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ZUNDE condemns persecution of Evan Mawarire

by Moses Chamboko
13 Jul 2016 at 10:09hrs | Views
Team ZUNDE unreservedly condemns the persecution of Pastor Evan Mawarire and other protestors disguised as a prosecution on clearly trumped up allegations that have no legal or factual justification whatsoever. However, we are not surprised by what this recalcitrant regime has done to the man of God and a fighter for justice.

They have done this before whenever they want to silence the people who challenge the evil they do. Parading Pastor Mawarire in handcuffs before the world and his family is despicable especially at a time when ZANU PF "chefs" continue to roam the streets freely despite known cases of corruption. They desperately want to silence him but he is not the only voice.

The only thing that is surprising about the arrest of Pastor Evan Mawarire is that it has not happened sooner. ZANU PF reaction was entirely predictable. We expected nothing else from a rogue regime that has terribly lost its way.

They can persecute Evan Mawarire but they cannot silence the people of Zimbabwe. Just as we saw in March 2007 when MDC leaders were brutalised by the evil regime which provoked international condemnation and precipitated the 2008 electoral defeat, there is clearly a replay of that episode, only that the players are different.

This is the time for genuine democrats to rally behind and support Evan Mawarire, regardless of where they are.

Through its careless but predictable response to  protests, ZANU PF is expediting the coming together of Zimbabweans in our quest for justice, freedom, equality and wellbeing.

Mufundisi Mawarire, we are with you.

Moses Chamboko
On behalf of Team ZUNDE;
13 July 2016

Source - Moses Chamboko