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'I was run over by 2 cars in an accident' Byo artist Pronix opens up

by Mandla Ndlovu
05 May 2022 at 16:45hrs | Views
Bulawayo based Afro Jazz sensation Pronix (real name Prosper Ndebele) was run over by two cars during an accident that almost left him crippled for life.

The artist who was brought to prominence by the then Bulawayo's top record label Amavulindlela Ulyimate Records led by Shephard Dube has been hit by hard times after the accident but has vowed that he is going back to the studio.

Read his narration of the accident below:

I was walking with a friend around 11pm close to midnight, we were coming from wambro mansion 3rd ave and  main street, as I was crossing the street from Zuva garage somewhere in my mind I thought my friend was checking the left side while I was checking the right side, by the time I chose to turned to the right my friend had already ran across and  a just car came and hit me, I remember my back crushing into the bonnet literally pushing the air out of my lungs and  I had to pull it back into my lungs, then I rolled off and  fell on the ground, I tried to stand up quick, but I realized my leg was gone, when I tried to stand up it just collapsed so I just laid there in the middle of the streets. The car that hit me parked on the side for a few seconds as my friend was running towards the car, it drove off, so I yelled to my friend "Get the number plate" but he couldn't make it out, im not too sure but I think the car was a runex.

As I was laying on the street I asked my friend to carry me to the side of the road before another car comes, but he said "Stay there for now and  I'll stop the cars", a group of guys from the taxi rank were now coming to my rescue, as they were about to carry me out of the road, another car came racing my friend tried to stop it with hand signals but the guy just flashed his lights and  kept speeding.

 So everybody that had surrounded me just scrambled and  left me on the road. Somehow I flipped myself over trying to move out the way but I left my arm in the way and  the car ran over it. I felt the bone crack after that I couldn't feel my arm anymore, I really thought my arm was totally gone so I used my other hand to feel it and  realized it was still attached to my body but it was just numb. The whole thing was like a movie.

Another car came stopped and  switched hazards to block the traffic in the lane and  the guy called the ambulance and  I was taken to the hospital, I was conscious the whole time and I remember people saying "Two cars his never going to survive"

The next few months after that were a nightmare, it was really a dark time for me, 8 months I was in a wheelchair and  I was almost helpless I couldn't even feed myself, but in time I recovered, I am still here,  I am still alive, I can walk and  use both my arms. I owe it all to god, my mother, my father and a couple of friends that came to visit and  keep me company.

Source - Byo24News