Chinese Foreign Minister to visit Zimbabwe

Sino-Zim relations are set to be further consolidated by the visit of the Chinese Foreign Minister, Mr Jang Jiechi on the 10th of this month.
Zimbabwe is going to be Mr Yang Jiechi's first stop in Africa and he is coming on the invite of Foreign Affairs Minister, Dr Simbarashe Mumbengegwie.
Mr Jiechi is expected to arrive on the 10th of this month for his first stop in Africa, in a visit set to cement the relations that already exist between the 2 countries.
Chinese Ambassador to Zimbabwe, Mr Xin Shunkang said the visit shows the importance of the Sino-Zim relations to the Chinese government.
"The visit demonstrates China's preparedness to further support Zimbabwe on the international arena," he said.
Mr Xin Shunkang outlined Mr Jiechi's itinerary which will be characterised by a meeting with the Head of State and Government and Commander-in-Chief of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces, President Robert Mugabe.
He added that Mr Jiechi will also meet with senior government officials and a visit to the Agricultural Demonstration Centre, which has almost reached its completion stages.
China and Zimbabwe have enjoyed frequent high level exchanges and last year, 30 years of diplomatic relations were celebrated between the two countries.
China has the world's fastest growing economy and recently, it overtook Japan to become the globe's second largest economy.
While the whole world is now beginning to look east due to China's massive progress, Zimbabwe adopted the Look East Policy at the turn of the millennium.