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Police rule out foul play in MDC official's death

by Staff reporter
28 Aug 2020 at 02:35hrs | Views
POLICE yesterday ruled out foul play in the death of MDC Alliance's Hurungwe district chairman and councillor Lavender Chiwaya, saying the bruises found on his body could have been caused by people who tried to administer first aid on him.

This came as the opposition party insisted that the councillor was abducted and tortured to death by suspected State security agents who later dumped his body a few houses away from his.

Chiwaya's lifeless, naked body was recovered four houses from his on August 21 after he allegedly fled his home last month as State security agents trailed him.
But national police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi dismissed the murder allegations, insisting that evidence on the ground and post-mortem results did not point to murder.

"The Zimbabwe Republic Police is fully aware that before the arrival of police officers at the scene, the body was tampered with by people who tried to administer first aid on Lavender Chiwaya and the so-called bruises have not been attributed to any form of assault, abduction or kidnapping as alleged by some politicians," Nyathi said.

"Police want to make it clear that post-mortem results have ruled out any assault, physical harm or any bodily perforation on Lavender Chiwaya.

"The police are now awaiting toxicology tests to get full facts on the cause of Chiwaya's death."

"There is no tangible proof that Chiwaya was killed, abducted or assaulted by security agents as being alleged by some politicians. The police urge concerned individuals and groups to come forward and present credible facts or evidence regarding what they are saying on social media and other forms of the media. Police officers are ready to interview anyone in connection with the death of Chiwaya," Nyathi said.Chiwaya was buried yesterday at his rural home in Karoi.

Source - Newsday
More on: #Police, #MDC, #Death