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'No revival strategy in place for MDC' - youth executive member
23 Jan 2014 at 09:53hrs | Views

A senior member in the youth wing of the Welshman Ncube led Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) in Matabeleland South has thrown away media reports of a massive so called grand revival plan by the MDC as "just a dream".
The member who is top in the youth wing dismissed the recent media reports that the party was destined for a major revival meant to kick start in February as just wishful thinking by a few individuals in the party left to bootlick leader Professor Welshman Ncube. According to the youth leader the party is certainly gone and will not recover because of a few "undemocratic old people in the party who have lost political relevance."
"This is just wishful thinking by some undemocratic old people here in Matabeleland South who have amassed wealth using us and have lost political relevance to our cause. There is no such plan in place my brother dream on" said the outspoken youth leader.
According to the leader the party in Matabeleland South has lost all its support because of the way party leadership ignored the province's call to recall party Secretary General Priscilla Misihayirambi Mushonga from parliament.
He goes on to add that the clandestine imposition of Pilate Ndebele as chairman of the province was the final nail in the coffin of the party.
"We have always told them without mincing our words that Pilate (Ndebele) is not the provincial chairman of Matabeleland South Province but they insist. How is he an MDC chairman when 95% of the time he is talking ZAPU and ZIPRA issues?"
Pilate Ndebele was recently "elected" Matabeleland South Chairman in an MDC meeting, which most members laughed off as a joke, to replace dismissed former chairman Petros Mukwena who is a darling of the MDC supporters in the province.
Ndebele has been on the media recently calling on ZANU PF to release ZAPU properties confiscated by government in the early 80s. He also hit headlines calling for government to erect a Joshua Nkomo statue in Gwanda.
Also in two press statements shortly after his election, Ndebele contradicted himself in one statement endorsing Mushonga in Parliament and a few days later issued another disclaiming the first.
The youth leader went on to dismiss the revival claim as none existent as he claimed the party had no money and has even closed down its provincial offices in Gwanda.
According to him the party has not paid its Gwanda staff of two people salaries from November last year and electricity and water supply at the offices has been cut off.
He also adds that the party's only vehicle for the province is awaiting to be auctioned at a Gwanda workshop where it was taken for repairs in June last year.
Contacted for comment a member of the party in Gwanda who is resident in the party offices could not confirm nor deny if the offices indeed did not have water or electricity nor the where abouts of the party's vehicle.
He referred all questions to a Mr Sibanda who he claimed was the party's Secretary without providing his contact details.
However one of the party members who was employed at the Bulawayo office confirmed that the Matabeleland South party vehicle was being held by a Gwanda workshop since June last year for an outstanding debt of about $350.00 and may really be due for auction to recover the workshop expenses. Asked on the way forward for the party, the youth leader indicated that maybe party leadership is just too shy to open up and declare the party officially closed.
"I don't see a way forward as no one in the leadership is showing any cause towards the party. Maybe they are too shy to declare the party closed. A lot of parties like ZUM, Mavambo, ZANU Ndonga etc have come and closed and new ones come up. Maybe its time leaders tell us openly that the party is no more and we see what to do next than remain quite while we are left like lost sheep."
Asked what they would "do next" as party members if the party closes down? The youthful and vibrant leader was quick to indicate that the MDC Matabeleland South has a "cream of politicians ready to take Matabeleland forward" and will not fail to find somewhere to push the wishes of the people of Matabeleland South.
He also indicated that most of its members particularly in leadership positions are having no rest from rival parties like MDC T, ZAPU and even ZANU PF begging them to join them because of the quality possessed by the leaders.
The leader who insisted on remaining unnamed "FOR NOW" also mentioned that he is aware of a possible new political party that may be formed in Matabeleland soon and they will gladly join in. Strong rumours are making rounds in parts of Matabeleland that with the imminent splits in ZANU PF and MDC T due to leadership renewals, there is a possibility that disgruntled people in the region may soon break away and form a splinter regional political party.
Senior Matabeleland political leaders particularly within ZANU PF are rumoured to be slowly building structures within and from outside ZANU PF aiming at pulling out of the ruling party with a bang.
