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Zanu-PF Women's League launches face masks project

by Staff reporter
21 Aug 2021 at 02:25hrs | Views
The Zanu-PF Women's League yesterday launched a massive face masks sewing project in Matabeleland South during which 13 000 face masks were distributed to the 13 constituencies in the province as part of efforts to fight Covid-19.  

Each constituency received 1 000 face masks and 50 pieces of material for the production of more masks, which were donated by the ruling party's First Secretary, President Mnangagwa.  The masks will be distributed to the public for free.

The face mask project is part of the ruling party's national Covid-19 awareness programme recently launched in Harare. The programme has seen more than 90 000 face masks produced from part of the 60 000 metres of cloth provided by the President to help curb the spread of Covid-19.

Speaking during the launch of the face mask sewing project in Gwanda yesterday, Zanu-PF Secretary for Women's League Mabel Chinomona said the production of masks among other projects would help women to stay strong during the economic challenges which have worsened due to the pandemic. She urged women through their structures to mobilise support for the party to attain five million votes for President Mnangagwa in the 2023 harmonised elections.

Chinomona said the country had recorded tremendous development despite illegal sanctions imposed by the West.

"We also have a women's bank which is part of President ED Mnangagwa's initiative to economically empower women," she said. "All the programmes that are being undertaken by Government under the Second Republic are progressing well despite illegal sanctions imposed on our country by Western countries.

"We are busy rehabilitating our roads, constructing clinics and reviving our factories using local resources. Government has never failed to pay its civil servants and has been able to meet other financial obligations despite the challenges facing the country, including the Covid-19 pandemic."

Chinomona applauded President Mnangagwa for expeditiously procuring life-saving coronavirus vaccines to save many lives and drive the country's economic growth efforts.

"President Mnangagwa's Government is among top countries that have managed to persistently and timeously procure Covid-19 vaccines," she said.  

"This has been done to ensure that lives are not lost needlessly and to ensure the economy is also saved.

"Science and statistics show that vaccines prevent critical illness and death. So far, we are on the path to achieving herd immunity, which effectively means that we can safely and fully open our economy and rebuild it."

Chinomona urged women to take up political positions in the coming elections.

Speaking at the same event, Women's League secretary for Administration, Monica Mutsvangwa, said the economy was on a rebound under the Second Republic with a number of developmental projects underway.

"We have our children who are economic refugees in other countries," she said.  "I want to assure you that our President is addressing the economic challenges through industrialisation so that our children can be able to return home and serve their country.

"President Mnangagwa being the leader of the Second Republic is also addressing the issue of power shortages in the country and as I speak, we have massive thermal power projects in Hwange to sustain us as a country."

Mutsvangwa, who is also Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister, said by 2025 the country would be having enough power for both local consumption and export. She highlighted various achievements by the Government such as roads rehabilitation, reducing inflation, economic reform and other issues.

Source - the herald
More on: #Masks, #PPE, #Zanu-PF