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WATCH: Looking For Mercy - Zimbabwe Documentary - Real Stories

by youtube
27 Jan 2017 at 16:02hrs | Views
At the age of eight, filmmaker Robyn Paterson greeted Comrade Robert Mugabe with flowers as he stepped from a plane at a Zimbabwe air-force base.

She and her best friend, Mercy, were poster children for the new Zimbabwe. Robyn as pale skinned as Mercy was dark, the girls were a symbol that all was well in the independent nation. But it was not. Only a few miles away, Mercy's Matabele tribespeople were being massacred by Mugabe's special forces.

A generation later, Robyn begins a high-risk ground search across Zimbabwe - desperate to know what has happened to her friend. Along the way she faces the dangers of filming in a country hostile to media, the shock of what is still going on behind closed doors, and the stark differences that she and Mercy have come to symbolize.

A gripping, heart-wrenching, and very different look at the Mugabe era.

Source - youtube