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Zanu PF youth play soccer at MDC-T rally venue

by Stephen Jakes
05 Aug 2016 at 11:21hrs | Views
The ruling party Zanu PF youth reportedly played soccer at a football ground where the MDC-T MP Simon Chidhakwa had organised to hold a political rally.

This was reportedly done to block the party from holding the rally.

Zimbabwe Peace Project reported that in June Zengeza West MP, Chidhakwa of the MDC-T organised a residents feedback meeting concerning the Nyatsime stands and the local government bill on June 18.

"Although the police had been notified of the meeting as required by law Zanu PF members started playing soccer where people were seated. The Zanu PF councillor for ward 7 Charamba Mlambo is believed have paid the Zanu PF youths to disrupt the meeting, beat up the MP and MDC-T supporters present at the meeting," said ZPP.

"The youths were led by the Muzuva family who are staunch Zanu PF supporters who run are 14 believed to terrorise residents from their base at a car park at the Zengeza 5 Football ground. The police had to intervene and teargas was used to disperse the crowd."

The organisation said the MP had to run away after he had been assaulted.

"The Standard Newspaper of June 19 also reports of the assault of an Alpha Media Holdings journalist in the same incident. According to the newspaper Officer Commanding Chitungwiza District Chief Superintendent Ndou confirmed the police had been notified of the meeting," said ZPP.

Source - Byo24News