Opinion / Letters
US Leaders Overseeing Cites: Do your jobs - an Open Letter to President Donald Trump
Dear Mr President, The international agency charged with protecting wildlife on the brink of extinction is known as CITES - the Convention on ...Published: 23 Jan 2025 at 22:45hrs | 292 | by Emmanuel Koro
Let's respect Chivayo's right to give - if God loves a cheerful giver, who are we to hate him - A call for respect and integrity
Dear Zimbabweans, It is disheartening to witness the unjust and unfounded criticism aimed at Sir Wicknell Chivayo, one of the world's most gen...Published: 18 Jan 2025 at 11:29hrs | 433 | by Maxwell Haitengeswinyika Teedzai
Open Letter to Mr Songezo Tshabangu
Sir good morning and Compliments of the new season. We hope you had a wonderful year, 2024, and you will also have a great year ahead 2025....Published: 14 Jan 2025 at 12:56hrs | 536 | by Cosmas Ncube
CG please bring sanity on our roads
Commissioner General Mutamba Zimbabwe Republic Police Police General Headquarters Harare Zimbabwe Dear Commissi...Published: 06 Jan 2025 at 12:12hrs | 6739 | by Engineer Jacob Kudzayi Mutisi
First Zimbabwean Billionaire not recognised in Zimbabwe
His Excellency Emmerson Mnangagwa President of the Republic of Zimbabwe Presidential Office Munhumutapa Building Samora Machel Ave ...Published: 27 Dec 2024 at 17:37hrs | 2984 | by Engineer Jacob Kudzayi Mutisi
Open Letter: Meikles Board of Directors
Board of Directors Meikles Limited Block 4 Tendeseka Park Renfrew Road & Samora Machael Eastlea South Harare Zimbabwe ...Published: 19 Dec 2024 at 12:32hrs | 407 | by Engineer Jacob Kudzayi Mutisi
Open Letter: Zimbabwe Football Association (ZiFA)
Zimbabwe Football Association (ZiFA)66 Bishop Gaul AvenueMilton ParkHarare,ZimbabweDear ZiFA selection Committee,I...Published: 14 Dec 2024 at 23:12hrs | 870 | by Jacob Kudzayi Mutisi
Massive corruption at Zvishavane town council
Dear Editor, Please publish this exposé which involves the Zvishavane town planner who is selling public roads to business people without ful...Published: 09 Dec 2024 at 18:55hrs | 641 | by Concerned Zvishavane Resident
ZANU PF members should Embrace Our Constitution
Dear Members of ZANU PF, Today, I write to you not just as a fellow Zimbabwean but as someone who deeply believes in the promise of our great ...Published: 23 Oct 2024 at 19:29hrs | 134 | by Engineer Jacob Kudzayi Mutisi
Open letter to President Mnangagwa
His Excellency Emmerson Mnangagwa President of the Republic of Zimbabwe Dear President Mnangagwa, I hope this letter finds you...Published: 08 Oct 2024 at 09:55hrs | 1458 | by Engineer Jacob Kudzayi Mutisi
A letter to my son
Dear Benaiah, Your uncle told me about how excited you are after finding the life partner of your dreams. I was also thrilled to learn that sh...Published: 27 Sep 2024 at 23:06hrs | 516 | by Mthokozisi Gwizi
An Open Letter to Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube
Dear Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube,As you navigate the complexities of Zimbabwe's economic landscape, a pressing matter deserves your urgent a...Published: 27 Sep 2024 at 22:51hrs | 845 | by Engineer Jacob Kudzayi Mutisi
Open letter: School of Infantry, Mbalabala
Dear Sir/Madam, I attended St Stephen's College in Balla Balla (as it was then) in the early 1970's. The school clo...Published: 22 Aug 2024 at 10:21hrs | 928 | by Dr Christopher Hunn
Paul Siwela's letter to President Mnangagwa - Buying chiefs not just nor sustainable to resolve Matabele grievances
The President of Zimbabwe Munhumutapa Building Harare Zimbabwe 28th July 2024 Ref: PresZim/07/28/24 Attention: Emm...Published: 16 Aug 2024 at 07:15hrs | 1460 | by Paul Siwela
Open letter to SADC
Beloved SADC, It is with a heavy heart as I write this letter to you.Firstly, in what capacity are you bestowing the Chairmanship of S...Published: 06 Aug 2024 at 18:03hrs | 1436 | by Leonard Koni
Open letter to Rutendo Matinyarare
Dear Rutendo, We have reviewed your recent statements and the article in Bulaway...Published: 20 Jul 2024 at 14:24hrs | 333 | by Zem
Opposition parties should unite to fight ZANU PF - Komichi
Dear Comrades, It is very v...Published: 13 Jul 2024 at 23:22hrs | 123 | by Morgen Komichi
Open letter to Martin Rushwaya : Urgent Concern Regarding Corruption and Mismanagement at the Ministry of Environment
