight of us. I came from a not wealthy
family as people will say.
#000000">When my father died I had no money to buy a coffin to bury my beloved
father. Even the cheapest coffin I could not afford to buy. My father's corpse
was left lying on the floor for two days because I had no money to take him to
the mortuary neither do I have the money to buy a coffin to burry him.
#000000">The elders of the village latter contributed some money and we went and
bought the cheapest coffin and laid my father to the earth.
#000000">Something else happened during that time that I will share during the
#000000">As you can see I had very traumatic experience in life. I have been
through situations that could have discouraged another young man but I refused
to give up to the pressure of life.
#000000">After many years and after many other event that took place in my life
even after I have had my first, second and other encounters with God I am now a
dynamic Prophet of God that preaches the gospel of Jesus Christ all over the
World with miracle, signs and wonders following my ministration and I also
teaches in various bible institutes in different Countries.
#000000">I have taught in bible institutes in Countries like,
#000000" size="3">I am the Founder/Senior Pastor of Divine Ministries International
[Solution Centre] and Founder of
#000000">I have preached the gospel of Jesus Christ in the following Countries, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, UKRAINE, SOUTH
lived for four and half years],#000000" face="Verdana" size="3"> JAMAICA #000000" size="3">[where
I live#000000" face="Verdana" size="3"> #000000" size="3">for a while],#000000"> THE NETHERLANDS, REPUBLIC OF IRELAND,
FRANCE, GREECE, UNITED KINGDOM [my base] and NIGERIA [my birth Country].
#000000" size="3">Among the churches where I have been invited to preach the word is the
embassy of the Blessed Kingdom of God for all Nations in
#000000">God have used me to speak to people in high places like, Kings,
Presidents, Prime Ministers and Ministers of the gospel in different part of
the World and individuals as well.
#000000" size="3">As at the time that I am write this bio arrangement has been concluded
for me to preach in
#000000">Another arrangement has also been concluded for me to preach in two
cities in
#000000">I have preached the gospel to millions of people in of the following television
stations both in the UK and the USA.
#000000">AIB Television in Atlanta Georgia, USA, Loveworld Television in London, UK,
Ben Television in London, UK, Revelation Television in London, UK, Faith
Television London, UK and Premier Christian Radio London, UK.
#000000">I have also featured twice on TV4LIFE Christian Magazine in the
#000000">I am the author of a book [THEREIS STILLHOPE FOR YOU]. The first edition
of my Magazine Publication is almost in its final stage.
#000000">I am also a film actor, a singer and a song writer and I am working on
establishing a gospel entertainment outfit that will be producing Christian
films and music.
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