Opinion / Book reviews
Grave desecration scandal rocks Harare
In a shocking and spine-chilling development, four individuals have been implicated in the violation of 380 mass graves at Restland Memorial Park in H...Published: 06 Dec 2024 at 20:31hrs | 638 | by Staff reporter
Origins of the Gukurahundi philosophy
The philosophy of Gukurahundism, as articulated by George Mkwananzi in FIGHT or PERISH, is rooted in a complex web of ethnic fears, historical grievan...Published: 06 Dec 2024 at 20:06hrs | 1012 | by Staff reporter
Augustine Chihuri's book has no useful history of policing in Zimbabwe
The History of Policing in Zimbabwe by Augustine Chihuri is a disappointing and poorly written book that fails to provide any meaningful insight ...Published: 27 Dec 2023 at 11:54hrs | 22 | by Tatenda Mashanda
Mnangagwa miserably failed to utilise the coup d'état dividend
Robert Mugabe on Herbert Chitepo (and a Rejoinder on the Missed Opportunity of the 2017 Coup)Book Excerpt from: In Search of the Elusive Zimba...Published: 24 Nov 2023 at 16:49hrs | 29 | by Professor Arthur G.O. Mutambara
Dzino thinks Mnangagwa was a minor and peripheral player in the liberation struggle
Book Excerpt from: In Search of the Elusive Zimbabwean Dream, Volume III (Ideas & Solutions)By Professor Arthur G.O. MutambaraI la...Published: 17 Nov 2023 at 05:36hrs | 38 | by Professor Arthur G.O. Mutambara
Politics of ethnicity: Jumping from the pan into the fire
BELOW is a book excerpt from In Search of the Elusive Zimbabwean Dream, Volume III (Ideas and Solutions) by Professor Arthur Mutambara.Preside...Published: 29 Sep 2023 at 08:31hrs | 15 | by Arthur Mutambara
Cabinet meetings by Ndaba Sibanda: A review by Banqobile Virginia Dakamela
The book kicks off with a scene featuring a technology-crazy old man who is drinking with a girl young enough to be his granddaughter. The old man's t...Published: 13 Jun 2021 at 12:13hrs | 10 | by Banqobile Virginia Dakamela
Success favours the Undaunted - Book review
Book Title: Undaunted Authour: Tafadzwa Mahachi ...Published: 07 Jan 2021 at 08:19hrs | 8 | by Energy Mavaza
'I'm intentional about provoking empathy' Sue Nyathi
Congratulations on your latest novel! Can you tell us a little about A Family Affair?A Family Affair peers behind the facade of what appears t...Published: 03 Nov 2020 at 06:29hrs | 10 | by Staff writer
'A Family Affair' by Sue Nyathi
Family is complicated...Meet the Mafus, a close-knit, traditional family with three daughters. As leaders of their church, The Kingdom of God,...Published: 02 Nov 2020 at 20:16hrs | 9 | by Pan Macmillan
'Grace Mugabe instructed the shutdown of internet in Zimbabwe'
Former First Lady Grace Mugabe instructed the then Minister of Cyber Security Patrick Chinamasa to shutdown social media during the height of the bloo...Published: 29 Jul 2019 at 14:05hrs | 10 | by Mandla Ndlovu
How Jonathan Moyo survived Chiwenga's killers
Professor Jonathan Moyo's escape story from the then Commander Defense Forces Constantino Chiwenga's killers in November 2017 is a candidate for...Published: 24 Jul 2019 at 12:56hrs | 8 | by Mandla Ndlovu
How Chiwenga's soldiers took over ZBC studios
The dramatic November 2017 coup that claimed the life of CIO Boss Peter Munetsi and ended 37 years of President Robert Mugabe's iron rule is captured ...Published: 18 Jul 2019 at 14:01hrs | 19 | by Mandla Ndlovu
EXTRACT: The men who helped Chiwenga to execute the coup
Two Weeks in November by Douglas Rodgers is the thrilling story of a high ranking politician, an exiled human rights lawyer, a dangerous spy and...Published: 20 May 2019 at 14:48hrs | 12 | by Douglas Rodgers
The Graceless Fall of Robert Mugabe, the end of a Dictator's Reign
The title for this book is an attempt at a clever link between Robert Mugabe's dramatic and rapid fall from power in November 2017 and the political a...Published: 10 May 2019 at 14:44hrs | 7 | by Paul Hubbard
Extract for the Book: The Next Zimbabwe
CHAPTER FOUR (ZIMBABWE) BEING EDUCATED VS BEING LEARNED ...Published: 09 May 2019 at 13:06hrs | 8 | by Terence Simbi
What I Learnt From Liverpool's Historic Comeback
Beaten by Barcelona 3-0 in their away match, very few people would have thought that Liverpool could turn the tables in their home ground and win 4-0 ...Published: 08 May 2019 at 19:18hrs | 26 | by Mthokozisi Gwizi
Robert Mugabe: A Jacana Pocket Biography, a Review
Book Review: Onslow, Sue & Plaut, Martin. 2018. Robert Mugabe: A Jacana Pocket Biography. Johannesburg: Jacana M...Published: 03 May 2019 at 21:04hrs | 8 | by Paul Hubbard
Russia double-crossed ZIPRA with ZANLA?
