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Madinda Ndlovu on charm offensive

by Staff Reporter
30 Dec 2017 at 07:22hrs | Views
HIGHLANDERS are often defined as 'iTeam Yabantu' (The People's Team) and traditional leaders are taking a lead in efforts to resuscitate the fading giants.

In an effort to get back the glory days at Highlanders, Chief Vezi Maduna of Filabusi reckons the first step is getting the right man in the dugout to take back Tshilamoya where they rightfully belong.

"Isizwe siphakanyiswa ngabantu baso,woza ekhaya . . . Ngenkani kuzolunga (A nation is uplifted by its own people. Come back home. By all means it shall be well," said Chief Maduna in reference to Madinda Ndlovu who on Wednesday was in Filabusi where he was the guest of honour at the Godlwayo South Soccer League (GSSL) end of year awards ceremony at Avoca Cultural Centre.

Before officiating at the awards ceremony, the legendary Ndlovu better known as Khathazile paid a courtesy call to the chief's homestead and gave him a gift.

Khathazile could not hide his soft spot for the black and white army.

"I can confirm that I have officially parted ways with Orapa FC of Botswana. However, Highlanders still owe me some money and that has been the stumbling block for me to put pen to paper. I'm available and if that debt is settled I will not hesitate to sign a contract with Highlanders," said Ndlovu.

The Bosso executive recently engaged Ndlovu to replace Dutchman Erol Akbay.

Akbay will not be renewing his contract with Bosso when it expires on 31 December.

Impeccable sources at the Premier Soccer League club said the executive had resolved to appoint a Highlanders son to head the coaching department and Ndlovu was the first to be approached.

At the GSSL awards event the former Warriors and Highlanders winger made a captivating pledge to the team.

"At the moment I'm not attached to any club. I'm a loafer but if a certain club (Highlanders) hires me I will come back to Filabusi to scout for talent. I have done it before. A couple of years ago, I went to scout for talent in Matobo district and I found a gem of striker Nqobani Sengwayo who scored for us on his debut and we won the match 1-0.

Playing in the GSSL should not be the end of the road," said Ndlovu much to the applause of hordes of people that had graced the awards function.

A number of eligible Bosso sons have been reportedly considered for the coaching post and these include Amini Soma-Phiri, Rahman Gumbo, Bekithemba Ndlovu and Kelvin Kaindu. Soma-Phiri, who was assistant to Akbay, parted with the club unceremoniously this season while Gumbo is "engaged" at Chicken Inn with Bekithemba and Kaindu at How Mine.

Source - NewsDay