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Intwasa Arts Festival in drastic changes

by Thobekile Zhou
22 May 2017 at 04:24hrs | Views
Financial challenges have forced Bulawayo's premium arts festival - Intwasa Arts Festival koBulawayo to reduce days of the annual fete from five to three.

This year the festival will be held from September 28 to 30.

Director of the festival Raisedon Baya said they made the decision so as to streamline the event and make it viable.

"During past years we've been doing a lot of free activities in an attempt to be all inclusive.

"But every event costs money. And so we are streamlining, focusing on events that bring value to the festival and also those that push our objective of sustainability," said Baya.

"Also because of funding challenges we will be making serious appeals to the public and Bulawayo companies to support the festival. Its existence depends on everyone coming on board and supporting,"

Intwasa Festival of the Arts koBulawayo is not the only fete that's limping as the acclaimed Harare International Festival of the Arts (HIFA) also had trouble.

Organisers of HIFA went around with a begging bowl seeking funds to run the festival and artistes ended up performing for half the fee they normally charge.

Source - Byo24News