Rumours pinpoint that top amongst those likely to lead the party is the combination of Professor Welshman Ncube and Dumiso Dabengwa with a lot of backing from ex ZAPU and some Matabeleland leadership within ZANU PF and the MDC T.
The member who is top in the youth wing dismissed the recent media reports that the party was destined for a major revival meant to kick start in February as just wishful thinking by a few individuals in the party left to bootlick leader Professor Welshman Ncube. According to the youth leader the party is certainly gone and will not recover because of a few "undemocratic old people in the party who have lost political relevance."
"This is just wishful thinking by some undemocratic old people here in Matabeleland South who have amassed wealth using us and have lost political relevance to our cause. There is no such plan in place my brother dream on" said the outspoken youth leader.
According to the leader the party in Matabeleland South has lost all its support because of the way party leadership ignored the province's call to recall party Secretary General Priscilla Misihayirambi Mushonga from parliament.
He goes on to add that the clandestine imposition of Pilate Ndebele as chairman of the province was the final nail in the coffin of the party.
"We have always told them without mincing our words that Pilate (Ndebele) is not the provincial chairman of Matabeleland South Province but they insist. How is he an MDC chairman when 95% of the time he is talking ZAPU and ZIPRA issues?"
Pilate Ndebele was recently "elected" Matabeleland South Chairman in an MDC meeting, which most members laughed off as a joke, to replace dismissed former chairman Petros Mukwena who is a darling of the MDC supporters in the province.
Ndebele has been on the media recently calling on ZANU PF to release ZAPU properties confiscated by government in the early 80s. He also hit headlines calling for government to erect a Joshua Nkomo statue in Gwanda.
Also in two press statements shortly after his election, Ndebele contradicted himself in one statement endorsing Mushonga in Parliament and a few days later issued another disclaiming the first.
The youth leader went on to dismiss the revival claim as none existent as he claimed the party had no money and has even closed down its provincial offices in Gwanda.
He also adds that the party's only vehicle for the province is awaiting to be auctioned at a Gwanda workshop where it was taken for repairs in June last year.
Contacted for comment a member of the party in Gwanda who is resident in the party offices could not confirm nor deny if the offices indeed did not have water or electricity nor the where abouts of the party's vehicle.
He referred all questions to a Mr Sibanda who he claimed was the party's Secretary without providing his contact details.
However one of the party members who was employed at the Bulawayo office confirmed that the Matabeleland South party vehicle was being held by a Gwanda workshop since June last year for an outstanding debt of about $350.00 and may really be due for auction to recover the workshop expenses. Asked on the way forward for the party, the youth leader indicated that maybe party leadership is just too shy to open up and declare the party officially closed.
"I don't see a way forward as no one in the leadership is showing any cause towards the party. Maybe they are too shy to declare the party closed. A lot of parties like ZUM, Mavambo, ZANU Ndonga etc have come and closed and new ones come up. Maybe its time leaders tell us openly that the party is no more and we see what to do next than remain quite while we are left like lost sheep."
Asked what they would "do next" as party members if the party closes down? The youthful and vibrant leader was quick to indicate that the MDC Matabeleland South has a "cream of politicians ready to take Matabeleland forward" and will not fail to find somewhere to push the wishes of the people of Matabeleland South.
He also indicated that most of its members particularly in leadership positions are having no rest from rival parties like MDC T, ZAPU and even ZANU PF begging them to join them because of the quality possessed by the leaders.
The leader who insisted on remaining unnamed "FOR NOW" also mentioned that he is aware of a possible new political party that may be formed in Matabeleland soon and they will gladly join in. Strong rumours are making rounds in parts of Matabeleland that with the imminent splits in ZANU PF and MDC T due to leadership renewals, there is a possibility that disgruntled people in the region may soon break away and form a splinter regional political party.
Senior Matabeleland political leaders particularly within ZANU PF are rumoured to be slowly building structures within and from outside ZANU PF aiming at pulling out of the ruling party with a bang.
Rumours pinpoint that top amongst those likely to lead the party is the combination of Professor Welshman Ncube and Dumiso Dabengwa with a lot of backing from ex ZAPU and some Matabeleland leadership within ZANU PF and the MDC T.
Source - Byo24News