Regarding a joint Zimbabwe-Rhodesian and South African military strike in Mozambique against ZANLA / FRELIMO in September 1979 (Operation URIC - ZRSF ...Published: 28 Apr 2019 at 16:57hrs | 11 | by John Frame
The global and technological effect
An extract from a book titled 'The next Zimbabwe'The twenty first century has brought about the idea ...Published: 05 Apr 2019 at 11:26hrs | 8 | by Terence Simbi
Zimbabwe's Casino Economy: Extraordinary Measures for Extraordinary Challenges by Gideon Gono
The paperback novel written by Gideon Gono, revolves around the issues regarding his position as the Governor of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe and the ...Published: 11 Mar 2019 at 09:45hrs | 27 | by Joe K
Tafataona Mahoso: A man of many hats
Rupise: Poetry of Love, Separation and Reunion 1977-2017; By Tafataona Mahoso; Mutare, Samwasika Heritage Products.136 PagesISBN: 978-...Published: 17 Feb 2019 at 16:09hrs | 41 | by Staff writer
Curtains: an anthology of poems
The Harare based poet and author, Takunda Chikomo made his first contribution to poetry with Curtains: an anthology of poems, published by TafaPrint P...Published: 12 Dec 2018 at 09:28hrs | 9 | by Brian Maregedze
The Path to Power: A review of Arthur Mutambara's book
This is the second book in a series of three volumes that traces the leadership thoughts and philosophical disposition of Professor Arthur G.O. ...Published: 24 Nov 2018 at 08:21hrs | 19 | by Arthur Mutambara
Masiiwa Ragies Gunda, At the Crossroads: A Call to Christians to Act in Faith for an Alternative Zimbabwe
(University of Bamberg Press, 2018, pp. 113) Masiiwa Ragies Gunda's book is timely as the ‘Zimbabwe...Published: 06 Nov 2018 at 10:19hrs | 11 | by Brian Maregedze
Zimbabwe Struggle, The Delayed Revolution: an Autobiography
The need to account for multiple narratives in the history of the liberation struggle compelled Andrew Ndlovu's autobiography to proffer his narrative...Published: 01 Nov 2018 at 12:29hrs | 22 | by Brian Maregedze
Joshua Nkomo inspires book on separation of Matebeleland from Zimbabwe
THE quest by the people of Matabeleland to have a separate state has been brought alive by a new book by United Kingdom-based author David Hilton Barb...Published: 29 May 2018 at 13:10hrs | 9 | by NewZimbabwe
Running with Mother explores Gukarahundi atrocities
Have you got a haunting or rather dangerous story to tell? Just give the task to a child narrator. Christopher Mlalazi's narrator in Running with Moth...Published: 08 May 2018 at 07:59hrs | 9 | by Beniah Munengwa
Mlalazi novel shows illegal immigrants' struggles
Zimbabwean writer and playwright Christopher Mlalazi has to date given us a taste of his imaginative writings in various forms but if one is to get a ...Published: 07 Mar 2018 at 05:28hrs | 21 | by Staff reporter
Chigama's anthology examines the slipperiness of truth
One of Zimbabwe's most consistent spoken word artists, Batsirai Chigama, launches her first anthology in Harare on Friday, March 2nd. The poetry in he...Published: 01 Mar 2018 at 07:44hrs | 8 | by Exist Digital PR
Mzilikazi: A Mountain Falls
Each of our public holidays has a special meaning - a particular reason for its existence. Heritage Day, which South Africans celebrate every year on ...Published: 18 Sep 2017 at 09:17hrs | 6 | by City press
Historian bares all
JOHANNESBURG - Upcoming and popular cultural activist, researcher and historian Arnold Mayibongwe Nkala is expected to drop his eagerly awaited debut ...Published: 21 Aug 2017 at 12:34hrs | 35 | by Vusmann
Ndaba Sibanda's Friendly Wars nominated for Best of the Net Prose
Ndaba Sibanda's short story Friendly Wars which is featured in the upcoming book Outrun has been nominated in The Best of the Net Prose 2016/2017 cate...Published: 08 Aug 2017 at 15:33hrs | 9 | by Staff reporter
No more plastic balls: An Epitomy of the captured African society
Indeed time flies. The world isn't getting any younger but growing more older and technologically advanced than it was back in the 18th century or eve...Published: 29 Jul 2017 at 15:25hrs | 12 | by Wilson Chipangura
