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Police are MDC, says Mukupe

by Staff reporter
03 Aug 2018 at 07:20hrs | Views
Outgoing Finance deputy minister Terrence Mukupe has hit out at police, accusing them of being sympathetic to the opposition MDC Alliance.

The outspoken former Zanu PF legislator also claimed that soldiers were roped in to quell political disturbances in Harare on Wednesday after police refused to arrest the MDC Alliance protesters.

In a social media post, Mukupe who lost the Harare East constituency to MDC Alliance principal, Tendai Biti said the Police Support Unit resident in his constituency had voted against President Emmerson Mnangagwa and could, therefore, not be trusted.

"How do we send the ZRP Support Unit that voted against the President to contain the stupid demo by Biti and his MDC buffoons! It is time for the army to move in and restore order!" he posted.

His posts came hours after soldiers and tanks rolled onto the streets to contain a demonstration against the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (Zec)'s alleged electoral fraud.

Police Commissioner-General Godwin Matanga, however, had a different version, saying he had invited the army to help after his troops were overwhelmed by the demonstrators.

Mukupe once told Zanu PF supporters that the army did not just grab power from former President Robert Mugabe to hand it over to MDC Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa.

The former MP, who suffered a heavy defeat at polling stations around Chikurubi Maximum Security Prison, vented his anger over the loss, claiming the police were "sellouts".

Attempts to get clarification from Mukupe on his posts hit a brickwall after he became abusive.

Source - newsday
More on: #Mukupe, #Police, #MDC