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Dynamos vs Chicken Inn early kick off
01 Apr 2013 at 12:09hrs | Views
DYNAMOS 1 (Sekete 30') - 1 Chicken Inn
90' 1 minute injury time added
90' Dynamos 1 - 1 Chicken Inn
89' Pakamisa attempt is wide and disappointing, Substitution Dembare, Tavarwisa in for Muparati
86' Another Dembare corner, Muparati takes and Mbara header misses but just
82' Dynamos corner, Muparati cross and its swept away
80' Spirited effort by Sekete racing half the length of the pitch and brings in a delightful cross but no dynamos player there.
78' Mukandi with a comfortable save after a shot
76' Muparati free kick is poor.
74' Corner to Chicken inn. Dynamos fail to defend but they head it out
71' Zekumbawire with a pass to Pakamisa but Pakamisa decide to take a shot from afar, and its a disappointing attempt.
69' Magorimbo with acres of space decides to shoot wide, Substitution Dembare, Madamombe in for Murape
67' Zekumbawire heads weakly again no problem for Gamecooks goalkeeper
65' Nice cross by Ocean and behind Pakamisa, but what a chance
63' Murape cross but weak header by Sekete.
60'Substitution, Pakamisa coming in for Khumbula
56' Muparati through, ohhh poor officiating referee fails to play advantage and opts to give free kick for hand ball.
A good free kick is punched out for a corner. Corner defended by chicken inn
DYNAMOS 1 (Sekete 30') - 1 Chicken Inn (Ndoro Tendai 17')
54' Poor pass by Bello gives away possession in dangerous area. Anxious moments but we survive after Ndoro blast it over bbar
51' Mushure cross, Khumbula tees murape, he chest it down but the product is wide.
49' Nice play, building from the back by Dembare yields a corner. Muparati takes it its defended out
46' Zekumbawire tries an acrobatic but it does not pay off.
2nd half at Rufaro, no changes
Half time
DYNAMOS 1 (Sekete 30') - 1 Chicken Inn
Khumbula brought down appeals for penalty and turned down by ref
3minutes added on still
DYNAMOS 1 (Sekete 30') - 1 Chicken Inn
44' Match has slowed down
39' Chicken inn free kick is defended for corner. The corner headed out by Khumbula
35' Turn and shoot by Khumbula. Ohhhhhhh keeper does justice to the shot but it goes for corner and the corner is defended
33' Sekete looking lively but this time he is stopped.
It was a good cross from the left By Mushure that was met with a diving header by Sekete who ghosted in from blind side
29' Goal Dynamos, Sekete
27' Khumbula and Zekumbawire get into each's path and we miss a golden opportunity after wonderful cross from Murape
DYNAMOS 0 - 1 Chicken Inn
27' Zekumbawire goes past two markers let fly a shot but its off target
25' Magorimbo shoooots punched out for corner and its defended
24' Mukandi with a wonderful save as chicken inn threaten
22' Zekumbawire brought down free kick. Mushure shot is collected by keeper
20' Murape corner is headed overbar by Mbara
19' Murape on a solo run but he is stopped
18' Goal Chicken Inn - Tendai Ndoro
16' Mushure lovely cross but collected by Chiwara. Another cross in as many minutes by Khumbula is collected by keeper
14' Chicken Inn win another free kick in a dangerous area. Whipped in hesitant defending Bello to the rescue
11' Corner to Chicken in, Mukandi punches for another one but we survive to tell another tell. Chicken inn pressing as Chafa and Muparati struggle
9' Gamecooks free kick is good but they direct their free header to mukandi
7' Chafa blunder and Mukandi to the rescue, he concede corner which we defend for throw in.
6' Free kick outside box after Khumbula was pushed. Muparati directs his shot into the wall.
4' Khumbula header it collected by keeper. Dynamos pressing on
3' Nice inter changing of passes ends with Zekumbawire shot its wide
1' Dynamos off to a flying start passing it around very well
Away we go' Chicken Inn kicks off
Dynamos praying on city end goal post so we attacking mbare end in first half
Dynamos in all blue kit and Chicken Inn in all yellow.