Pastor writes a guide to those seeking marriage
EAGLE Life Ministries' leader and prophet, Blessing Chiza, is set to launch a book focusing on marriage and counselling at the Zimbabwe Internatio...Published: 23 Mar 2017 at 17:41hrs | 9 | by Staff reporter
Men cheat more, women cheat better
Another Potential Zimbabwean Amazon BestsellerTwo-time Amazon Bestselling author, Kwapi Vengesayi, is a skilled and gifted writer who keeps yo...Published: 21 Feb 2017 at 10:54hrs | 9 | by Agencies
Ngenziwa ngumumo welizwe
This novel, Ngenziwa Ngumumo Welizwe (I was influenced by the political situation), is "inspired by one serious dimension of the ZAPU side of the war,...Published: 06 Feb 2017 at 12:11hrs | 10 | by Staff reporter
Extract from 'The San Voices In Zimbabwe'
Her name was Motshwa Moyo and she was the driving force in San culture and language reclamation, reinvigoration and revitalization. Motshwa Moyo is no...Published: 30 Nov 2016 at 07:10hrs | 8 | by Davy Ndlovu Motshwa, the San Storyteller
Abalobi Bakithi Sebebuye Bagadla Njalo
8 kuLwezi 2016 Salibonani. Inhlanganiso esungulwe ngoMabasa ka-20...Published: 10 Nov 2016 at 11:24hrs | 8 | by M. Vodloza
Sharon's time with Zimbabwe's Presidential Elephants
Sharon Pincott's third book Elephant Dawn has recently hit the shelves. "Every now and then a book comes along that breaks through the wallpap...Published: 01 Sep 2016 at 11:16hrs | 12 | by Agencies
Manyika launches second book
USA-based writer Sarah Ladipo Manyika has published a second novel titled "Like a Mule Bringing Ice Cream to the Sun" (2016, Cassava Republic Press) w...Published: 20 Jul 2016 at 06:40hrs | 42 | by Beaven Tapureta
Book Review: 'No More Plastic Balls and Other Stories'
The last analysis of the anthology 'No More Plastic Balls and Other Stories' was almost a success to the purpoted audience who received the piece with...Published: 26 Jun 2016 at 20:12hrs | 47 | by Wilson Chipangura
BOOK REVIEW: 'No more plastic balls and other stories'
Living in this world especially soon after the turn of the millennium has been a double edged sword experience.Born frees like me might have m...Published: 18 Jun 2016 at 16:55hrs | 15 | by Wilson Chipangura
He was my Facebook friend
To befriend a world record holding criminal was something that sounded strange to me and my own.That when I realised it after being summoned f...Published: 29 Sep 2015 at 23:05hrs | 8 | by Wilson Chipangura
Murder mystery: The Death of Rex Nhongo
THIS novel comes with two mysteries attached, one substantial, the other superficial.The big mystery is the author's identity. Gender-neutral,...Published: 08 Aug 2015 at 07:31hrs | 8 | by Michaela Wrong
Empower the girl first before she gets married Pt 2
Taken from eBook "Sweetmother"I changed to another dress and it was a sign that we had to prepa...Published: 08 Jun 2015 at 13:06hrs | 8 | by Nomazulu Thata
Evil destruction caused by Zimbabwe farm invasions of 1999
Coleen the daughter of a Zimbabwean white farmer: Evil destruction caused by Farm invasions of 1999Ta...Published: 29 May 2015 at 16:05hrs | 8 | by Nomazulu Thata
She defied convention and broke the glass ceiling - Part 1
My name is Sister Bernadette. My actual birth name is Siboniso. I was born in 1957 in Bulawayo at Mpilo Hospital. My father worked in the industries a...Published: 25 May 2015 at 14:14hrs | 9 | by Nomazulu Thata - taken from eBook: 'Sweetmother'
Book on Matabeleland Killing fields will leave readers in tears
Johannesburg - A former Rhodesian policeman says the mass murder of civilians in Matabeleland by the Fifth Brigade forced him to quit the force and em...Published: 09 Apr 2015 at 14:00hrs | 6 | by Thabo Kunene
Extracts from the eBook: 'No evil shall she fear'
Michelle Obama was making a speech at the Democratic Party Convention towards the 2008 elections. She was talking about how both she and her husband m...Published: 21 Mar 2015 at 16:12hrs | 9 | by Nomazulu Thata
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