Opinion / Columnist
How Grace Mugabe destroyed Zanu-PF
28 Mar 2017 at 12:36hrs | Views

"Dr" Grace Mugabe and her fellow mostly hired Zanu-PF immigrants invaded the gigantic militant institution and triggered high exodus of key stakeholders. Some, among the migrants, founding fathers and Zimbabwe's first female Vice President, Dr Joice Mujuru.
The most devastating fact was that these key stakeholders migrated with the real Zanu-PF leaving an empty shell manned by politically bankrupt greenlings, ideological born-frees still politically wet behind the ears both incited and hired by "Dr." Grace Mugabe towards the institutionalisation of The Mugabe Dynasty.
The political graylings agressively shunted-out into the supposedly various Zanu-PF political dump-sites have trekked with the party and left the political novices strategising on Zanu-PF ruins championed by the learned "Phd" graduate of The University of Zimbabwe superintedent by the incited and misguided Zanu-PF Youth League. A clear case of child abuse by the learned doctor. The Youth League was expected to be a back-up school of ideology to the graylings for succession-planning purposes within the party and never to champion political chaos and bankruptcy. Never in the respective institution's (Zanu-PF) history has it ever reached its current political low ebb with its untiring first secretary leading in old-age frailty and on, naturally, borrowed days and, therefore, "zero" leadership creativity. That was confirmation of a Zanu-PF leadership vaccum.
"Dr." Grace, a most desperate "zero" grade hurried and violently over-taking politician, riding on her 93 year-old husband's strong-man iron fist approach, has manifested her true tiger colours against all ambitious women who have either aspired or shown greater leadership traits over her. There-by emerging as the only qualitative woman leader in Zimbabwe with a right to aspire for higher office despite her "doctored" doctorate degree and government typing pool experience. "Dr." Grace has shamelessly ridden on bribery crocodile tears to hood-wink the rural folks as a philanthropist. The same artificial fong-kong philantropist was caught as firing heavy and malicious blows upon South Africa's Sunday Times journalists in Hong Kong as she left the exclusive 5 star Shangrila Hotel to do her Philipines Imelda Marcos equivalent type of shopping with her entourage. Imelda Marcos was the wife of The Philipines Robert Mugabe tyoe if dictator, Ferdinand Marcos famous fir her spend-thrift escapades at the tax-payrr's expense. She (Doctor Grace) stayed at The Shangrila Hotel at a cost of 2000 Pounds per night in 2009 at a time that Zimbabwe was burning on both a ravaging cholera out-break and a most grave man-made famine that exterminated multitudes, especially women and children in food stampedes. The learned Doctor remains as the only Zimbabwean woman with the capacity to own a US $1.3 million luxury diamond ring. An amount that would be enough to renovate and re-equip both Parirenyatwa and Gomo Central Hospitals in Harare where mothers go for maternity and never come back hime due to shortage of medication, other critical essentials and staff motivation. And Zimbabwe's over 35 000 infant deaths per year in its shell hospitals. And her ladyship flying in and out on prestigious chartered flights for medication in Malaysia while the same woman assigned or hired for a loaf of bread, to demonstrate for "Dr." Grace to rise to power, goes to the empty shell hispital and never gets back home, but hospital becomes a short-cut to the grave-yard.
Mugabe runs the printing machine for fake US$ equivalent money for the citizenry at a time when his family has already gone in genuine US$ starching sprees in Singapore, Malaysia and Dubai respectively with purchases of huge and prestigious multi-million US$ mansions and other forms of investments. It would, surely take both a musguided and grossly abused party Youth League to back-up such fraud.
In 2018, Zanu-PF goes to the elections as more of a gap-filler, token political institution. The Zanu-PF appointed ladies at The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission, Justice Rita Makarau and Joyce Kazembe, face a daunting task on the rig-machine. There exists "zero" prudence for the opposition coalition in allowing the same Zanu-PF functionaries who presided over the 2008 broad-day-light electoral theft in 2018.
With Regards
Reginald Thabani Gola
Source - Reginald Thabani Gola
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