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Zimbabwe arts in diaspora

by Jamela Vodloza
13 Mar 2015 at 07:32hrs | Views
1.    Trip : Meet The Artists Tour by Future Moyo (Rainbow Province Arts –Festival Director & Usungulo Arts founder)
Contacts: , Cell: +27603352552
It was a trip which I thought will be a good adventure as a Festival Director to meet the artists in diaspora after realising their low participation in home activities. The main objective was to meet them and have more insight on their views and plights so that we as Arts practitioners can pave a strategic way forward with them. In the end as Festival organisers we would like to accommodate as many artists as possible but unfortunately some are not well informed, others face financial constraints. Hence establishing a good connection with them will keep them updated about the developments at home and funding opportunities that can be exploited in their works and travelling, like Culture Fund Of Zimbabwe trust grants and Hivos logistics cover.

2.    General observations:
a)    Most artistes operate without arts associations hence bear legal consequences
b)    Most artistes lack funding and even information about the procedures to meet potential funders like Culture Fund of Zimbabwe Trust
c)    Art has turned a lucrative business in Mzansi as compared to Zimbabwe hence others discover their talent along the way in search for greener pastures
d)    There is little interaction between artists at home and those in diaspora hence a need for the establishment of such a network
e)    Although piracy is everywhere but live performances pay off as the community supports the events by buying tickets in bulk
f)    There are a lot of talent that lacks exposure back home
g)    The media lacks instant updates about the arts activities taking place

3.    Izinkanyezi Zezulu album launch : 07 March 2015 (Third album)
•    It was a success, tickets at R30.00 each were sold out, and the Hilbrow Theatre hall was fully packed.
•    Other groups that shared staged numbered to 25.
•    The Hilbrow Theatre turned out to be a micro Matabeleland scenario…it was nice to hear people speaking in their home language
Brief about Izinkanyezi Zezulu:
The Imbube / Isicathamiya specialising group started in 2010 , its founder members were drawn from Impumelelo Shining Stars (Zimbabwe –Felabusi), the group has grown to even accommodate members from other districts and provinces. Their debut album was Emthethwandaba in 2011 followed by Bekezela in 2012 then now Liyothethwa Icala 2015. They were once nominated in the SATMA awards . the group has produced big names like IzinjaZiyamluma who has gone solo.
Among other groups the following thrilled the audiences:
a)    Amabhubesi
b)    Abafana bako Godlwayo
c)    Abafana baka Mzilikazi
d)    Imbizo messengers
e)    White umfolosi
f)    Zinja ziyamluma
g)    Monica
h)    Extra family cat
i)    Tsholotsho kings
j)    Amabhukudwa
k)    Mehlokazulu
l)    Ama chosen
m)    The Apostle of Jesus Christ choir
4.    Upcoming : Saturday meeting
After some briefings by Future Moyo following the Book launch by Abalobi Bakithi and Album launch by Izinkanyezi Zezulu artists then requested for a meeting on 14 Saturday whereby the presentation will be granted more time as it appeared to be good news to them. Therefore a meeting shall be convened at Hilbrow Theatre from 11 Am-2Pm.
The main issues to be touched
•    Importance of participation in festivals
•    Importance and registration of arts Associations
•    Communication link with NACZ and other stakeholders back home
•    Professionalisation of arts
•    Marketing strategies

5.    New production coming: produced by Future Moyo
Currently I have engaged Izinja ziyamluma , Abafana baka Dodlwayo, Bashimane Mothusi(Madlela comedian) in a dance-drama production that will also see the fusion of Ebony arts (Gwanda dance group) and Lucas Sithole (Mzansi wheel-chair tennis champion) in a no boundaries productions. The production will also produce a documentary on praise poetry (with full package of interpretation, history and live performance) that will serve as a teaching aid in learning institutions. In this production poets from Mat. South will show what they are made of , these include Lerato Ndlovu-Nqindi Omnyama, Comfort Ndovu-Imbongi Yohlangu (from Zonda Mthakahi Group), Future Moyo-Jamela-The People's Poet and Clifford Moyo-Vumabalanda. Research has been completed on Oral literature via consultations with UZ Department of African languages lecturers like Progress Dube, Dr. Eventhough Ndlovu , Lupane State University Performing Arts Lecturer Cletus Moyo and the University of Johannesburg Social Research institute. Therefore the gaps have been realised and it's now time to answer the academic puzzling questions from a performing art perspective. I personally passed through that department during my years at UZ, I once taught literature at High schools and I know exactly what the literature departments/ fields lack, hence I am now giving solutions. After this documentary has been released teachers will like teaching praise poetry in schools, people will know their history, culture will be revisited in its original context and contrasted with the contemporary life, female poets will rise , the now installed chiefs will have space in the modern history and people will not hide their identities anymore .
All these productions will feature in the oncoming Rainbow Province Arts Festival edition scheduled for 8-10 October in Gwanda. The edition promises more fireworks and depth as it will engage more artists nationwide and across borders.

6.    Bhadila- (real name: Gift Lehlogonolo Ndlovu)
Bhadilah is set to launch his debut album in Beit-Bridge on 04 April 2015. The album entitled African Child is an eight track dancehall thriller. The 18 year old Bhadilah boy ( graduate from J.Z.Moyo High School) says music is part of his DNA as his sisters Amanda and Akhona have also rocked the audiences with their music. The first album lacked funding and most of the activities that demanded money directly drained his pocket , thanks to family members who supported him.
He can be Contacted on the following numbers :
 +263 774897111, or his manager : +27 603577788

Next is: outcome of the meeting and festival preparations.......
Thank you for your support, asokwami, asokwakho, asokwabo kodwa ngokwethu sonke!!!!!!!!!!!!

JAMELA contacts

Source - Vodloza Jamela