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Militarisation and the command hot air

by PDP
04 Apr 2017 at 14:42hrs | Views
The attempt by Emmerson Mnangagwa to further militarise the nation is not only unfortunate but ancient, totalitarian and fascist, such behaviour must not be allowed in a modern society.

In his desire for glory and insatiable desire to use the military to cover up for his unelectable qualities Mnangagwa decided to applaud the members of the uniform forces for running his insane command agriculture scheme.

We have always maintained that the command agriculture was another version of Mugabe's failed presidential inputs scheme.

Our concern has always been that the beneficiaries of the scheme are only those connected to ZANUPF excluding the rest of the farming population.

Our second concern has been that the loan that was used to finance the scheme has been clandestinely negotiated, the cost of the money is too high and that there is no involvement of parliament.

We are also concerned that there is no proper mechanism to select those who acquire the inputs increasing the risk of failure to repay. History has taught us that the Zimbabwean government will pass another Debt Assumption Act imposing the burden to pay on the already over taxed Zimbabweans.

Another issue has been around the dishonest projections by Mnangagwa who deliberately misled the nation by saying his scheme would produce at least five tonnes of maize per hectare.

This theory has since been exposed with a maximum of two tonnes now expected a deficit  of 60%.Already that is a sign that Mnangagwa sold the nation a hot air pie it is not smelling nice and no one will eat it.

We are of the view that the approach is wrong, technical research and assistance to farmers must come from the Ministry of Agriculture, the lacoste military obsession will only prepare another dog's breakfast.
It is therefore clear that the expected harvest is by no means a Mnangagwa creation but fortune of a good rain season coupled with the hard work of the Zimbabwean people.

Our party restate the position we state in the Holistic Program for Economic Transformation that the state must focus on the basics to restore productivity and food security.

  1. Bringing finality to the land question, at the present moment people are still fighting over land today's Newsday has evidence to that effect. We restate that there must be a land audit to ascertain ownership and productive capacity as well as issuing of title to current occupants.
  2. Financing agricultural infrastructure: In order to fully empower the newly resettled farmers there is need for seasonal, capital and land loans which can be provided by commercial banks as well as the Rural Development Fund.
  3. Agricultural markets: It is crucial that markets for agricultural produce are restored. The current situation in the tobacco industry is unfortunate, must be curbed. Marketing for cereal produce such as maize, wheat must be given a priority.  
  4. Investment in equipment: A functional and organized farm must have access to farming mechanisation for tillage, harvesting and transportation, storage will be vital for driving agriculture.
  5. Harnessing water resources for agriculture: More than 80% of our arable land rely on rain-fed farming but do not have access to proper irrigation facilities.
  6. Access to agricultural inputs: There must be incentives for local blending of compound fertilizers, and exploration of long-term opportunities for cheaper and more sustainable domestic production. Financial support for seed and fertilizer production must be transparently and inclusively offered while constraints on the revival of local input supply industries must be removed.
  7. Irrigation intensification and expansion: Improved irrigation is critical to increasing agricultural productivity. Investments in irrigation and a shift from dry land to irrigated agriculture is required.

Together Another Zimbabwe is possible
PDP Communications

Source - PDP