The alarming state of affairs at the Ministry of Environment, Climate, and Wildlife under the leadership of Permanent Secretary Prof. Prosper Matondi ...Published: 08 Jun 2024 at 13:37hrs | 340 | by Environmentalist
Mnangagwa should resign immediately as Zimbabwe President
It is appalling that the president of Zimbabwe has failed and Zimbabwe is going to take ages to come back from its knees. Does the young generation ha...Published: 03 Jun 2024 at 12:11hrs | 37 | by Noma Mpofu
Open Letter to President Mnangagwa to Commission an Inquiry into Redcliff Municipality
Dear President Mnangagwa, It was with such great pleasure and a long overdue move that we learned of Your Excellency's instituting a Commissio...Published: 17 May 2024 at 14:09hrs | 13 | by Tendai Ruben Mbofana
Revised Starlink Policy for Sustainable Growth - A dedication to Eng. Chemist Siziba
Honorable Minister of Information Communication Technology, Postal and Courier Services, all protocols o...Published: 23 Mar 2024 at 07:04hrs | 64 | by Robert Ndlovu
First mutual robs client
Dear Editor,...Published: 09 Mar 2024 at 13:21hrs | 10 | by Chikaraito Sithole
Open letter to Minister Barbara Rwodzi
Dear Minister Rwodzi and esteemed CEO of the Zimbabwe Tourism Association,I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I writ...Published: 16 Dec 2023 at 05:57hrs | 10 | by Aldrin Ncube
ZESA for something at Ngundu BC
Dear Editor Ngundu residents have seen it all in the hands of ZESA Rutenga. The residents have suffered enough and have now nowhere to run to....Published: 12 Dec 2023 at 22:59hrs | 12 | by Ngundu Resident
Our natural resources are our taxes
Dear Finance Minister, Prof Mthuli NcubeSurely, why the 1% property tax, let us tax our minerals. Zimbabwe is considered rich in mineral...Published: 09 Dec 2023 at 14:15hrs | 19 | by Engineer Jacob Kudzayi Mutisi
Open Letter to City Mayors: Reintroduce the spraying of places where mosquitoes breed
A letter to Bulawayo Mayor/Harare Mayor/Gweru Mayor/Mutare MayorYour honor, can you please reintroduce the spraying of places where mosquitoes...Published: 26 Nov 2023 at 11:06hrs | 20 | by Njabulo
Hats Off to Zimbabwean Teachers, the Embassy and other Zimbabweans in Rwanda for Standing With the Warriors
Dear Editor Allow me to salute the Zimbabwean teachers seconded to Rwanda (other Zimbabweans in Rwanda) for gallantly supporting the Warriors ...Published: 20 Nov 2023 at 09:50hrs | 17 | by Cde Joe
Three men appear in Binga Magistrate Court on murder charges
Three individuals, namely Nkosiyenzelwa Masuku (aged 50), Simpto Ncube Watson (aged 28), and Cosmas Ncube, also known as Nkomazana (aged 40), all hail...Published: 09 Nov 2023 at 19:21hrs | 19 | by Peter Matuka
Corruption by a school head in Makoni
Dear Editor, As parents of children at Magura Secondary School in Makoni North, Manicaland province we are not happy with misuse of funds ...Published: 09 Nov 2023 at 19:02hrs | 26 | by Disgruntled Parents
Open letter to Home Affairs Minister Kazembe
Dear Honourable, Minister Kazembe Kazembe l wish to express my disappointment to you as the minister in charge of the Ministry of Home Affairs...Published: 06 Oct 2023 at 15:04hrs | 7 | by Disgruntled citizen
Dear SADC - CCC now invents false excerpts from the Mumba SADC Preliminary report
Dear SADC,DESPERATE CCC NOW INVENTS FALSE 'EXCERPTS' FROM THE MUMBA SADC PRELIMINARY REPORTThis reply to the above post by the CCC off...Published: 03 Oct 2023 at 18:58hrs | 9 | by Jonathan Moyo
Invitation for investors to invest in Somaliland
Dear Investors, On behalf of the Government of Somaliland, I am humbled and honoured to cordially invite you to explore the immense investment...Published: 03 Oct 2023 at 09:53hrs | 31 | by Mohamed Osman Saed
An open letter to Chamisa and the CCC
This letter serves to advise you sir and your party to choose the candidates who represent your party in councils and parliament diligently, failure t...Published: 02 Oct 2023 at 07:57hrs | 8 | by Thandolwenkosi Mnyukhi
Candidates Intimidating the electorate must be disqualified
Dear President Mnangagwa and Mrs Chigumba, A video of a Zanu PF candidate intimidating villagers, telling them that they will be issued with v...Published: 16 Aug 2023 at 14:29hrs | 23 | by Kennedy Kaitano
What if Kasukuwere has been sneaking in and out of the country fearing for illegal arrest?