Murape is the Dynamos captain
Dynamos lining up as
Bello, Mushure, Magorimbo, Mbara
Murape, Chafa, Muparati, Sekete
Zekumbawire, Khumbula
DYNAMOS 1 (Sekete 30') - 1 Chicken Inn
90' 1 minute injury time added
90' Dynamos 1 - 1 Chicken Inn
89' Pakamisa attempt is wide and disappointing, Substitution Dembare, Tavarwisa in for Muparati
86' Another Dembare corner, Muparati takes and Mbara header misses but just
82' Dynamos corner, Muparati cross and its swept away
80' Spirited effort by Sekete racing half the length of the pitch and brings in a delightful cross but no dynamos player there.
78' Mukandi with a comfortable save after a shot
76' Muparati free kick is poor.
74' Corner to Chicken inn. Dynamos fail to defend but they head it out
71' Zekumbawire with a pass to Pakamisa but Pakamisa decide to take a shot from afar, and its a disappointing attempt.
69' Magorimbo with acres of space decides to shoot wide, Substitution Dembare, Madamombe in for Murape
67' Zekumbawire heads weakly again no problem for Gamecooks goalkeeper
65' Nice cross by Ocean and behind Pakamisa, but what a chance
63' Murape cross but weak header by Sekete.
60'Substitution, Pakamisa coming in for Khumbula
56' Muparati through, ohhh poor officiating referee fails to play advantage and opts to give free kick for hand ball.
A good free kick is punched out for a corner. Corner defended by chicken inn
DYNAMOS 1 (Sekete 30') - 1 Chicken Inn (Ndoro Tendai 17')
54' Poor pass by Bello gives away possession in dangerous area. Anxious moments but we survive after Ndoro blast it over bbar
51' Mushure cross, Khumbula tees murape, he chest it down but the product is wide.
49' Nice play, building from the back by Dembare yields a corner. Muparati takes it its defended out
46' Zekumbawire tries an acrobatic but it does not pay off.
2nd half at Rufaro, no changes
Half time
DYNAMOS 1 (Sekete 30') - 1 Chicken Inn
Khumbula brought down appeals for penalty and turned down by ref
3minutes added on still
DYNAMOS 1 (Sekete 30') - 1 Chicken Inn
44' Match has slowed down
39' Chicken inn free kick is defended for corner. The corner headed out by Khumbula
35' Turn and shoot by Khumbula. Ohhhhhhh keeper does justice to the shot but it goes for corner and the corner is defended
33' Sekete looking lively but this time he is stopped.
It was a good cross from the left By Mushure that was met with a diving header by Sekete who ghosted in from blind side
29' Goal Dynamos, Sekete
27' Khumbula and Zekumbawire get into each's path and we miss a golden opportunity after wonderful cross from Murape
DYNAMOS 0 - 1 Chicken Inn
27' Zekumbawire goes past two markers let fly a shot but its off target
25' Magorimbo shoooots punched out for corner and its defended
24' Mukandi with a wonderful save as chicken inn threaten
22' Zekumbawire brought down free kick. Mushure shot is collected by keeper
20' Murape corner is headed overbar by Mbara
19' Murape on a solo run but he is stopped
18' Goal Chicken Inn - Tendai Ndoro
16' Mushure lovely cross but collected by Chiwara. Another cross in as many minutes by Khumbula is collected by keeper
14' Chicken Inn win another free kick in a dangerous area. Whipped in hesitant defending Bello to the rescue
11' Corner to Chicken in, Mukandi punches for another one but we survive to tell another tell. Chicken inn pressing as Chafa and Muparati struggle
9' Gamecooks free kick is good but they direct their free header to mukandi
7' Chafa blunder and Mukandi to the rescue, he concede corner which we defend for throw in.
6' Free kick outside box after Khumbula was pushed. Muparati directs his shot into the wall.
4' Khumbula header it collected by keeper. Dynamos pressing on
3' Nice inter changing of passes ends with Zekumbawire shot its wide
1' Dynamos off to a flying start passing it around very well
Away we go' Chicken Inn kicks off
Dynamos praying on city end goal post so we attacking mbare end in first half
Dynamos in all blue kit and Chicken Inn in all yellow.
Murape is the Dynamos captain
Dynamos lining up as
Bello, Mushure, Magorimbo, Mbara
Murape, Chafa, Muparati, Sekete
Zekumbawire, Khumbula
Source - Byo24Sports