Dear Comrade Ziyambi Ziyambi, When he was confronted by a situation which he felt posed a security threat to his life, fired Vice-President Co...Published: 07 Aug 2023 at 19:53hrs | 25 | by Kennedy Kaitano
Mnangagwa pretends to preach peace while unleashing his thugs to terrorise villagers without being arrested
Dear SADC, SADC Parliamentary Forum, African Union and Pan African Parliament, In another unspeakable act of terrorism, a Zanu PF official is ...Published: 04 Jul 2023 at 16:17hrs | 22 | by Kennedy Kaitano
Mnangagwa cannot win any leadership position in a fair and open political process
Ex-cabinet minister Saviour Kasukuwere has written the following open letter to Zimbabweans as he prepares to return home for a run to be president:...Published: 19 Jun 2023 at 18:13hrs | 11 | by Saviour Kasukuwere
'One year under arbitrary detention in my oppressor's prison'
Chikurubi Maximum Security PrisonChikurubi FarmHarareTo My DEAR Zimbabweans,Regional and Worldwide FriendsWhere ever t...Published: 14 Jun 2023 at 12:24hrs | 10 | by Job Wiwa Sikhala
Husband impregnates entire wedding party
Please hide my ID am woman of 3 aged 32 in a good marital house that has since been shaken. Am devastated to learn that all my former wedding maids ha...Published: 13 Jun 2023 at 10:52hrs | 19 | by Staff reporter
We are in this together: A Response to Israel Dube's article
As a proud African, it pains me to read Israel Dube's article on Bulawayo24 promoting racis...Published: 07 Jun 2023 at 13:53hrs | 9 | by Kumbirai Thierry Nhamo
Open Letter to Senator Monica Mutsvangwa
Mr. Kennedy Chokuda Clerk of Parliament Parliament of Zimbabwe Dear Mr. Chokuda,We kindly request you deliver the attached let...Published: 06 Jun 2023 at 21:36hrs | 9 | by Zimbabwe Diaspora Vote Initiative
Petition to The Minister of Primary and Secondary Education
Editor please publish our petition to the Minister of Primary and Secondary education for our pupils are not attending school due to the interference ...Published: 29 May 2023 at 22:58hrs | 11 | by Parents/Guardians - Murowa School
Truthfulness is a sacred trust and lying is a betrayal.
The Editor, I find it difficult to believe that three months before the elections, the main opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) pol...Published: 23 May 2023 at 14:59hrs | 8 | by Sam Wezhira
Latest on Murowa School saga as Provincial Minister flexes his political muscles
Dear ZimbabweansScandalous! That's the only word to sum up the action taken by the Provincial Minister in a case between parents and a teachin...Published: 09 May 2023 at 12:22hrs | 10 | by Disgruntled parents
School deserted as parents withdrew their children
Dear Minister of EducationWe, parents of pupils attending Murowa School in Zvishavane district write I form you that with immediate effect we ...Published: 08 May 2023 at 15:44hrs | 9 | by Concerned Parents
Zimbabwe Eelections Commission must explain this?
Dear SADC Electoral Advisory Council, A few days after concluding your pre-election assessment mission to Zimbabwe, the Zimbabwe Elections Com...Published: 24 Apr 2023 at 07:31hrs | 25 | by Kennedy Kaitano
Response to Bulawayo24 letter purporting to be from GALZ
Dear Editor, GALZ, An association of LGBTI people in Zimbabwe has been recently informed of a fabricated letter circulating online and on sele...Published: 06 Apr 2023 at 22:46hrs | 18 | by GALZ
Open Letter: Mine loses millions worthy of diamonds as workers engage in illicit diamond panning
Dear, Some "lucky" Murowa Diamonds Mine workers have become rich overnight after a well-orchestrated and carefully executed diamond stealing p...Published: 26 Feb 2023 at 11:04hrs | 20 | by Concerned Murowa Resident
Letter to the President of Zimbabwe
His Excellency The President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, I just do not understand why our Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) Commissioner General (CG) is...Published: 09 Dec 2022 at 09:37hrs | 18 | by Engineer Jacob Kudzayi Mutisi
Mukanya's open letter to Mnangagwa
DEAR President MnangagwaMy name is Thomas "Mukanya" Mapfumo the Chimurenga Music King. I am writing to you at this desperate hour to give you ...Published: 25 Nov 2022 at 05:11hrs | 7 | by Doctor Thomas Mapfumo
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